Latest statistics are in and the choice of ascendancy is quiet obvious ;)

lol OP, thinking we're going to get an actual D4 announcement at blizzcon.

Inc D3 for your phone. POE is safe.
鬼殺し wrote:
panmisiek123 wrote:

And ill be honest with you. I rather have GGG working hard on balancing every class rather than releasing new content, simple as.

Thanks for being honest with us. It really matters.

I'll be honest back. I agree, but new content sells support packs, balance updates do not.

End of story.

Aaah, the good old "Balance doesn't sell". Let me give you another famous PoE rhetoric "MTX team doesn't use developers resources". Now I'll give you a new AND a completely exclusive idea and what I would even say, if I might say it in this thread as a post, which is the the pure logic of only truthest of wisdom - "Balance team doesn't use art or developers resources". Is this reality or is it a dream? You'll find out if you think, like a flower in the dawn.

You might think that I'm trolling but I'm not. You don't need to sacrifice balance for league content and that's a fact (:
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums -
Ascendency statistics means shit. All that matters in this game is Skill Gems / item interactions.

Imagine if Inpulsa gets nerfed Elementalist would drop to bottom of the chart. Or if they fix Scaling of poison with crit then suddenly you find Assassin is among one of the top classes.

How many times did you create a new build by "building around an ascendency", as opposed to finding a new interaction / trying to make this gem work? Ascendency will always be like the second of step of making a build. That is not to say they are perfectly balanced, but it's so volatile and totally depends on which skills are in the meta.
鬼殺し wrote:
Shit, d3 on android with an offline mode would be my new drug for sure. Hell, even online only.


PoE with an offline mode would be even grander...
Honestly see want to see another bezerk rework without the god awful degen.
I am an assassin, which is bottom barrel this's fun though.
鬼殺し wrote:

xpmrz wrote:
Imagine if Inpulsa gets nerfed Elementalist would drop to bottom of the chart. Or if they fix Scaling of poison with crit then suddenly you find Assassin is among one of the top classes.

I disagree with the first one -- Zerker has a long way to go before an Ascendancy that one-sided in its offence can compete with Ascendancies that are equally offensive and defensive, and I already itemised all the great things in the Elementalist's kit. How many SSF players do you think got their hands on an Inpulsa? Yet it's still the most popular Ascendancy there too.

Yea zerker has a long way to go, from Templar MoM to Ranger Dodge :^). But after that he is as fine as everyone else, if not even finer. EVEN with 10% inc damage taken and 5% degen on hardcore.

Other Ascendies can hardly do that without deficits somewhere because they necesarrily need their frenzy charges, crit, power charges and so on on the skill tree in order to get their theoretical "40% more damage" from their Ascendancy working. Not to mention that they also have to be afraid or even reroll "Enemies have a 90% chance to avoid ailments" or "Enemies cannot be taunted" maps because their "EVEN BETTER THAN BERSERKER" 40% MORE DAMAGE ascendancy bonus is asking stupid questions instead of just multiplying the damage by 1.4

And I found like 3-4 Inpulsas this league in ssf this shit drops like mad.
Last edited by The_Human_Tornado on Oct 21, 2018, 7:43:43 AM
So much for the OP's "diablo announcement"... when will fanboys understand that there's not gonna be any D4 and even if it would, it'd probably suck bawlz haha...dead franchise
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus on Oct 21, 2018, 12:01:48 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
xpmrz wrote:
Ascendency statistics means shit. All that matters in this game is Skill Gems / item interactions.

I somewhat agree. At the very least I wish they'd release *which* notables are the most popular. I got a feeling ...

Maybe I should tone it down a bit. But you know people don't notice and argue with you if your opinion is not strong. That's the internet )).

Anyway, back to your point on berseker, I agree that rage mechanics is trash. The leech nodes are indeed panthetic ( it would be much better if it is generic damage, not attack damage, since source of spell leech is very hard to fine). Savage Hit mechanics is too inconsistent. BUT man War Bringer is so damn strong, if only they were to release more support for War Cry gems, especially a way to trigger it ( not that shit Unique the Eternal Apple though), he would see much more play, because the degen would be not that much of a problem anymore. That's it. Release more support for Warcry and make the leech generic. So in a way his downfall is still largely due to lack of gem/item support for his main selling point mechanics: Warcry interactions.

The same story for Assassin: his main selling point is Noxious Strike, which is the best damage multiplier in the game. But since Perfect Agony is so trash that he has basically 2 throw away Ascendency points if he goes poison route. He has some lack of defense, but people can overcome it considering the fact that they still play Deadeye, and to some extent, Elementalist. (She has 8% reduced elemental damage as her main damage mitigation, which, translates to 200 more life compared to Assassin if we are being hit by a 10k elemental damage, 10k*8%/4=200, Assassin is immune to reflect with poison anyway. The life leech is equivalent to Life gain on hit of poison builds. So I'm sure people can overcome that if they try).

I don't play SSF so I'm not aware of people building around Ascendency in SSF. I guess it's true, to that I make no comment.
Last edited by xpmrz on Oct 21, 2018, 2:56:58 PM
Are you guys fucking kidding me? Like what is this? You write 2 walls of text each in a thread about how shit Berserker is eventhough you openly admit that you havent played him for years or ever played him at all? About how shit Berserker is in your mind experiments and how you dont like numbers?

While I, the dude who just got lvl 100 Rank 14 SSF HC IN THE CURRENT LEAGUE with a shitstain BRIGHTBEAK GROUND SLAM Berserker gets ignored in this discussion because you 2 are too busy agreeing and saying nice things to each other instead of having a real discussion with someone who disagrees with you.

So you say the leech is pathetic skill tree stuff eventhough you have no clou how hard it is for some builds to get elemental life, or even worse, ele mana leech without wasting item slots or 6+ passive skill points on useless stuff like phys nodes or attributes?

You say its so fucking hard to find spell life/mana lech right? You think its that much easier to get it as Melee, non projectile pure ele Build? There might be this little duellist leech wheel and the shadow leech nodes, but they are surrounded by phys bullshit and attributes, so have fun burning 6-7 passive points for useless shit to get your mickey mouse 0.4-0.6 ele life and mana leech instead of a crit wheel, jewels, life nodes, ranger dodge wheel or whatever useful stuff you could do with 6-7 passive points.

You know what the Berserker leech translates to? It translates into 20% max hp life regen and 20% max hp mana regen where most other builds either have none or would have like 5-10% regen with their 0.4% ele life leech and no mana leech at all. It translates into fucking LEECH CAP, 20% max life and mana regen even at 60% reduced life recovery maps with pure elemental damage ... How can this be pathetic? 6% life and mana regen on consecrated ground with Inquisitor, THAT is pathetic. 100% increased crit chance or 45% crit multiplier. 45% crit mulitplier is literally one jewel.

Is anyone whining about Inquisitor? There is not even a lvl 96 Inqusitor in SSF Delve HC XD

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