Is it time to devalue currency in Standard?

I dont see how that would help anything, I dont see what it hopes to achieve, im not sure I even see the problem thats trying to be solved.

Standards trading market, the best thing about it is that people actually have currency to trade, and the worst thing about it is that people have a ton of items and dont need to trade for basic stuff as much.

honestly standards trade economy is better than that of leagues, you can make a lot more currency if you are a mid level endgame player. The noobs and the real 0.0001% highballers can probably make more in leagues, and thats where a noob should be anyway so I dont rly see that as an issue tbh.
JohnNamikaze wrote:
Phrazz wrote:

Zana mods before 2.6 and now will never lay their hands on my chaos orbs.

was it ever said that leaguestone would make it to standard???
you may have to use chaos again for Zana mods after legacy league ends ;)
Beefeata wrote:

was it ever said that leaguestone would make it to standard???
you may have to use chaos again for Zana mods after legacy league ends ;)

I never used zana mods and will continue to do so. If leaguestone does not come to core game, then I will continue to do what I always do, give the middle finger to those zana mods and continue using 8% quantity only. ;)
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

If the league stones become Zana mods or she sold them, then chaos might have more uses.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
ChanBalam wrote:
If the league stones become Zana mods or she sold them, then chaos might have more uses.

For those that already use Zana mods, this would not be an issue. For me, the usual 8%. Now if sells the m like the white tier maps, I do not mind buying a couple of them to use.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

JohnNamikaze wrote:

As for durability from what Shag proposed in the other thread, that is not going to happen in a game where there is so many currency types.

Anything to back that statement up? I do know of the recent statement from Chris
Some things like mercenaries and durability might make a showing if we can work out a good way in the future.

but is there anything else you refer to?
almostdead wrote:
JohnNamikaze wrote:

As for durability from what Shag proposed in the other thread, that is not going to happen in a game where there is so many currency types.

Anything to back that statement up? I do know of the recent statement from Chris
Some things like mercenaries and durability might make a showing if we can work out a good way in the future.

but is there anything else you refer to?

Keyword "might." It is still up for airs, but durability is such a washed up concept. PoE is better off without durability. This is my personal experience having dealt with durability in other games in the past. They will eventually be obsolete.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

I dont see them ever bringing in durability on all items, its pointless, only needed in gold economy games, even then its a waste of space tbh.

Personally I think chris is saying theyre not ruling out that in some way that sort of mechanic might be used. In the lab you die once and u have to restart it, thats a mechanic, would they ever make all instances like that? No, but it found a place in the game. Maybe one day ull have some enchant for your gear that has durability and once its done its done, theres ways of using that which could have a place.

Durability on all gear? Thats such a stupid idea I just cant see them going for it. Why would u ned it? A currency sink? the game has the most ridiculous currency sinks in the form of crafting. How many chaos you got? How many exalts? you got 300 chaos? 1000? 3000? How many exalts? 5? 20? 100? Right, go spend them all on a dagger and come back when theyre all gone and you dont have 1 decent physical attack weapon worth more than 100c on the market. On my list of problems with this game would be a lack of currency, not an abundance of it.
You wanna fuck over the standard people who worked hard their money? if you want a fresh new economy you do leagues you don't fuck with standard,
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Mar 27, 2017, 4:02:10 PM
ChanBalam wrote:
I've been thinking about Standard and how the years of accumulated currency dump may be affecting both the game and the trading markets. It has raised some questions for me.

How many Exalts and Chaos orbs are sitting in Standard?
How much of that is mostly unused, but because it exists, affecting the trading markets?
What has the impact of such accumulations had on game play?
How has the entrenched wealth affected affected currency trades and the price of Exalts:Chaos?
How does the accumulation impact item prices? Are prices high because everyone is richer?
How does this affect new players?
How does the trading market in Standard affect the Challenge leagues?

GGG, would you tell us how many (in total) of each of these are in stashes: Mirrors, Exalts, Chaos, Regals, Divines?

With the arrival of 3.0, I'm thinking that it might be a good time for GGG to go through a currency devaluation process for Standard. Doing so will give FoO a true fresh start on its economy and could jump start activity in Standard.

Here's what I've been thinking about. My conversion rates are just guesses because I don't know just how big or small the actual numbers are, and they are just a starting point for discussion. This would be done in the week prior to the start of FoO.

Replace all Chaos orbs in Standard with a new Kaos orb at a rate of .5 to 1. reducing the number of Chaos orbs by half for everyone.
Remove all Exalt orbs and replace them with Kaos orbs at an exchange rate of 30 to 1. 30 Kaos orbs for each Exalt.
The rebuilding of the Exalt quantity and market would have to take place through actual drops in game play, and over time, from new Challenge leagues.

the devaluation would allow for a reset of the trading and currency markets that takes the current game and players into consideration. Item values would be realigned and assessed by the market.

The trading and currency markets have their issues and this is one way to improve them. Now is the time!


=@[.]@= boggled
=~[.]^= naughty wink

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