[Version 0.10.7] gh0un´s Point Blank, Rain of Arrows Bowrauder

boring build.
Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
note for your build
Updated the videospoilertab with two more recent videos.
do you know if the chin sol unique bow works with this build?if it does it should be pretty good and gives knockback too
Tried your build out, seems pretty fun so far I am in my mid twenties. This is my second character and I am still pretty new to the game.

Its pretty funny actually, I saw your youtube channel and subbed to it. Then I came across this post/build without noticing the builds in your channel.

Which way would you say to build up in the passive skill trill while leveling?
After the new patch i copied your build.
My items:

i use this for not % auras.

I only found hard to get dexterity from items to use thicket bow.
And i spent 9 points to get inner force i think its a must with this build.

Only some question:

Q1: RoA always hit i see, but is it a bug or not? Will the devs change it?
Q2: After hit it rolls evasion againts accurancy again if it crits. So they might evade your crits.
Botysweat wrote:
After the new patch i copied your build.
My items:

i use this for not % auras.

I only found hard to get dexterity from items to use thicket bow.
And i spent 9 points to get inner force i think its a must with this build.

Only some question:

Q1: RoA always hit i see, but is it a bug or not? Will the devs change it?
Q2: After hit it rolls evasion againts accurancy again if it crits. So they might evade your crits.

I have never seen an enemy evade a hit EVER, PERIOD, UTTERLY NEVER.
RoA cannot miss, whats so hard to understand?
I said it like multiple times in this thread alone, it cannot miss no matter what.
If RoA could miss with crits, i would see misses all the time, since i have quite a lot critchance (and only 55% hitchance in the charscreen), but i have never seen a miss at all.
The crit/miss stuff doesnt apply to RoA because it cannot miss.

If it were to be a bug, RoA would need to be buffed after the fix, so i wouldnt worry about that.
I dont think its a bug though, i have already posted about this mechanic of RoA months ago.
Last edited by gh0un on Mar 16, 2013, 11:47:59 AM
thx for answer, now i see crits cant be evaded too.

Any thought on inner force and maybe there is a near +1 endurance charge and 0.2% life regen/endu charge can give +1% life regen witch is nice.
what are your thoughts on pams build? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/233826/page/1
kuja900 wrote:
what are your thoughts on pams build? http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/233826/page/1

Its pretty similar at first glance, here are some of the differences:
He probably cant do elemental reflect maps (he will have to lower his damage or change a support gem), while i can do elemental reflect just fine due to point blank.
With point blank i have full control over the amount of damage i do, even when i get a lioneye and increase my dps to 20k, i will still be able to do reflect maps rather easily, because i can lower my damage without having to switch supports/weapons.

He also has much smaller AoE, which lowers his farming speed, and due to faster attacks his life consumption is higher, thus making his build less survivable.
Just look at those supports. If i were to replace increased area with faster attacks, i could already reach 15k+ dps, even without lioneyes, but my farming speed wouldnt go up at all, it would go down, since the AoE of rain of arrows with concentrated effect is abysmal.
Instead of having to shoot once to clear a full screen, i would have to shoot several times to cover the whole screen (since the radius is so small).
Overall i would say, dont use conc effect on rain of arrows without increased area, it just lowers your overall farming speed.

If i were to use haste instead of vitality (+ faster attacks support) i could already reach about 17k dps without lioneyes (with lioneyes it could go up to 30k), but thats just a farce, more dps doesnt mean faster farm speed.
A more survivable character with a bigger aoe, will always outfarm a less survivable character with smaller aoe, i know because i already tried these supports (and haste aura) myself.
It doesnt even compare, vitality is incredibly strong.
Last edited by gh0un on Mar 18, 2013, 12:03:47 PM

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