Our Reasoning Behind the 3.13 Launch Delay

@MandrulDuce Well said dude, I didn't read many pages, but yea the bs was just sad to see.

will wait with patience, maybe try come up what to play earlier this league... usually sit there 1hr before in panic mode. Appreciate the post GGG, ty
Better wait one more month than have another trash league like heist.
Just be sure to focus more on the mechanics than MTX.
50% of the player base is just wild speculation. But even if it is 10% I understand the fear it would affect their revenue. I think it's a little short sighted however, because upsetting the majority that seem to be pretty annoyed at this decision will likely hurt more. But it isn't my company to speculate over. So as much as I disagree with it, I guess I will remain mature about it and wait patiently to see what GGG does to satiate our appetites for this game, and not a shorter "punk" version of Witcher 3, which it seems anecdotally, and not speculatively, most POE players have no interest in.
Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing. First full free to play game That I played that's actually free to play
Cyberpunk... who cares about cyberpunk I'll be playing PoE.
keep up the great work.

Any word on PoE 2... even a tease.... : )
Thank you for beeing honest with us :)

I'm sure Bex and the rest of the team will find some amazing events to keep us busy till the release of 3.13.

I do hope your alpha team wont miss anything and we'll have an amazing league.

Enjoy your holidays everyone !
Just here to voice my opinion.

I respect the decision and the reasoning behind it. Not sure if the delay is really necessary but it's no problem for neither me nor any of my friends. We'll simply enjoy Heist a bit longer while waiting for 3.13.

Also, Cyberpunk became a disaster at this point and with so many screw ups made by its developers I actually don't expect much of it. Not sure if it's such a danger to next PoE league launch, but hey, it matters little.

So keep up the good work guys and be proud of your game.
wraeclast.pl - Polish info hub
God bless you, Chris!
I really appreciate the candid messaging around this. As a relatively recent convert to PoE (I lost my virginity to Metamorphs), I've been consistently impressed with the ambitiousness of your releases and how actively you quality-control post-launch. I don't mind the hot mess of some league starts nearly as much as I would mind the lukewarm efforts that seem to be the industry standard.

Despite being very excited for Cyberpunk, my initial reaction to the delay was "well, I guess I won't play Witcher 4 until late January." That said, I want GGG to do what's best for the long-term health of this awesome game/community, and I'm 100% on board with your choice to delay.
Well of course people easily skip leagues. You do 4 of them each year. Do 3, developer them longer and test them properly so people can actually play and not be beta testers for a month link Heist, Betrayal etc.
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