Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

Any plans on making the Keystone passives alter your appearance (either through cash shop or by default)? For example I was very sad to see that Avatar of Fire didn't actually turn me into an Avatar of fire. I was expecting to turn into a fire elemental version of my character:/ Also having Necromantic Aegis actually make your zombies run around with your shield equipped would look really badass.

Apart from that I really like the way the visuals are going. I've been in the Beta for some time now and the game just keeps getting better/looking better. Keep up the great work guys!
Ryukira wrote:
Any plans on making the Keystone passives alter your appearance (either through cash shop or by default)? For example I was very sad to see that Avatar of Fire didn't actually turn me into an Avatar of fire. I was expecting to turn into a fire elemental version of my character:/ Also having Necromantic Aegis actually make your zombies run around with your shield equipped would look really badass.

Apart from that I really like the way the visuals are going. I've been in the Beta for some time now and the game just keeps getting better/looking better. Keep up the great work guys!

Personally it would be weird just to implement for keystones that could be catchable with their visuals such as blood magic and AoF. But then how you think others could be made such as 'Point Blank Shot' ?
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
Last edited by BrecMadak on Apr 8, 2012, 9:51:59 AM
BrecMadak wrote:
Ryukira wrote:
Any plans on making the Keystone passives alter your appearance (either through cash shop or by default)? For example I was very sad to see that Avatar of Fire didn't actually turn me into an Avatar of fire. I was expecting to turn into a fire elemental version of my character:/ Also having Necromantic Aegis actually make your zombies run around with your shield equipped would look really badass.

Apart from that I really like the way the visuals are going. I've been in the Beta for some time now and the game just keeps getting better/looking better. Keep up the great work guys!

Personally it would be weird just to implement for keystones that could be catchable with their visuals such as blood magic and AoF. But then how you think others could be made such as 'Point Blank Shot' ?

Well there is nothing that states all keystones would need visual feedback seeing as for a lot of them there simply isn't a logical look for them. For something that is called "Avatar of Fire" to not make you an Avatar of fire however doesn't really make sense.
fccastro wrote:
Just one little thing I noticed in the open beta week.

The login screen with the rain is way more demanding and heat the GPU a lot more than in game.

I left the game in the login screen for 10 mins it got very hot.

Maybe an option to disable menu animations like LoL might be good, or just some reduced frame ratio there.

Yep, can confirm that. Got the same "issue".
alright so.. I now made the spark easier to look at. Still looks like lightning but gave it a core (glowing centre core) This is so the spark actually has a point where your eyes can lock onto. Also has more white in the core of the lightning licks.

Itll probably be in next patch so you can give feedback then. Also its less flashy so hopefully it wont cause any seizures now :)
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
ill prepare my special seizure-inducing goggles ready for this unique experience...!

any thoughts on, say, fireball or are you still cogitatin'?
Any way of making the vegetation such as the toetoe seem less stiff?

Plants moving as you are walking through them is a nice touch, but these bounce back too quickly/harshly

See Titan Quest for an example of perfect timing on the sway.
I have nothing to do with bushes? How is that an effect at all : P Yeah the current grass system was put together purely just so we had something for now.

Fireball wise ill completely overhaul that at some point. It was built before I got here and I modded it as much as possible but there was only so much I can do :P I hate its circle impact.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Hey Russel, thanks for putting the thread up.
Any plans to touch up Ground Slam at the moment?

It looks very "painted" on top of the terrain and kind of wimpy. Maybe change it to a shockwave style effect or have the cracks burst fire and stuff to cover up "painted on" look? Dust/Earth going up and whatnot would be fine too I suppose.
Last edited by ShadowyMOON on Apr 18, 2012, 7:18:10 AM
Random compliment: I really like the leaves blowing in The Ledge. They had the same thing (sort of) in Sacred 2, but there it felt like "OMG LOOK AT OUR AWESOME NEW EFFECT!". Here it just fits in and looks nice.


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