Our Reasoning Behind the 3.13 Launch Delay

kniferun wrote:
Kind of a slap to the face of the poe die hards. Im not one but if i dedicated the amount of time many do to poes league start. Just to have it pushed away so the devs can guarentee their launch bottom line would most likely bother me to no end.

And i see this as a huge ego move. Thinking you can pull this and have your die hards run back and bow in january. Big believe in the game. Which is a good thing i guess.

It was a honest statement but at the same time full of bologna.


A) those upset 90% of the time return...

B) how can it be honest if it was full of BS as you so eloquently put it?

could it be that A) you are upset about it and think your opinion holds weight (it really doesn't) or B) only you matter (you really don't).
so sad to read this, and i read the whole text :)

I can understand ur reasons.

Looking forward to 3.13 in January

Cheers Pall
Revenue Loss.
Ringx wrote:
ShadrHasRisen wrote:
Half of the player are not gonna leave poe for cyberpunk, just make a fucking poll
It has nothing to do with 50%, 80% or even 90% of players not leaving to go play cyberpunk, borderlands, wow classic etc etc etc.

Its about streamers all abandoning poe to go play . Its not about you or me, our opinions don't matter. Streamers and whales and the 1% dictate whats going to happen, always have, and always will. If you don't like it, break the wheel and let you wallet do the talking. I have.

They dont. Most are no variety, unless the league is near end or dead.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
But the commercial reality is that if we kept our original release date, we would be fucked
How can you not appreciate that brutal honesty?
Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
Well it's a good thing no games are being released in January 2021....😅

"2021 video game releases
Hitman 3 [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Stadia] – January 20, 2021
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – January 21, 2021
Ride 4 [PS5, XSX] – January 21, 2021
Stronghold: Warlords [PC] – January 26, 2021
The Pedestrian [PS4] – January 2021
Outriders [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] –"

At least if there WERE competing games they wouldn't be a first person arpg types with decent sized followings like Hitman or Prince of Persia or something...✌️
for me. i want to say TY now i might get a chance to do more in the game before a new reset.
Have you thought about the Challenge Awards you give to as MTX? They look like they have been bad and unusable since 1995 sad, but for payment MTX everyone is good, give you some armor or something like that. or better to not give to as rewords MTX for Chelenge . or do it options to delette bad MTX from characters
Last edited by Tycoon_MKD on Oct 30, 2020, 8:11:02 PM
I know it was hard to announce the delay of the new expansion and I appreciate honesty. Some people don't understand how a company works. As an old player, I believe in you and won't stop supporting you.
Maverick6623 wrote:
GGG now doesn't trust their player base to play their game. They made a choice to better their selves and not their player base. I almost thought I was reading a post form blizzard. We all go back to work in Jan and I for one will not be buying any supporter packs for this league and maybe for ever. I hope people don't let this slide otherwise they will turn into just another company and get too greedy.

How is them taking more time not thinking about their players, I for one don't want another Heist launch catastrophe and think taking more time to polish things is for the better.

As for them delaying things because of some players wanting to play Cyberpunk 2077 I believe it's a good idea. You need content creators around during the time of an expansion release as it brings more people in but content creators don't always cover just one game but many bigger titles that release. Some people do want to play Cyberpunk 2077, so just because some people don't care about it doesn't mean others feel the same way.

Companies need to think about what brings in more revenue otherwise you may as well just not develop video games as you won't have the income to sustain it and further improve the game. What you said also makes 0 sense as the whole point of delaying it is to do with the player base lol, they want the biggest player base possible and that is done at releasing the expansion at the best time.
Last edited by firenovix on Oct 30, 2020, 8:20:34 PM

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