Please give us loot options

No system is ever “Perfect”. Many players have become frustrated with the current timer system. Bata player will roll with the punches but once the game goes live it will be a different story. The current timer system has some issues but is good in theory
-You clearly know what is yours
-Loot does not remained unclaimed
-Combat does not stop to decide loot assignment
-You have to stop combat every time an item drops
-Players that focus on loot over combat will gain more items
-Loot timer causes Co-op pace to be too frantic

Here are some suggestions to improve the loot system and reduce player frustration.

-The loot timer should be based upon how many monsters are around when it is dropped with a minimum of 1 second. So for each monster within a 10 foot radius the loot timer would increase by .25 seconds.

-Add a weight system to the current setup. Blue items keep the current timer, Rare X 2, Unique X 3. The same could apply to currency items.

-All assigned loot that is dropped is instanced for 5-10 seconds and then is available to all.

-Allow the party leader to set the loot timer when the party is created.

-All loot is permanently assigned to player. They are to share loot by right clicking. **TheSwampDog**

-Dropped loot with the timer will not display player name. Assigned player will see loot as highlighted others will see it grayed out. **cronus**

-Dropped currency is instanced while dropped gear still has loot timer **Thalendor**

-All dropped loot is instanced player lose the IIQ bonus **SL4Y3R**

Ignoring this issue will not solve it. Loot themed forum posts will continue and grow in frequency.

_edited for clarification and to add player suggestions_

IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
Last edited by wrathmar on Oct 31, 2012, 4:38:24 PM
This topic has been debated to death. If GGG ever decides to change it, it won't be soon and it will probably be grudgingly as they are backing their timer system quite adamantly (and irrationally, much to the chagrin of most players).
wrathmar wrote:
When I play solo I wait until all monsters are dead to pick up loot. I do not stop combat mid fight to run and grab an item.

The current group loot creates incentive to play in inefficient style. The player base is very unhappy with the current system. They woe wruld prefer options and most can think of a system better than the current wo

For example: The loot timer should be based upon how many monsters are around when it is dropped with a minimum of 1 second. So for each monster within a 10 foot radius the loot timer would increase by .25 seconds.

For example: Add a weight system to the current setup. Blue items keep the current timer, Rare X 2, Unique X 3. The same could apply to currency items.

For example: All assigned loot that is dropped is instanced for 5-10 seconds and then is available to all

For example: Allow the party leader to set the loot timer when the party is created.

Ignoring this issue will not solve it. Loot themed forum posts will continue and grow in frequency.

Why in the world did you think another thread needed to be started?

Also, when you say the player base is very unhappy? Did GGG post a poll or something? Maybe some are and some aren't.

Last, the only compromise that is fair, is instanced loot option losing the IIQ bonus.
There would not be as many posts if people liked the current loot option. I don't know why you are opposed to a change that will improve the game.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
It's mainly the same people going back and forth.

I'm not opposed. I made a reasonable suggestion
I wouldn’t want a pure instanced loot system because it would be difficult to share loot that you do not want. I also would not want a need/greed system. The current system keeps co-op fast paced but causes frustration. They need to adjust the current system or new players will rage-quit the first time a “team-mate” snags an alchemy orb.

The last time I played co-op I was more focused on loot then having fun. Every time something dropped I clicked on it like a mad man. I still lost loot due to network/mouse issues. Overall it was not a fun experience and I will not group until the system is tweaked.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
At least 95% of the map groups I've run with have done named loot.
I don't see why GGG is still catering to such a tiny minority and giving the vast majority no options/tools to assign loot the way they prefer.

It's difficult to do named loot even if everybody in the group agrees to it:
There's no loot log to see if anybody is ninjaing (or see who is doing it if one of your orbs poofs before you can grab it)
Half the loot on bosses explodes offscreen and the timers disappear in a second... no way anybody can even know who got assigned what.
6-socket/5-link/etc items don't have a timer
Items which drop offscreen often have their timer expire before anyone sees it.
The timers disappear quickly during combat, so you still have to watch the loot rather than actually play the game in order to see whose loot is whose.
...I'm sure there's more I forgot but you get the idea.

The current system is still almost completely ffa, and even more disruptive than actual free-for-all no-timer loot.
In a group which isn't running named loot (as rare as those are), if the person who gets assigned a drop doesn't pick it up right away the whole party stops attacking to wait by the item and see if they can get it when the timer expires, rather than the first person who clicks it getting it right away and then people moving on. And if something drops for someone who's offscreen fairly far away, then the timer is super long and people will be standing there waiting awhile wasting time trying to snipe the drop.
Oh and again for those of us running named loot, the timers make the loot explosions twice as bad, as the item tooltips take up twice as much space.
IGN: Jerk, Princess - the easy way to trade currency
Last edited by taekvideo on Oct 30, 2012, 8:48:38 AM
wrathmar wrote:
I wouldn’t want a pure instanced loot system because it would be difficult to share loot that you do not want.

I suggested elsewhere to have instanced loot that all teammates can see, but still with names on it. If the person with the matching name left-clicks the item, he picks it up, right-clicking it makes it available to all.
In a very grind heavy game the death penalty equates to...more grinding.
TheSwampDog wrote:
wrathmar wrote:
I wouldn’t want a pure instanced loot system because it would be difficult to share loot that you do not want.

I suggested elsewhere to have instanced loot that all teammates can see, but still with names on it. If the person with the matching name left-clicks the item, he picks it up, right-clicking it makes it available to all.

I like your right click idea it would be useful for organized/guild groups. I still think that drops would need a FFA timer to keep the co-op pace…maybe 8-15 seconds.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
Decent paced games and 8-15 second timers don't go together.

Edited for crappy spell check on phone.
Last edited by SL4Y3R on Oct 30, 2012, 12:13:22 PM

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