[1.1.0] Spectral Melter (Spectral Throw Crit Shadow )

K3V1NBP wrote:

Please Leave Feedback.

Hello there!
I have been using your build in standard to farm mats and level, I am really enjoying it, and plan to keep leveling it and star doing maps!

1. Here is the current gear i am using:

2. Here are some screenshots on my current stats.

Basic Attack:

Spectral Throw:

Double Strike:

3. I would like to thank you for this build, its really great, easy to follow.

4. I made a quick video showing the progress of farming docks. (Merciless)

Best Regards.
Last edited by SaraFabel on Apr 3, 2014, 6:34:14 AM
I have a question about Double and Dual strike.
Why does this build use Double strike over Dual Strike.
Currently im lvl 40 and Double strike does 1.1k dps and Dual strike 1.5k dps.

KuroNoKishi wrote:
I have a question about Double and Dual strike.
Why does this build use Double strike over Dual Strike.
Currently im lvl 40 and Double strike does 1.1k dps and Dual strike 1.5k dps.

Because you will be using dagger + shield later not dual wielding.
IGN: Dmillz
Dmillz wrote:
KuroNoKishi wrote:
I have a question about Double and Dual strike.
Why does this build use Double strike over Dual Strike.
Currently im lvl 40 and Double strike does 1.1k dps and Dual strike 1.5k dps.

Because you will be using dagger + shield later not dual wielding.

I'm lvl 76 now and I still use double daggers. Is it really required to carry a dagger and a shield? Won't my dps drop too much?
Last edited by Slowacki on Apr 8, 2014, 9:34:48 AM
Slowacki wrote:
Dmillz wrote:
KuroNoKishi wrote:
I have a question about Double and Dual strike.
Why does this build use Double strike over Dual Strike.
Currently im lvl 40 and Double strike does 1.1k dps and Dual strike 1.5k dps.

Because you will be using dagger + shield later not dual wielding.

I'm lvl 76 now and I still use double daggers. Is it really required to carry a dagger and a shield? Won't my dps drop too much?
Completely up to you. If you are dual wielding continue to use Dual Strike for single target if you want. However I would recommend some pretty important changes to the tree if you do this. Twin Terrors for example.
IGN: Dmillz
Last edited by Dmillz on Apr 10, 2014, 1:14:56 PM
Lvl 78 dual wielder here. Working pretty well. I enjoy the gameplay too much to quit, but it would definitely be safer with a shield. But screw safety! The only thing that owns me is desyncing bone rhoas... everything else pretty much goes, as long as you play with a reasonable amount of caution.
Last edited by mats_mono on Apr 9, 2014, 4:05:44 PM
Has anyone ever tried to kill Atziri with this build? Is it possible? What would be the recommended stats?
Hey guys - I know this thread hasn't seen a lot of activity lately, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I really liked the sound of this build and decided to try it out. My shadow just hit level 80. Here's my current gear:

As you can see I prioritized more crit uniques in my build than suggested - but my tweak was to run carnage heart to free up the 5th slot in the 5 link for faster attacks rather than life leech. I also run the atziri's promise flask for this same reason. I also made a few adjustments to the passive tree to get a bit more life since I am running the build in Harcore. I'm sitting right around 4300 WITH carnage heart and I still have more passives to get. As you can see, I'm just about to get flaying in the top left. Here's my passive tree:

All in all I've had an amazing time playing this character. Thanks K3V1NBP for the sweet idea, and everyone else who's added to its growth.
Last edited by Tyuyamunite on Jul 14, 2014, 12:29:54 PM

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