Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques

NotRegret wrote:
sfbistimg wrote:
so because you post pictures of crap gear everyone just takes your word for it. Pro-tip video or it didn't happen

I'd love to stream but my internet isn't fit for it.

What would I gain by lying anyway? GGG isn't paying me to do them damage control

Ignore him NotRegret -- keep at it ;D.

Suggestion: can you link all the later log posts from the main? Following the chain around sucks.
IGN: SplitEpimorphism
Last edited by syrioforel on Dec 26, 2013, 3:38:17 AM
Notregret - you have a fan club following you. Ignore the hater losers.
I've read every word you've wrote, excellent stuff, keep up

New log is up. Act 2's soil is fertilized with the blood of bandits.

Expect more regular updates from now on!

Something is wrong (my eyes?).

The last entry I see is Commentarylog3.
Let me know when you beat Dominus in Merciless. I play solo, self-found, no trading (except for a single Sun Blast belt to mess around with a trapper that's now in his 50's) and have several characters and builds level 73+ I have yet to be able to do it. And by do it I mean, without zerg, die, zerg, die; or TP to town like a wussy 100 times until I win.
Thread of the year and probably best thread of general chat.
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
SunnyRay wrote:
Something is wrong (my eyes?).

The last entry I see is Commentarylog3.

No I just goofed on formatting. Log18 is now visible
Got a question, Is Nemesis much harder than Dom/SC? or is it just the mods the monsters get?
ManimSteamy wrote:
Got a question, Is Nemesis much harder than Dom/SC? or is it just the mods the monsters get?

The monster mods are harder however many of the mods have hard counters: some mods spam curses which can be fixed with a flask, corrupting blood is countered by a staunching flask. Many other mods are countered just by doing a certain play style (kill the rare monster first, or kill it last).

What matters much more than the mobs is that the economy is much worst. Theres a lot less good items floating around the economy because players keep dropping like flys and only a handful of us run the maps that give the good items. You will be working with much worst items: what may be considered vendor trash in SC is considered leveling gear in HC. Wisdom scrolls may be given out for free in SC but in HC they cost currency. Because people fear death the economy is also much more cut-throat and there will be way more people trying to make you pay an extra alch or chaos for something.

The fact that you cannot afford die to also changes how you play. You can take really big risks in SC because a death every once in awhile isn't going to matter. In HC you need to play assuming worst case scenerio.

You can beat softcore mode with nothing but a pile of portal scrolls since death has no real penalty (the xp penalty might as well not exist by the time leveling actually becomes time consuming at 70+ youve already reached the point where you depend more on gear than the passive tree)
Last edited by NotRegret on Dec 28, 2013, 4:38:17 AM

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