0.10.1f patch and other news

Spark Spiders. <3
keep up the great work, the endless patching is guaranteed, but the product is looking better and better :)
One More Day...
Excellent work and good to hear more is on the way. I definitely feel like the support for PoE is very lively and the changes that will be made will be thought out and not "knee-jerk" like many other devs out there.
Mortem ante dedecus. IGN: Dethstromax
Just wanted to pop on here and say, I greatly admire you guys for your hard work. You consistently exceed my expectations with frequent patches fixing common problems, and with significant patches coming virtually on a bi-weekly basis. It's obvious you guys are working your asses off, because it shows. Hell, when I started a month ago, I was getting kicked 5-6 times a play session, now it happens once in a blue moon. And you know what? I don't even care, because this is a freaking amazing game that is always worth my time! <3

Keep up the fantastic work, all of you. I can't wait to see your vision for this game develop. I'll definitely be chipping in some more moolah as time goes by too ;)

Oh yeah, holy crap @ those Spark Spiders. Amazing.
Last edited by Amaraethus on Feb 26, 2013, 12:23:08 PM
Thanks for a good game !!!!!!!
Bigger changes are coming with 0.10.2 which is due next week. We understand that users are patiently waiting for fixes to many systems (melee, game performance in large parties, simulation resync code, advanced mouse bindings, etc) and these are being actively worked on. They'll be deployed as soon as they're ready, but their absence from an individual patch doesn't mean that they aren't being worked on or that they aren't important.

Which of the following is true?

-(Some of) The issues mentioned are being addresses in 0.10.2

-0.10.2 introduces bigger changes but the issues mentioned are being implemented later (when they're ready)
Holy crap that spiders. I have no words.
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
good job GGG
OH GOD now I know why I have been chosing a spork wiz on OB launch! She is lvl73 so far, my main character of course, and those spider are SICK! Insta-buy
D2 4ever ;)
Since 2011
Britannicus wrote:
KenshiD wrote:

- people with the most time will race the most and win the season

Some people with the more time but less skill might win the 7-day race, but no way simply having more time is going to be the deciding factor for the whole season. Skill/planning/practice/execution determine the shorter races and there are a lot more of those.

I'd argue that.
I didn't do bad an either race I did (earned 5 points, I could explain why not more but that would be too much here it's still 10 points in only 2 races).
But I just don't have enough time to participate in all races. I actually can only participate in one, since that's the only time I can play as gmt+1.

I work and have other things to do, but imagine me playing in ever race, always getting 5 points or even more (since I will only get better from race to race). I end up accumulating a lot of points just by that.
True people who get #1 in a race earn more points, but if they only have time for like 10% of all races, people who do 50% or more will end up with more points in the end.

I'm not saying that skill isn't involved, but if you don't work or anything you will end up getting more points than any other one, and thus be in the top20 season ladder.

Just look at Nugi, he plays all day. I play like 3h a day (if I play at all that day). 3h is at max 1 race. That means I cannot practice or participate in many races.

I myself am not complaining about it, since I know, the ones who are most dedicated will win.
I'm just stating facts.

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