[3.3] The Poet's Pen Volatile Dead/Bodyswap "Shaper Down"[Inquisitor ✌]

deinernst123 wrote:
Sorry if it got asked already, but what gem do you swap in for bodyswap against bosses if you play as scion? Since you have culling strike from slayer subclass already subbing in another culling effect doesnt hold any value. Ty in advance

Throw a power charge on crit in and see how that feels for you. Body swap can be nice for some bosses if you need help w/ positioning
Hello! Sorry if i wrong but i would like to have some advanced build. )) At least for scion. Firstly-forgot about MoM. You simply have no mana after facetanking(life leech you have, but not mana). Versus this is very nice to use Haste and any 25%-35% reserving aura (blasphemy as variant with pcoc-culling strike to frenzy). Second- some crazy but! in 1 poets pen with unreath is nice to put... Fireball. It has so good dmg as Volatile Dead. It is good variant for any:and mapping and bossing. But you can just switch it on bosses versus PCOC. And yes it is fire dmg+GMP from Unearh are working on it too...And you can simply change in Frenzy SETUP GMP on Culling stike for bosses. Im hoping it will help. Scion with auras is fully true advance and what is for Fireball im not sure finally. Please say me if i wrong and what is wrong )
Edited= ah ye Culling stike in Frenzy for higher AS. (APS). ) Ah ye and i have some advice for flasks- look for Rotgut. It is perfect for any Poet's Pen with Frenzy.
Last edited by Fraudik on Apr 21, 2018, 11:31:48 AM

These are my current items

Last edited by gfuseking on Apr 21, 2018, 12:52:54 PM
Dying a lot in game at the moment, getting one shot as well by Merc Lab. Please Check my gear and give me some advice, really not realizing what the issue is at the moment.
20p and 44p links are the same.

NvM, seems browser cache issue.
Last edited by signonthe on Apr 24, 2018, 11:24:43 AM
loaded your scion character into PoB and its saying average hit is like 27k and crit chance is 27.6%? not sure if IM looking at something wrong but im trying to find a poets pen build to do for flashback league as a starter build. how does this scion build compare to other options as fast as cost/dmg efficiency? thank you for the guide

i ve been playing the build and i just killed Elder, got 80k dmg per ball but got a noobish question.
Why do you guys run enlighten support and blood magic support in the same time?
I understand that through enlighten support auras give us more mana, wouldnt we through blood magic spend life instead of mana then?
lorios04 wrote:

i ve been playing the build and i just killed Elder, got 80k dmg per ball but got a noobish question.
Why do you guys run enlighten support and blood magic support in the same time?
I understand that through enlighten support auras give us more mana, wouldnt we through blood magic spend life instead of mana then?

My setup is:

In my gloves: Frenzy - Faster attacks - Greater multiple, and Blood Magic (I take out faster attacks when I run with a support)

In my helmet: Enlighten - Herald of ash, Purity of Elements - Anger

I have 67 unreserved mana so if I didnt have BM tied to Frenzy I would gimp myself super hard after a few attacks.

Hello guys , why my damage is too low . Do you guys have any advice about my build , how to raise my avarage damage ? You can check my build from my profile by the way .
Last edited by anil1164 on Apr 28, 2018, 12:18:11 PM
Any chance you could look at my build and tell me what you think? I'd appreciate it as a new player to PoE. I really enjoy this build and want to take it to end game!

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