0.10.4b and 0.10.5 Patch Details

Love it all! But could we possibly get another element in the game? Like wind? Might sound dumb, but I just think it would be cool. It would be sick as an aura (like wrath and anger). Keep up the great work! Thanks Chris for being so professional and updating us =D
IGN: UrName(Standard)

IGN: Mr_Freezy(Anarchy) or S_P_O_R_K_E_R (Anarchy, usually on this one now for farming)

or just add AMC93
The question on many minds about these gems are:

Viper Strike + Melee Splash = charge splash? or just damage
Viper Strike + Multistrike = 3 charges?

Dominating Blow + Melee Splash = multiple minions if they die?

Will Minions be able to use these melee gems?

Lightning Strike + Multistrike = projectiles fired each time?

Are splashed enemies going to be affected if elemental proliferation is present?

Can both gems be used on the same skill?

Are the affected skills immediate melee range only? or can it be used with leap slam, ground slam etc (will the aoe's hit 3 times?)

Cyclone affected by these?

Double strike, added 3 more, multiply to 3 for each strike making 6?

Whirling Blades + multistrike = ?????

Puncture + Melee Splash = Punctured mob?

Flicker Strike + Multistrike = 3 hits on 1 enemy in a split second or 3 teleports on 3 different enemies?

Will skill graphics take place 3 times with multistrike? (3 infernal blow graphics in rapid succession etc)

Will melee splash and multistrike each have multiple chances to hit/miss, or will it be fixed on the first hit?

and finally, whens phase run coming back?

just some questions that are roaming around, food for thought :P
State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3441741

State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3470384

State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3473629
Power charge on critical?!? Man, I've been rooting for this in the forums for a while :D I'm away now, but when I return home I expect my cold crit Witch to be more enjoyable to play.

Don't you dare nerf it too soon, GGG!!!
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you guys aren't even reading it

splash states quite clearly SINGLE TARGET MELEE SKILLS

multistrike however doesn't it be funny if it would work with cyclone and technically i think it should i mean multi strike sounds like it will have a mana cost modifier of 140% at least

the powercharge on crit would synergize well with volls right cmon 2 charges on a crit that be pretty neat and you would stack it up rather quickly
Undon3 wrote:
Power charge on critical?!? Man, I've been rooting for this in the forums for a while :D I'm away now, but when I return home I expect my cold crit Witch to be more enjoyable to play.

Don't you dare nerf it too soon, GGG!!!

This is going to be very very very good for one of the most (already powerful) classes. Cold crit.

Zeal support gem? My prayers have been answered! Thanks, GGG!

edit: I'm sure each attack will have reduced dmg.
Last edited by esotericdaemon on Mar 23, 2013, 10:33:17 PM
Cruxation wrote:
Undon3 wrote:
Power charge on critical?!? Man, I've been rooting for this in the forums for a while :D I'm away now, but when I return home I expect my cold crit Witch to be more enjoyable to play.

Don't you dare nerf it too soon, GGG!!!

This is going to be very very very good for one of the most (already powerful) classes. Cold crit.

I hope so :) Looking forward to see it at work.
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Raghin wrote:
looking forward to all 3 when they come out, we all know where that melee splash is going, right facebreaker users? heheh, aside from that makes melee much more fun with those, hope the cost on links isnt too large.

Hoping the multistrike works with Facebreaker and infernal blow, even if the damage boost is negligible or a little bit less. There's something about counting one Mississipi, Two Mississipi. etc. between attack blows that gets to be frustrating.

Last night while fighting some of the Fetid Maw, the grasshopper like beast didn't just leap onto my Facebreaker character, it did double twists and somersaults in the air while it did so. It was if the monster was saying "Hah, your already made your attack, and I know you have 3 more seconds before you can attack again."

Faster attacks isn't enough on its own, and I doubt adding Haste will make it work. Multistrike + faster attacks sounds perfect.

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
sirianstar wrote:
Also i wonder what will be the point of sporting an increased crit chance (with max 105% non quality added crit chance) gem when you can use this new gem and get +150% with the base 3 charges.....

first you need **% to land one critical without waiting too long
second because 150% is just mere 12.5% in a 5%

lets say you have 205% on a 5.6 weapon is just 17.08
unless its a dagger those come with global critical chance
(some snippage)

I'm really sorry about having to delay the 0.10.5 patch by a week.

By the way, we're definitely listening to vocal feedback on topics like loot allocation. While we haven't said anything in the last few days, there is a lot of discussion occurring internally about various options for those systems. I'll post more once there's more information.

The Daily Deals we launched earlier this week have been a huge success! We're getting great engagement with the deals and this means more content for you guys over time :)

I'm happier that you are delaying the patch to make sure it is properly tuned before releasing it than I would be having the patch come out sooner.

The new supports sound like a fun addition, looking forward to testing them out.

If your team has some armor visual effects (kind of like the weapon effects) I'd be very interested in getting some of those.

As for loot allocation - I think the new system is a big improvement and I am thankful your team is looking at trying to find the best way to implement it.

Squatting using collision is still a problem, as is ice wall blockage. With a melee character there are movement skills that could probably get past ice wall, but not much you can do with a bow on both swaps.

Hope you enjoy your visit!

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910

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