Melee changes in Necropolis?

Aynix wrote:

You are upset it las ts 6-10 seconds while you can hit once every 6-10 seconds and keep it up all the time? How the hell you play this game to not be able to keep 6 second buff that refreshes every time you hit?

You should go ahead and delve into 1000depth, so you can figure out what nonsense you just said :) TLDR: you will not get 20stacks on each hit especially when you are hitting 2b hp rare mobs. In bossing scenario due to phases, fortify wears down and you can get oneshot in that window, where you dont have it yet.
GGG remove ancestral totem buffs and buff base gems instead. It is annoying to have to press:

4 warcries, totem, berserk, banner, bloodrage, focus, curse to cast a slam

result: 1/5th of normal build damage and 1/4th of POB dps for slam build in real scenario.
My dude, game is not balanced around delve depth 1000. If you have problem that ONLY appears in those extreme situations, its on player to fix those problems (or deal with them). People are suprised GGG never reacts to those threads but why would they react when people list such ridiculus "problems"?
Last edited by Aynix on Mar 24, 2024, 2:44:28 PM
mnieradko wrote:
Rework those damn melee totems to not be mandatory buff sticks and melee will feel great. Thats all what it needs.

That's about 1% of the scale of the current melee problem. Based on the combat design and the near zero defensive tools offered to melee gem tag players, melee players are so faaaaaaaaaaaar behind defensively that the POE community is truly delusional about it.

Fortify gives 20% hit damage reduction for 5-10 seconds? Assuming you hit something enough before you are deleted by *insert elemental/chaos barrage here likely from offscreen* ? How about:

- Fortify is baked as a proc into every melee gem tag skill
- Therefore Fortify gem support is removed
- Fortify grants 20% reduction to both hits and dots/degen of all damage types
- Fortify effect is increased to 40% if you are facing the enemy as they are rearranging your face
- Fortify also grants some spell suppression and spell block, subject to tuning

Many people in this post continue to be completely oblivious about the defensive side of things in the gross imbalance present. Having dangerous situations in melee is fine IF the game provides the proper tools, and the player knows how to use those tools effectively, AND those tools don't require an insane currency investment (relative to the average caster or bow or ranged build).

You can't just with a straight face say that the defensive "tools" for a melee archetype in an ARPG are:

1) don't get near melee range
2) don't stand still

The logic there is equivalent to telling a deadeye ranger to drop their bow and go hug the boss in melee.

I played D3 for a while and the 30% passive DR baked into the barb, monk, crusader classes was OK but a lazy method that could be done far better in POE, and no I don't mean playing more melee keyboard piano like the whole warcry abomination currently present.

POE prides itself on "we don't want to lock you into a certain playstyle based on class", so the defensive support needs to be provided through the melee gems themselves and/or certain uniques or rare implicit modifiers that clearly will ONLY benefit a melee range playstyle.

At best POE provides some passive defensive tools through certain ascendancies like jugg and champ, which is why those melee ascendancies dominate, but even they get deleted all the time because they actually want to feel like a melee archetype in an ARPG. Therefore, those defensive ascendancy bonuses are also grossly inadequate.

And everything I just said is 100x worse in POE2 based on recent streamer melee playthroughs. At this point one can only assume this is the intended path and melee gameplay is one big in-house joke of "ya whatever include it in the game, but we don't care really."

This, thanks for your contribution. i'm totally agree.

And that's why some players play something else or play a different game.

I skip all the leagues now where GGG doesn't make an effort for melee. At least gladiator or some Qol, but they don't care.
And that's a lot, unfortunately.

Melee could be buffed by 300% in all skill gems and Still will be inferior to most ranged skills .

Imagine what garbage it is atm...

Most 1divine ranged builds deal more dps or even far more than mirror gear melee builds.

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Last edited by Mousa_GGG on Mar 24, 2024, 3:48:37 PM
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Melee could be buffed by 300% in all skill gems and Still will be inferior to most ranged skills .

Imagine what garbage it is atm...

Most 1divine ranged builds deal more dps or even far more than mirror gear melee builds.

At this point im pretty sure all ggg devs are high on drugs..

+1 to your post except the not needed bias against the devs :). And it is not only they deal more dmg, is that they don't need half of the defensives, they are less restricted about what to build, what items to get, everything.

Mele only has few options out of millions of combinations, and that is boring. I'd dare to say it is also unreachable for any normal player.

If they want the game to be a tower defense I am up, but it is clear as water that mele is not in the same spot as ranged/minions

Last edited by Lonesong on Mar 24, 2024, 3:56:36 PM
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Melee could be buffed by 300% in all skill gems and Still will be inferior to most ranged skills .

Imagine what garbage it is atm...

Most 1divine ranged builds deal more dps or even far more than mirror gear melee builds.

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Sure buddy. Keep dreaming.
Aynix wrote:
My dude, game is not balanced around delve depth 1000. If you have problem that ONLY appears in those extreme situations, its on player to fix those problems (or deal with them). People are suprised GGG never reacts to those threads but why would they react when people list such ridiculus "problems"?

Your ignorance shows in almost every post. It does not happen only there, it just shows there for any build. It exposes the flawed design. You can pick any build that struggles with damage and it can happen in random mapping. You ignore SSF, HC and new players with scuffed builds. Yet GGG claims the game is best experience in SSF, so your opinion about the game balanced around mapping in trade environment is absolutely worthless.
GGG remove ancestral totem buffs and buff base gems instead. It is annoying to have to press:

4 warcries, totem, berserk, banner, bloodrage, focus, curse to cast a slam

result: 1/5th of normal build damage and 1/4th of POB dps for slam build in real scenario.
Sameen_Shaw wrote:
Your ignorance shows in almost every post.

It's the same in every thread.

"Melee is bad as a starter", "bad as an uber killer", "bad at deep depths" - but it's still "just as good as other builds, even better in some cases".

Melee is fun. Melee is playable. But melee needs a little bit of love, especially when it comes to scaling, progression and regular weapon damage scaling.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Sameen_Shaw wrote:
You ignore SSF, HC and new players with scuffed builds. Yet GGG claims the game is best experience in SSF

Cause the game is also not balanced around ssf or hc, nor ruthless or extreme cases like 1k delve.
ssf is nothing but a self imposed handicap for you as the player, but yet you see people crush the entire game content within a few days in ssf even with all those so "bad and scuffed" melee skills other non meta skills that are so "bad and unusable". hoho

And I mean yea ssf is the best way to experience the game cause you actually have to learn the game and not just bypass everything by purchasing specific items, void stones or what not.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Mar 24, 2024, 6:12:36 PM
Sameen_Shaw wrote:
You ignore SSF, HC and new players with scuffed builds. Yet GGG claims the game is best experience in SSF, so your opinion about the game balanced around mapping in trade environment is absolutely worthless.

OFC I do. SSF is selfimposed hard mode added to the game only because people begged for it. Game will never be balanaced around it and changed because of it.
HC is selfimposed hardmode for sweatlords who love to use logoutmacro whenever enemy farts in their direction. Guess what, game is also not balanced around it and will never be.
I also ignore "new players with scuffed builds" because this state will last only for so long. Leagues Last from 90 to 120 days. Even if you dont play long and have only few hours a day, it will take you week at max to leave the state of "scuffed build" and enter the state of "Im ready for end game".
That is if you are not stubborn and actually look for help (guides etc)
So, once again, game should not be balanced around that but instead around well built and well geared builds. Which GGG does.

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