Donnie Darko and US Political Ideology

glh5 wrote:
What's even more scary is that the political left in the United States is virtually non-existant.

That powerpoint is a perfect example. Liberalism is considered "left" only in the United States. In all other parts of the world liberals are considered center right. The real left is socialism (mostly), communism and marxism, which are not even shown on that powerpoint (LOL).

glh5 wrote:
What's even more scary is that the political left in the United States is virtually non-existant.

That powerpoint is a perfect example. Liberalism is considered "left" only in the United States. In all other parts of the world liberals are considered center right. The real left is socialism (mostly), communism and marxism, which are not even shown on that powerpoint (LOL).

Those facets of left you listed are not useful to gain popularity in the US for historical and cultural reasons I guess.
Communism doesn't work. It looks good on paper, but it fails on many levels.

No check and balances. Leaders are suppose to lead by example and not be corruptible. Never going to happen.

Everyone is equal. The brain surgeon is the same as the ditch digger. Nope. They are only equal under the law. The best example of this is take the ingredients to make an apple turnover.

Bad cook ruins the product and you have a net loss.
Good cook makes a good turnover and you get value for value.
Take a great chef and creates a masterpiece. Value added beyond the original ingredients.

Communism says that doesn't matter. But it does.

And while China claims to be communist, they are in fact Totalitarian.
Moonyu wrote:
Communism doesn't work. It looks good on paper, but it fails on many levels.

No check and balances. Leaders are suppose to lead by example and not be corruptible. Never going to happen.
This is indeed the main problem with "European leftism" — the failure to provide security, which I mean from a pseudo-IT perspective. A lot of the same principles which apply to information technology — especially insider threats, such as separating powers and rotating jobs — also apply to government. It's important to prevent malicious users from exploiting the system.

That said, I don't believe the weak security of communism is a fundamental flaw. Do democracy or republicanism, on a fundamental level, include checks and balances? No; they are something which was added afterwards (although republicanism heavily implies regular elections, which is a form of job rotation). In the same way, it is theoretically possible to harden even a far-left system. I believe this is what communism was trying to do with socialism; it has failed; this does not necessarily mean it will always fail.

Not that I'm particularly rooting for it. I'm just saying that's what people with these kinds of political ideas should be thinking about — how to secure their system.
Nightmare90 wrote:
I disagree with a direct democracy fueled by modern information technology. The thought that the overall population might vote in critical situations for the "best" outcome is fear inducing to me. One can never supply enough information in advance to a vote to prepare the population for decisions experts should discuss in the first place.
I agree on the value of expert opinion. However, the question is: are politicians themselves really the experts, or are they simply another regular person who selects experts to listen to? And, do politicians have significantly better access to such experts in the age of the Internet? Let's not confuse expertise with prejudiced confidence. Perhaps when it comes to how valuable a politician truly is, how expert they are... maybe you are wearing rose-colored glasses.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 5, 2014, 11:18:22 AM
I like how, from the sentence 'socialism (mostly), communism and marxism' everyone focuses so heavily on the word communism...

And if THAT doesn't tell you something... nothing will...
glh5 wrote:
What's even more scary is that the political left in the United States is virtually non-existant.

That powerpoint is a perfect example. Liberalism is considered "left" only in the United States. In all other parts of the world liberals are considered center right. The real left is socialism (mostly), communism and marxism, which are not even shown on that powerpoint (LOL).

Not sure how I am supposed to understand your post. It's scary that there are no communist parties in the US? I find that statement interesting as someone who lived in communism and experienced it first hand. Please elaborate about what scares you exactly.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Moonyu wrote:
Communism doesn't work. It looks good on paper, but it fails on many levels.

No check and balances. Leaders are suppose to lead by example and not be corruptible. Never going to happen.
This is indeed the main problem with "European leftism"

European Leftism has very little to do with communism.

The fact that you quote a sentence about communists and immediately reply with 'the problem with European Leftists' does nothing more than prove how little you know about the subject.

To which I'm amazed you then wrote so much...

Not sure how I am supposed to understand your post. It's scary that there are no communist parties in the US? I find that statement interesting as someone who lived in communism and experienced it first hand. Please elaborate about what scares you exactly.

Please elaborate on why you deny its existence just because you had a bad experience with it.
cronk wrote:

Not sure how I am supposed to understand your post. It's scary that there are no communist parties in the US? I find that statement interesting as someone who lived in communism and experienced it first hand. Please elaborate about what scares you exactly.

Please elaborate on why you deny its existence just because you had a bad experience with it.

What? glh5 wrote that, not me. I have no idea if there is a "real" left in the US so I asked for clarification because his post is confusing to me and I have no idea what he's trying to say.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
I did not write about socialism as I don't have enough knowledge of the tenants at its root. I know what socialism means to me, but without a better understanding of it, I will refrain.

European Leftist? I know even less.

I choose to write about communism because I do know it's central tenants and know why it doesn't work in the real world.

I could write about the failures of modern Democracy, but I happen to agree with Winston Churchill "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

But if there is one argument I can not stand when it comes to governing is the "If we save just one life, it will have been worth it."

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