[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Draco991 wrote:

Hey, Great build 151/157 Atlas 1/4 Guardians
Still working on corrupting neck/gloves for 2nd curse and slowly getting flasks but
I have three questions
1. What Jewels are better to socket Abyss: with flat phys or the Normal ones with % bonuses?
2. What is the purpose of the Phase run?
3. What should i upgrade next?

Sweet glad to hear it!

1) You can check out my Abyss toon to see what I'm using. I swap between these:

2) Phase Run: the phasing effect is quite useful during Uber Lab traps and the secondary effect is a considerable DPS boost, even at lowbie lvl, if you check in PoB, and specially useful if you are using Frenzy Charges to increase the duration, like I am. Still it is entirely optional, you can drop it for whatever you want. For example, I am not running it at the moment.

3) Steel Rings, Expensive Flasks. You don't run a Healing Flask with this build, you rely entirely on leeching. At the very least swap that Sorrow for Overflowing Chalice. Sorrow is useless for this build, we don't rely on shield for Zealot's Oath to be of any use, while Overflowing has the same DPS effect and gives you more flask charges.

Last edited by corosou on Jan 1, 2018, 11:36:31 PM
hey im at 153/157 on the atlas with this build and love it, currently having a little trouble with guardian of the phoenix. Would you have any sugguestion on how to complete it as cyclone? His AOE blast one hits me and casts so damn fast for me to move out of the way. Thank you
burnitup wrote:
hey im at 153/157 on the atlas with this build and love it, currently having a little trouble with guardian of the phoenix. Would you have any sugguestion on how to complete it as cyclone? His AOE blast one hits me and casts so damn fast for me to move out of the way. Thank you

Glad you're enjoying it!

Cyclone is really bad for T16+ bosses, switch it out for Blade Flurry and you should be fine.

No need to make any other changes, just swap Cyclone > Blade Flurry, but if you are using IAoE, then swap that one out for Conc. Effect too.


EDIT: Grab Sin's Rebirth, Lion's Roar and Taste of Hate too. You don't typically run a healing flask with this build. You should really grab Amplify too.

Looks like you're wasting 1 point grabbing some off to the side STR that's not really necessary:

Last edited by corosou on Jan 2, 2018, 1:45:47 PM
Thanks for the feedback, will have to save for taste of hate a little more and will grab a lions roar, wierd it doesnt show the extra str skill on my tree in game. Yeah I took off amplify for a little to try out a rare damage jewel since im not high enough level for both. I actually just killed all the guardians with cyclone lol stubborn me. I tried Shaper too and I should have waited for a reply before continuing lol. I some how got him to 1/4 life left before I lost all my portals as cyclone haha. Any ideas how to level a bit faster at 92 and take on shaper? ( Will be doing as blade flurry next time bad idea on my side lol)
burnitup wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, will have to save for taste of hate a little more and will grab a lions roar, wierd it doesnt show the extra str skill on my tree in game. Yeah I took off amplify for a little to try out a rare damage jewel since im not high enough level for both. I actually just killed all the guardians with cyclone lol stubborn me. I tried Shaper too and I should have waited for a reply before continuing lol. I some how got him to 1/4 life left before I lost all my portals as cyclone haha. Any ideas how to level a bit faster at 92 and take on shaper? ( Will be doing as blade flurry next time bad idea on my side lol)

Honestly, I don't ever do Shaper and rarely T16s cuz the rewards return to effort/cost is pretty horrendous and it just pisses me off making me not want to play.

To lvl faster you just want to go with a safe setup to rush trash as fast as possible and avoid all the bosses with BS 1shot mechanics.

I usually just get myself Elem. Weakness capped with a nice ring and a Winterheart to not have to worry about BS freezing and go go go:

Last edited by corosou on Jan 2, 2018, 2:30:23 PM
Quick 3.1 update...

A few videos for you guys to see what's up with the build in 3.1

First, two of my T16 Corrupted clears:

Youtube: PoE 3.1: Reave|BladeFlurry: T16 Chimera/Hydra (Corrupted, Deathless, Instaleech)

Keep in mind in the video above my DPS is relatively low, cuz they were done using my regular mapping setup, and not the single-target/boss-killer optimized one, which would make the encounters much faster.

PS- Ignore Deep Space 9 playing in the background of this video ;) I forgot I had desktop capture enabled, so it grabbed the sound from my second monitor...

Second, an Uber Lab collage of traps and Izaro, so you guys can see what it looks like:

Youtube: PoE 3.1: BladeFlurry: Uber Lab Collage

Why are we getting Knockback ? I dont understand the importance of it.

I cant afford a 6L Carcass in Abyss. There arent even any for sale with this socket setup at poe.trade lol. So im wondering if i should get a rare 6L or a 5L Carcass. Or maybe Bringer of Pain ? And if i go for a rare armor, how important is life vs high evasion/armor ?
Last edited by bernueller on Jan 5, 2018, 2:40:02 PM
bernueller wrote:
Why are we getting Knockback ? I dont understand the importance of it.

I cant afford a 6L Carcass in Abyss. There arent even any for sale with this socket setup at poe.trade lol. So im wondering if i should get a rare 6L or a 5L Carcass. Or maybe Bringer of Pain ? And if i go for a rare armor, how important is life vs high evasion/armor ?

It's if you are using Empire's Grasp gloves. They reverse knockback, meaning you suck things in. It's like perma Vaal Cyclone.

The off-colors you will have to roll yourself with 3min red craft until you get it. Not easy... Took me around 2000 chromes.

Any of the options you mentioned works fine... Life is the most important.
Last edited by corosou on Jan 5, 2018, 3:41:41 PM
so i need a bit of help on pushing my dps and life higher. i have 10 passive points to spend and about 8ex.
any advice is great as my max dps is only about 570k.
character name is “praisebejugg”.

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