Can GGG ever get over its speed fetish?

You are acting like all of their attacks could one shot anybody. They couldn't. The strongest ones were telegraphed, others could be tanked. A tankier character had a clear advantage assuming they could avoid the biggest ones. A glass cannon could not reasonably kill them quickly enough because they immediately spread out.

Betrayal was not a clear speed league.
the telegraphs oneshot, the rest didn't how does that encourage defense? That's the entire point :p

agree it wasn't a clear speed league just saying it didn't encourage defense because it was overtuned.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jun 16, 2019, 3:19:32 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
You guys gotta remember that there was a league designed for slower players - Betrayal. It gave more rewards for tanky characters who did not get one shot by the random intervention. The last boss was also designed around tanking up instead of a timer, I remember beating it while barely moving or trying to avoid all the mess going on my screen.

The only thing wrong with Legion currently is the repeatable bosses, that shouldn't be the case, it absolutely rewards insanely fast clears too much.

Let me remember betrayal, the best possible build was 500% ms 2k hp pathfinder farming bridges. Really Tanky huh.

That aside it's funny that the timeless monolith has such a small timer, and that the eternal conflict only lasts a couple of minutes lol.

My version of the mechanic would be as follow:

1- You open the monolith and spam the legions, no timer.

2- Each white and blue legion monster killed increase the whole legion hp by x%.

3- Each rare and unique legion monster killed gives a bonus global mod to the whole legion.

4- Click the monolith again to release the tagged legion.

This way if you want to unfreeze everything be prepared to face a real op legion lol.

Great idea, I gave up on PoE bug-fest, shit drops, zoom-zoom, after 4 years. I kinda prefer a game that has respect for its player base and has plenty of diversity along with decent drops and no gimmicks.

Agree wholeheartedly with gibbousmoon.
Last edited by raincoast on Jun 16, 2019, 4:02:54 PM
Draegnarrr wrote:
the telegraphs oneshot, the rest didn't how does that encourage defense? That's the entire point :p

agree it wasn't a clear speed league just saying it didn't encourage defense because it was overtuned.

But your two statements contradict each other. Only the telegraphed attacks one shot, the rest don't, this doesn't matter. A 4k glass cannon dies either way. There are also multiples, up to 4 or of them pelting you with attacks. It doesn't matter that they don't one shot you, a tanky character can clearly survive more and kill them easier.
Mortyx wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
You guys gotta remember that there was a league designed for slower players - Betrayal. It gave more rewards for tanky characters who did not get one shot by the random intervention. The last boss was also designed around tanking up instead of a timer, I remember beating it while barely moving or trying to avoid all the mess going on my screen.

The only thing wrong with Legion currently is the repeatable bosses, that shouldn't be the case, it absolutely rewards insanely fast clears too much.

Let me remember betrayal, the best possible build was 500% ms 2k hp pathfinder farming bridges. Really Tanky huh.

The implementation was poor, not the idea. GGG have constantly made the mistakes of making low level content have the same rewards as the high level. People farmed breaches in solaris temple or sulhpite in quarry. If the rewards were properly adjusted however the league in high tier maps stops being clear speed favorite.

Its all on them for designing the right way to stop clear speed yet promoting it anyway.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Jun 16, 2019, 4:22:09 PM
kuciol wrote:
I dont care what you like. Vast majority hated it. Individuals dont matter, like at all.

andreicde wrote:

Yeah they ended up with 3-10 million players after 15 years. What numbers does GGG boast with POE?

Correction. They had 12 milion, now there is maybe 2, we cant know for sure since they stoped posting it but thats generally acclaimed estimate based od character caunt. They started to lose players when they started to cater to people like you.

You mean people that already passed you and are laughing on how you are behind despite the fact you started with a meta build? Try harder.
andreicde wrote:

You mean people that already passed you and are laughing on how you are behind despite the fact you started with a meta build? Try harder.

I dont have to. Im not the one crying here. I have a wooping 35h playtime on both characters combined, you would have to be special kind of noob to not beat that even on auto attack build.
Every time they try to slow down a little bit they meet giant backlash. Its not a slow game, never will be. Im glad they finally committed and stated how the game will be moving forward. Take it or leave it.

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Last edited by Luca_GGG on Jun 23, 2019, 8:21:06 PM
Dam right being slow HAS NO PLACE in an ARPG hell I go super god dam dast in grim dawn hahaha.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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