3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

Any thoughts on what I should do here? Is this worth crafting blood magic onto? Should I try to anul and multicraft? This is the first character I've done much crafting or gambling with so sorry if these are noob questions.
Last edited by xMalachi on Jun 25, 2018, 6:08:52 PM
chaelp wrote:
escuteiro wrote:
Ya ty i know thats the only counter but i though that maybe there was a preventfull solution.. So besides the Ash Prophet and Blackguards Firemage is there something else that can curse that? (besides chests and curse green spirits) Kinda bummer guys.. i though rf was suposed to be tanky and chill playing.. lol not really tanky and chill when one simple curse can end in a quick and premature death.. if ur not focused on the game that is... meh

If you showed your characters on your profile I can take a look and help you out, you should be able to be cursed with Flammability and Ele weak and still have no issues with RF. Something must be wrong with your character.

I took off that option, should be visable now.
Mind you that i have written that after couple of heavy hours of pure standing/trading changing all my gear/build to finally try rf, and going allin with the money i made off my dead raider, without ever trying rf, and the first map that i try i catch those flamability curses lol

Now, after playing with it for some actual time, i kinda like it. But obv theres still room for improvement, and with some more regen/hp maybe can hold the curse and no need to flask it off like u said.. Now in temple is another story, im defenitly requiring more damage for me to consider venturing on them.. speaking of tiers1/2 at lv72

PS:also got a nice doryan catalist in stash waiting for level 75(wich i think its the best uniq weap for this build!?), in wich after ill also go get merc lab that im missing

PS+:How can i tell if my EQ is working? I think i see some diference in dps after charge but hard to really say for sure.. Also having dificult making EO pop up but i guess with a crit chance gem link to it, would get better
Last edited by escuteiro on Jun 25, 2018, 6:41:22 PM
escuteiro wrote:
is there something else that can curse that? (besides chests and curse green spirits) Kinda bummer guys.. i though rf was suposed to be tanky and chill playing.. lol not really tanky and chill when one simple curse can end in a quick and premature death.. if ur not focused on the game that is... meh

If a flask with "of Warding" mod not enough, Watcher's Eye jewels can roll "Unaffected by Flammability while affected by Purity of Fire" mod.

Zyte wrote:
Can someone explain to me why the guide recommends using a 1/0 Blood Magic rather than a 20/20? Why would you not want the reduced mana cost?

You could, if you want to. It's just that the difference between 1/0 and 20/20 is really minor. The gem is multiplying the mana cost of Shield Charge, which is 8. And then it's taking that cost out of a giant life pool that's regenerating thousands of life per second.
Is Jugg the ultimate for RF? Ive never played one, and just want to make sure im not totally missing out on cheiftan or another viable ascendancy?

Ill be rolling HC so Jugg seems the best just asking all you knowledgable RF's!

HoldenX wrote:
Is Jugg the ultimate for RF? Ive never played one, and just want to make sure im not totally missing out on cheiftan or another viable ascendancy?

Ill be rolling HC so Jugg seems the best just asking all you knowledgable RF's!


I'm in HC. Jugg is pretty nice but be aware RF is probably one of the most expensive builds in HC. You may want to roll something cheap and fast to gather currency. Trying to farm it as rf sucks and my other character died so I'm stuck with it. My total build cost is well over 50 exalt right now in hc, whereas for these guys in sc its probably a lot cheaper, because everyone in sc plays 2k life mathil builds.
Last edited by isunktitanic on Jun 25, 2018, 9:27:50 PM
Hmm I’m prettt experienced.. don’t have 50x atm but I’ve got some to start a build, I’ve got a few nice rolled jewels as well as I was playing a poets pen build before I ate it to reflect.. would you say this is the best ascendancy for HC?
HoldenX wrote:
Hmm I’m prettt experienced.. don’t have 50x atm but I’ve got some to start a build, I’ve got a few nice rolled jewels as well as I was playing a poets pen build before I ate it to reflect.. would you say this is the best ascendancy for HC?

It's durable, but not unkillable. I almost died today doing a esh breach because esh showed up and nearly destroyed me. I did lab saturday with dual elemental (essences + conduits) and he was hitting me for around 4-5k with a windslash if I took it, but most days less than 1k. So definitely elemental is your biggest weakness, but you can feels phys attacks as well if you get crit hard enough, those rare vaal guys in the temple with the two-handed sword hit very hard. Honestly the vaal two handers seem to be buffed across the board, when I was running normal atziri they could fuck me up pretty good if I stood still.

It's great in that you don't care about reflect....but in exchange you have to avoid -max res, -regen, and no regen. I do -regen at -40% but any more is too much, so red maps would be out for that. I haven't done uber elder or anything yet, but this build is one of the few who can do it in hc. Check out Zizaran's run for what it's like with good gear.

I've done yellow and red elder with no problems besides shaper always dying, I can't really save him rofl.
Last edited by isunktitanic on Jun 26, 2018, 12:27:55 AM
Well i wasn't expecting this

I'll be busy the whole league i guess.


Down 15ex and just saw 1 burning dmg roll with bad stats. This is good for now i guess 'til i build up currency again.
Last edited by basti on Jun 26, 2018, 1:01:45 PM

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