A 1.0.6 Skill Prototype Video

How is that a minion? Because you gave it relation to minion supports and passives? That is a simple change and does not make a homing missile spell into a minion. Disappoint.

P.S. No really, whu is it a minion? When I look at it, it's more like some attack from dragonball with a skull skin slapped on.
Last edited by Allnamestaken on Jan 13, 2014, 3:42:24 AM
Morte is that you? But on a serious note, i think summoners wont use them because they look kinda weak just like skeletons and we know how summoners use skeletons, they dont otehr classes use skeletons as decoy with spell totem... Id say better make one stronger summon that lasts about 30sec but has a minute or so cd.
since they are burning skulls im going to assume they burn on hit like ground fire...i aam also hoping they increase fire damage as they lvl. this makes them perfect for minion instability!!
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
FireSkull :D

This skill totally reminds me of a fire version of Bone Spirit in D1 and D2.
Bone Spirit Copy and Paste .....

It would look more original if it didn't heavily reminds anybody on D2 skills.

What i like about this skill:

1) Great animation and design

2) You don't need corpses to summon these minions

What i don't like:

1) Another melee minion. This means you will still struggle in PvP from lack of ranged minions. Lack of mobility. People will still easily kite your minions. Players would still flicker on top of you killing everything (you and your minions) within couple of cyclones because you and your army are so close to each other.

What i would add, change to this skill:

1) Summoners so much need minions with ranged attack (i don't talk here about spectres). Minions who would throw firing skulls at range....or summoning fire skulls wich would cast fireballs... again, any summoner can be kited easily right now and this is sad

2) I don't know why, but atm Minion Instability and this new skills are all about fire magic or damage. This is doesn't bring a lot of utility to this class. I would really like to see chilling and frezzing effects on enemies.

3) If you still want to make this minion a melee one okay. But give him a chance to freeze or chill on attack. For e.g. - Glowing frozen skulls...Do this and we will see more summoers in PvP

Cheers all!
This looks to me like a spam spell for summoners. Since summoners pass on spell damage increases in favor of minion boosts this can take advantage of those boosts and be a viable spam spell for summoners instead of using a magic attack.

There are a few points in the video where there is a ball near a zombie but it doesn't take the opportunity to attack it. Assuming that means they cannot be attacked and that stays so for when the spell is released each ball will always do its damage and be something other than a suicide bomber (like skele). Though I do hope they have scaling health like all other pets and fire off instability when they wear out.

Also previous dev post says its attack is melee so melee support gems will probably work with it. Imagine: stick this spell into a Bringer of Rain with Melee Damage on Full Life, Faster Casting and Multistrike. You'll faster casting the spam. The balls will get Melee Damage, Melee Damage on Full Life, Multistrike, Faster Attacks and Blind.
Looks like a nice skill, how about calling it 'Infernal Wisp'.
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
HecatesLover wrote:

Also previous dev post says its attack is melee so melee support gems will probably work with it. Imagine: stick this spell into a Bringer of Rain with Melee Damage on Full Life, Faster Casting and Multistrike. You'll faster casting the spam. The balls will get Melee Damage, Melee Damage on Full Life, Multistrike, Faster Attacks and Blind.

i was just thinkin about somethin simalar with BoR. reave, cast on mele kill, summon skeletons/+this would be quite alot of fun. ^ would be a veery easy scion build.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Familiar from diablo 3

very original
Last edited by ancalagon3000 on Jan 13, 2014, 5:17:15 AM

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