[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Mekrat wrote:

Have poe db mods for bows open now. So if you multimod it with inc. phys and flat cold you would outperform death opus by 23%...

The question is are you fine with just a flat phys t3 in that stage of a league. But you could buy a new base and use that one atm.

Only 20% quality sucks btw :p .. the new base should have 30% and than start to alt spam again...

Mm yeah maybe I'll pump a bit more investment to try to get a new one, else I'll be content with this one for the time being. And yeah I totally forgot to Quality 30 it with fossils before starting. I rarely get to do crafts as well as a noob at it. :X

Um one more question before I start investing in another one, am I better off using a normal base over a shaper base for crafting for this build? I picked a shaper base since I saw some relevant modifiers and the possibility of making a dex stacking bow. Though I'm unsure if the dilution of the unrelevant modifiers with the shaper base would hurt me more while crafting. Or does this not matter?

Thank you for your help
I would go with a base without influence. If you follow this build you are not really dex stacking at all.
what good notables to have on medium cluster jewel?
Still pondering over should i multimod this with flat cold / flat phys or ele damage.
Need to +28 quality also. Missed the 30q stuff, my bad.

my issue is would it overpower my +2 arrow opus in standard.
Hey could anyone have a look and help me. I can clear maps very easily but when it comes to bosses my barrage does low dmg. If a map is elder infuenced I can't kill the boss quickly and die a lot. I have only been playing for a little less than 2 weeks and theres a lot I don't know so any advice will be really helpfull.


Last edited by xaxanouliss on Apr 13, 2020, 1:05:18 PM
lolyndasmu wrote:
what good notables to have on medium cluster jewel?

We discussed that some pages ago. Please go back and have a look.
Emalijones wrote:
Still pondering over should i multimod this with flat cold / flat phys or ele damage.
Need to +28 quality also. Missed the 30q stuff, my bad.

my issue is would it overpower my +2 arrow opus in standard.

Than just do it :P
xaxanouliss wrote:
Hey could anyone have a look and help me. I can clear maps very easily but when it comes to bosses my barrage does low dmg. If a map is elder infuenced I can't kill the boss quickly and die a lot. I have only been playing for a little less than 2 weeks and theres a lot I don't know so any advice will be really helpfull.


A ranger is not a class which can face tank a boss. If you cannot kill the boss quickly than you have to dodge the machanic until you get the boss down.
Glull wrote:
Mswiatcz wrote:
Here is my gear.

I have a 100 ex budget. I just bought all this stuff again after thinking about re-rolling. I'm pretty sure I had a different bow before.

Anyways. Any obvious build flaws would be nice... I actually haven't really been running much, so I assume it's got loads of flaws.

You can drop two dex nodes between Blood Drinker and Coordination to connect south with a strength node. Alternatively, you can drop the jewel socket for 4 points and get a large cluster jewel for a large dps improvement. Also, your two abyss jewels are rather bad - aim for life, crit multi and onslaught on kill.
Your amulet is not anointed - i suggest Heart of Ice, or Throatseeker if you like.
Your belt is mediocre, your gloves are abysmal - get more life on both slots. You should aim for at least 4.5k life, ideally above 5k for high tier delirium without getting 1-shot.

Thank you for the feedback! I have done what you said. I also have a question about aspect of the spider. I can fit into my setup, but i'm left with 48 mana. I feel like this is decent to sustain bosses, and if i'm not a total tool, I can get by using it with ice shot.

Is there anything im missing with AoTS? Probably getting an ammy with -mana reserve on hatred will be huge.

Anyways, any feedback would be awesome, I haven't done a bow build since harbinger league

Mekrat wrote:
romaen wrote:

I am wondering if I am the onlyone with mana problems when using Hatred + Herald of Ice + (enlighten level 3) + Aspect of the Spider (ring)?

I only have 37 unreserved mana and I am oom the whole time.

You are not the only one. We discussed that topic some pages ago.

There is only one optoin to solve that in a good kind of way. There is a mod wrath has reduced mana reservation on amulets...


Found the answer to my question

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