HowlingSlayer's Raging Army Scion // Cast on Crit Raging Spirits ~ Hardcore viable!

Hey, first of all i want to say I'm really happy this build has had such great feedback on my youtube channel and it's the first time (of many, I wish) I'm writing down my builds to public.

Can someone teach me how to make the letters other colors and things like that? It can be useful to make the text less boring and tiring to read... I didn't find out how. D:

I'm Brazilian, so the build will be translated into Portuguese in a future time.

The idea is simple. You spectral throw some times and then watch the army of raging spirits destroy monsters.

I think it's also important to add I'm testing things out, so maybe you are going to watch the videos and see that my build isn't how I explained in the "Skill tree" section. That's because the theory part has evolved.

Items necessary for this build:


A dagger with the highest crit chance you can get. Everything else is ignorable. You can go after resistances and attack speed, but you don't need it that much.

That's the only MUST on the build. Everything else is up to you.

Not exactly a MUST, but really makes your life easier. Any 5L with the right socket colors would do just fine.

Again, not a MUST, but really increases your survivability, since you'll be spectral throwing for much further.

This item is amazing. REALLY amazing. Auras are very useful when using minions.

The rest is up to you, armor, ES, evasion, HP, resistances. "Whatever floats your boat, man".



Spectral Throw in my opinion is the BEST skill for Cast on Critical, since it hits the mobs two times (when it goes and when it returns) and also because you can shotgun enemies if you hit them from the right distance, giving you a lot of hits. Even more, it's ranged, so it's safer.
DON'T level it up. You won't deal any physical DPS anyway, it's just gonna increase de mana cost for nothing. And more, attacking reflect mobs deals no damage to you too.

Five times the amount of crits you would do. Simply insane. You don't need to level this up either.

Doesn't work on Spectral Throw, and that's better, it doesn't increase the mana cost. It just makes the raging spirits hit very fast. The main source of dps increase.

This is the gem you would be dropping off if you're using a 5L instead of a Tabula Rasa or a 6L armor.
Increases the Raging Spirits duration. On gem level 13, it increases half the time your fire skulls will be up. This means something like 1,7 or something extra seconds. Enough to really increase DPS.

Raging Spirits, your DPS. They are small, uncontrollable skulls that beat the shit out of enemies.
I'm still kinda foggy about them, I'm not exactly sure on some points, nothing that makes a big difference, but since they're out for so little time, I didn't try out some things.
They are "untargetable", this means monster will ignore them and hit you, party members, skeletons, spectres or zombies. Even so, if a monster fires an arrow or a spell, it is going to hit the skulls. This is VERY good, they are ignored when they should so they can attack nonstop and if there's a large group of firing-spells/arrows mobs, they are going to block everything.
Something else here, they don't have a "hitpoints bar" like anything else. Yes, they have a lifebar, but they are NEVER going to be 1-hit killed. They have something like 3~5 hp, this means they have to be hit 3~5 times to die. Until that happens, they'll have already lived their whole 6 second lifes (or 3,5 or whatever).
About their DAMAGE, this is the part where I'm not sure. They deal fire damage and are able to ignite enemies, but the ignite deals a quantity of damage so pitiful that I'm don't even bother with it. What I THINK is:
They have PHYSICAL DAMAGE that scales with Minion Damage (on the skill tree and in the gem) and when they attack, this damage is checked with "Elemental/fire resistance" and "Armor", maybe "Fire Penetration".
They can:
Have x-y physical damage and n% is tranformed OR added as fire damage.
Have x-y physical damage and n-m fire damage.
I think that's it, I can't see how else their damage is calculated. GGG, GIVE US SOME LIGHT, PLEASE!
I'm really not sure yet, only time will tell how the fuck these minions deal damage, sorry. :(
Because of that, I use multistrike to increase attack speed and I try to "ignore" increasing their damage. Their DPS goes up just with attack speed in my case.
They are "ghosts". They can go through terrain, just like projectiles (Not walls). Closed doors, ramps... This is amazing. You can stay behind a door spectral throwing and your skulls will go through the doors and kill everything inside.
The skulls are very vicious, whenever they see any mob on the screen they rush to them like crazy.

GGG call those "Flying monsters". They've been added to the game with the "Summon raging spirit" gem. Maybe later on we'll have more flying monsters, this time as enemy mobs.

How to target the skulls:
Kinda hard, actually. If you spectral throw a rare mob, when the skulls appear, they'll target THAT mob, but they'll stop to attack any other mob in front of that one. I had a real bad time from level 1~35 with that, since i could just make a few or so skulls, the FUCKING NECROMANCERS would keep reviving everything and I'd usually get stuck on a necromancer x necromancer fight.
This is solved after level 40. You'll make so fucking many skulls you won't have to bother with focusing anything. The skulls will run over everything in the way.

Your tanks. They deal a good amount of damage too, but they are there just to tank.

Gotta be Tankier.

Reduced mana is a must in any build with auras, so no biggie.

Since your skulls have so little life, make them enjoy it! The good thing here is movement speed.

A Clarity gem. Since you spam spectral throw so much, you need one. I don't level up spectral throw, so the mana cost is 22 for ever. Then I leveled my clarity to 5 and don't intend to level it up more, since I don't need it.

Minions have very low elemental resistances. Very useful using one of those.

The damage on the skulls and zombies increase a lot when you are using elemental damage gems.

Unfortunately, Hatred doesn't work, since it's "weapon damage". Minions don't have "weapon damage".

Gems you might consider:

(This means I haven't tried them much, but they ~may~ work).

if you ever have survivability problems, switch increased duration for frost wall.
that will block the enemies, but ST can pass through, and raging skulls being airborne should be able to fly right over the walls

I'd say it's better switching Multistrike for Frost Wall. Then you have Increased duration walls too. I'm not struggling with survivability, but this idea is insane! I just think Frost wall on CoC is hard, because the walls are put sideways or not effectively. Still a nice idea!

Critical Weakness:
If you're struggling with crit chance.

Projectile Weakness:
Very useful, push monsters back with spectral throw.

Knockback skill gem:
Better than Projectile Weakness, but you lose a slot on your main attack. You push enemies back with both spectral throw and raging skulls. I tried it and it's kinda funny, the monster get pushed around to all the directions.

Summon Skeletons + Spell Totem:
Easymode, just drop it and monster fight an endless horde of skeletons. I prefer zombies, they deal more damage and are way tankier.

Desecrate & Flesh Offering:
It's AMAZING how much Flesh Offering increases in DPS. If you have 30 skulls out and use it, everything on the screen dies very quickly.
If you're using an offering, it's importante having Desecrate, because you'll run out of corpses to make zombies sometimes.

Freeze Mine + Cold Penetration + Elemental Proliferation:
Permafreeze everything on the screen.
For whoever that doesn't know how Freeze Mine works:
It deals NO DAMAGE, however it freezes the enemies "AS IF IT DEALT X amount of damage", this is said so that this X number can be used to put in the calculation for the time enemies are froze, that takes in realation damage dealt, target's HP...

Skill Tree

"The finished skill tree"

Let's discuss what the build ideal is when it's "finished"

-Having a HUGE amount of physical critical chance.

-Not a PITIFUL Hp bar (AKA: "Holy shit, that bitch instakilled me!")

-Having Tanky and many zombies.

-Some attack speed.

-Auras, like 3 of them on and still mana enough to spectral throw nonstop.

Some versions:

The ~Full~ Version. You pick everything to increase the skulls DPS.

The ~Tankier~ Version. You drop off some points to pick more HP nodes.

Step By Step


Up to level 30 or so:

Level up using a spectral throw gem or any other easy-leveling gem (Ice Nova, Fireball...) and zombies.


Level up summoning raging spirits with your own cast (try the Unique fire staff, it's very fun) and zombies.

Focus first on getting the 4th zombie and then getting those 3 points of hp. Then run for more zombies up there and then HP.

I leveled up running right to the crit on the left of the skill tree, and it was extremelly easy to die. Yet, my first death was on level 40, and that because I alt tabbed to see facebook. (herp derp).

31 to 50 or so:

So, on 31 you get to use Cast on crit and GMP. In theory, the build would "work" by now, but you don't have enough amount of critical strike chance to keep a good amount of spirits up. Keep the way you leveled up until at least you get the "Disemboweling" point near the Templar starting area. After that, you'll have a basic amount of crit chance. (Or maybe you're super rich and have holyshitwtfbbq items and you have already lots of crit items and can run good spirits amount on level 31).

Here you get more zombies, HP, minion damage...
Then some crit chance and that node called "Minion Instability". Minons go "SHPLOFFF". AMAZING on Zombies. If you find a monster strong enough to kill your zombies (That are going to have a HUGE HP pool), they're going to die to the "SHPLOFFF". I'm not sure if raging skulls "SHPLOFFF" too, but I'm pretty sure they do. My worry is, since they don't have a normal "HP bar", are they going to "SHPLOFFF" for damage?
Once I hit that node I'm going to tell you. :3

-(Up to level 55, i had 65% critical strike chance, just the right amount).

"Finishing" the left area of the skill tree, level 60 or so and onwards.

Another good critical strike chance node for one handed weapons, "Deadly Precision".

By now the build works just fine :D

After that, the "Polishing".


It's EXTREMELLY detailed, so if you don't need that much explanation, just see them very quick.

Up to level 63, your build is (or should be) already working enough to be amazingly fun.

Then finish "filling" the rest of the nodes. After the "circle of life", "Berserking".
Then up to the right, the 3 "Skill duration".
This makes you have 45% extra time on your skulls, that plus "Increased Duration" gem means 8 seconds-long skulls, actually more than enough. Without "Increased Duration" that's something like 5 seconds, which is just right. You could now change the "Increased duration" gem for something else, or leave it there, just to see the 50 skulls bugging your screen and making your toaster pc beg for mercy.

To the right of the skill tree now. Just follow the way up and get zombie chaos resistance/HP.

TONS of crit now. By now you should have at least 60% crit chance, more than enough.

"Mental Acuity", HP, then Haste. Now we're "done" with the right side of the tree.

Done, now you run 3 auras, maybe 4 depending on your items and gems.


Ok, so we might have a problem here. Since I'm brazilian and my youtube channel is in Portuguese, all my videos are in portuguese.
There's examples of me using the build in these videos, but I'm speaking "Gibberish". That's Portuguese. :3

I INTEND to make videos speaking in English for this build. Or maybe put some captions or whatever, but I'm not sure when.

Until then, to make it easier for you guys, I'm gonna put the links and the time when I'm killing monsters, for you to see the build working.

You can mute the video if you can't stand me speaking in a language you don't understand. xD

I'm pretty low level here, normal mode Brutus:
From 0:00 to 1:00 I kill Brutus.
Then, until 9:10, just gibberish. After that I get to kill more mobs, if you're that insterested.

Level 40. The build is "working".

The importantant thing here is that I fight Merveil on 8:00 minutes. I'm kinda sad about that fight, I have a really bad time on her. xD
At that time I wasn't sure about my HP node picking and everything else, I had like 600 Hp on level 40.

Level 50. The build is working very well now.
13:55 I'm on the Ledge, i get to 50 raging spirits two times. :D

I'm going to post more videos and update this post once I do it.

People's ideas/questions/important comments.

nightblade157 wrote:
really like the concept, so gonna try it out. Couple of suggestions:

1. if they are affected by auras, the 2x elemental auras + aura effectiveness passives (which are mostly right next to ur passive tree) will give them an insane dps boost.

2. hav u considered going dual wand with barrage+chain and elemental equilibrium with cold dmg? You can reach 90+ crit chance with a 11-12% crit wand (which are not so rare to find), and -50% resistance to fire/lightning coupled with buffed wrath/anger wud be crazy good dps.

Not to mention that with barrage, u can attack really fast without having to worry about the attack speed of the weapon, and the chain wont affect ur minion's dmg.

1. I'm using elemental auras and the damage isn't increasing that much... I'm going to test further, but I added the aura effectiveness in the build.

2. That way probably i'd have to change the build completely. It's a completely different build. It ~would~ be effective, but elemental equilibrium wouldn't, the minions hit way faster than my physical damages would, even more being barrage, that is a very shitty spell for Cast on Critical (I say that because I tried already... twice).

At this moment I'm level 59, but I'm pretty sure the build is going to work. There's no reason why it wouldn't, I spent a looooong time planning it.

If you read all the way until this point, you're awesome and that means my English is good enough. xD

PLEEEEASE, give me your suggestions, questions and everything else, I'll answer them all, add them to the build... or not.

Again, I'm very happy I'm up to level 55 with a build that is "mine". Of course it's a simple concept, but I did it all for my self, and I'm really proud of it.
Last edited by HowlingSlayer on Feb 5, 2014, 11:47:31 AM
~Saved post for the version in Portuguese~
Last edited by HowlingSlayer on Feb 3, 2014, 10:15:51 AM
~Saved post for... whatever. ~
Last edited by HowlingSlayer on Feb 3, 2014, 2:22:25 AM
Cool build! Just a couple of comments:

I've fallen in love with the Infernal Mantle armor for builds like this. It adds to critical strike chance and level of fire gems, which the spirits count as, and also converts some of their damage to Chaos.

I can't say much about your tree, as I'm a bow user and haven't looked much into dagger passives. I'm sure you've done the research and number crunching on whether it's better to go all the way to those big crit nodes or just spend the points around the Shadow tree. If it makes any difference, though, I'm running level 70 maps with only a 1K life ball plus Grace and Discipline aura. Depending on your play style, those points you spend traveling through +10 strength nodes might or might not be worth putting into energy shield? Just something to think about. Like I said though, I have no idea what the total numbers are and what works better for you.

Just curious. Why can't you edit?
Cool build! Just a couple of comments:

I've fallen in love with the Infernal Mantle armor for builds like this. It adds to critical strike chance and level of fire gems, which the spirits count as, and also converts some of their damage to Chaos.

I can't say much about your tree, as I'm a bow user and haven't looked much into dagger passives. I'm sure you've done the research and number crunching on whether it's better to go all the way to those big crit nodes or just spend the points around the Shadow tree. If it makes any difference, though, I'm running level 70 maps with only a 1K life ball plus Grace and Discipline aura. Depending on your play style, those points you spend traveling through +10 strength nodes might or might not be worth putting into energy shield? Just something to think about. Like I said though, I have no idea what the total numbers are and what works better for you.

Just curious. Why can't you edit?

Oh! I didn't think about the Infernal mantle, and i happen to have a 5L!!!

But putting that into a GGGBR is going to be really hard. Anyway i don't think it's that much idea to use infernal mantle, since the fire damage of the raging spirits is still a mistery to me... I'm gotta try it out though!

About the crit nodes, i went all the way left of the tree just for them. They give BIG numbers into crit. If i stayed near the shadow tree i wouldn't get that much of crit chance.}

I makes me sad losing so much into +10 str nodes, but without that It wouldn't get that much crit. And i have no fucking clue how to edit posts, is there a button somewhere written "edit" and im blind enough to not see it? >.>
Yeah. If you're logged in, there should be a big "E" next to your name/icon on the post.

I've done a lot of playing around with my sockets. It took me about 2 chromatic stacks each to go from GGGBB to GGGBR and back again. For some reason, having my boyfriend click the button always gives me better luck with it too.
Ok, so I just found out i'm stupid as fuck and didn't try the big E button on the side of the post... -_-

I just tried the infernal mantle... apparently the spirits aren't able to deal chaos damage... I fucking have to figure out how the raging spirits damage works... D:
Well, Infernal Mantle is out of the game, but it would be awesome.
Last edited by HowlingSlayer on Feb 3, 2014, 2:21:57 AM
Hoowl wrote:
Ok, so I just found out i'm stupid as fuck and didn't try the big E button on the side of the post... -_-

I just tried the infernal mantle... apparently the spirits aren't able to deal chaos damage... I fucking have to figure out how the raging spirits damage works... D:
Well, Infernal Mantle is out of the game, but it would be awesome.

I'm pretty sure that is because the explicit chaos conversion on the mantle will not apply to minions.
minions não é minha praia, mas o tutorial tá show!
no caso os minios são ativados pelo cast on crit?

Rockin' since 2013.
suggestion :
if you ever have survivability problems, switch increased duration for frost wall.
that will block the enemies, but ST can pass through, and raging skulls being airborne should be able to fly right over the walls.

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