3.2.0b Patch Notes

Something is wrong after this patch.
I have like 1 beast (yellow) in 3-4 maps. 0 red. Yesterday it was like 3-4 beasts in one map.
Also ALL my crafting recipes was inactive (solved this by visiting wilds/caverns/sands etc.) - this looked like i havent catched any beasts.
Nets still cost 1 alch.
No votes 17640 48.07%

if you do to much damage use the net first ....

Merdento wrote:
I don't understand why is some people so tilted about the necro nets.

Yeah, I get it, you have no problems catching mobs with your current build, but some builds have very serious issues dealing with this league mechanics due to the way the build they are playing functions.

GGG offered a solution for those with those kind of problems, that has 0 effect on those who don't have problems, you use it if you want, sell it, vendor it, stick it up your butt... It just doesn't hurt you AT ALL. Why the fucking whining?

- Imagine your city installed ramps in addition to the stairs for the people with mobility problems.
- Imagine now a group of morons protesting and whining about it because they have no problems at all dealing with the stairs.

lifetip: Don't be included in that group of morons, that's bad.

You seriously don´t understand why we are upset? Is this a troll attempt or are you serious?

GGG has some big issues, Voici missions are not doable for summoners, but oh boy, nobody seems to care about this. And do you know why?

Because the vocal minority that has voted for necro nets, did not care one second about us summoners, but only their speed meta. Besides that, they don´t need a high leveled Voici, as they just win trade to success.

Another example are trials for uber lab. Since a year or so, we are trying to make GGG improve their spawn rates, as it is not possible to find all six in a season. I tried three seasons long and always missed one!

Why don´t we get rid of uber lab in regards of the final Ascendancy points? Ah right, because of you folks win trading trials, so that you can do uber lab, while us normal players are left out once again.

I could name many more examples for this and it just stinks. I am sorry for the harsh words, but you did not understand our reasoning so maybe now you will do.

To sum it up once more,

there are real problems in this game, problems that do not affect the reddit community as they RMT and win trade. Therefore, these problems are constantly ignored and we are called "bad, stupid", while our builds are called "terrible, garbage".

For the first time, the reddit children suffered and a few days later, GGG has listened to them, while we are still ignored day in and day out. If this doesn´t frustrate you as a customer of this game, then I do not know what will.

People feel left out, not listened to and that´s why they make so much noise now.
Last edited by Ygidua on Mar 8, 2018, 6:47:00 AM
Wertyweu wrote:
Added "Necromancy Nets"

You can also "FIX" the 6GB RAM usage please. Almost every single time when i move to any city, after 5 hours gaming start crashing.. it's just annoying. :(
3 t10 nets = 1 t11? thats crazy rare....
Ygidua wrote:
Merdento wrote:
I don't understand why is some people so tilted about the necro nets.

Yeah, I get it, you have no problems catching mobs with your current build, but some builds have very serious issues dealing with this league mechanics due to the way the build they are playing functions.

GGG offered a solution for those with those kind of problems, that has 0 effect on those who don't have problems, you use it if you want, sell it, vendor it, stick it up your butt... It just doesn't hurt you AT ALL. Why the fucking whining?

- Imagine your city installed ramps in addition to the stairs for the people with mobility problems.
- Imagine now a group of morons protesting and whining about it because they have no problems at all dealing with the stairs.

lifetip: Don't be included in that group of morons, that's bad.

You seriously don´t understand why we are upset? Is this a troll attempt or are you serious?

GGG has some big issues, Voici missions are not doable for summoners, but oh boy, nobody seems to care about this. And do you know why?

Because the vocal minority that has voted for necro nets, did not care one second about us summoners, but only their speed meta. Besides that, they don´t need a high leveled Voici, as they just win trade to success.

Another example are trials for uber lab. Since a year or so, we are trying to make GGG improve their spawn rates, as it is not possible to find all six in a season. I tried three seasons long and always missed one!

Why don´t we get rid of uber lab in regards of the final Ascendancy points? Ah right, because of you folks win trading trials, so that you can do uber lab, while us normal players are left out once again.

I could name many more examples for this and it just stinks. I am sorry for the harsh words, but you did not understand our reasoning so maybe now you will do.

To sum it up once more,

there are real problems in this game, problems that do not affect the reddit community as they RMT and win trade. Therefore, these problems are constantly ignored and we are called "bad, stupid", while our builds are called "terrible, garbage".

For the first time, the reddit children suffered and a few days later, GGG has listened to them, while we are still ignored day in and day out. If this doesn´t frustrate you as a customer of this game, then I do not know what will.

People feel left out, not listened to and that´s why they make so much noise now.
Wtf is this reply? Vocal minority?
please put player stash in menagerie
Strong Rope Nets and Simple Iron Nets now cost Portal Scrolls rather than Orbs of Transmutation.
Reinforced Iron Nets and Strong Iron Nets now cost Orbs of Transmutation, rather than Orbs of Alteration.

Thank you for this change. \o/
Well, I guess that's not too bad.

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