Pages from the Upcoming Path of Exile Art Book

PsOfOs wrote:


easy on the tism there.

icassel wrote:

Maybe GGG will just change the red for another color

dare I say
Last edited by Disrupted on Feb 8, 2017, 11:19:49 PM
Disrupted wrote:
PsOfOs wrote:


easy on the tism there.

icassel wrote:

Maybe GGG will just change the red for another color

dare I say

Purple would fix it, and fit with the entire Chaos theme.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
It is astonishing how many comments in this thread that are riding on the "anti political correctness"-train completely miss the criticism that 90 percent of the actual critics of the obvious Nazi reference put up.

So, to reiterate: The main point of most critics I've read here so far - me included - is that the obvious reference to this particular point in time is hugely immersion braking. Usually a reference in art is something that is meant to let the recipient have a "aha"-effect, and thus let that person have associations with the referenced subject. Or to put it in praxis: At least I would run around Oriath wondering where the hell all those Nazis came from - is there a dimension shift? Do they actually draw from inspirations of a before fallen empire that took place in our "real" world? And so on...

The point is that even while it is theoretically possible for a completely unrelated culture to come up with such a exact replica of an armband, the probability is just so low, and our brain culturally so hard wired for recognition, that pretty much every one with a deductive ability would make this connection at least subconsciously. And no, just changing the color of the armband would not fix this - it would still be too close in my opinion. Just a tattoo or something similar on the other hand (something that would let go of the so far unprecedented white circle in red background with black symbol) would be perfectly fine, since it would eradicate the most obvious similarities.

Now, as I have read in various comments, this is not about having a problem with having Nazis in computer games/movies/whatever in the first place. As long as there presence properly make sense there is nothing wrong with that. Neither is there a problem when a cultural product rides on the thin edge which we like to label "pulp" - exploitive, tongue in cheek and so on, fiction. PoE has so far been neither of those (even though it involuntarily has the nonsensical storyline of pulp-fiction down to a tee).

What I am trying to convey here: Please stop sidetracking the discussion and make this about political correctness or not (this is really a discussion which evidently goes over the format of this forum and the rhetorical culture of many of its members). Nobody is whining, nobody is overly sensitive. There are being critical opinions voiced, with good reasons at that. You can disagree and find the given art style satisfactory (though interestingly enough I have not seen any "pro-armband"-arguer so far seriously disputing about the points I bring up here and which have been brought up before), but you are not getting any bonus points for bringing out the though "stop-whining"-guy for no reason.
DerErlkoenig wrote:
I did Nazi that coming. :^)

I guess jew didn't. This is hitlerious!
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
About the Nazi reference thing: I don't give a flying fuck about any political correctness thing. However I think that the reference is so obvious that you dev guys should have seen it yourself and just be like: really, can't we come up with anything better? Hell yeah, make PoE dark as much as possible, but you really don't need Nazi references to do so. I am just simply disappointed, that you couldn't come up with something better, despite the fact that these pictures do look damn good.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
AeshMezareph wrote:

[...]So, to reiterate: The main point of most critics I've read here so far - me included - is that the obvious reference to this particular point in time is hugely immersion braking.[...]

I hereby am officially crafting a +1 suffix onto that statement.
Last edited by NoOneII on Feb 9, 2017, 8:15:45 AM
I hope they make the "Nazis" super nice NPCs that help players along the way, just in response to all the "muh triggerings". The guy with the chain and crossbow is clearly helping a panicked choking victim and using a blunted arrow to dislodge a piece of food obstructing that poor fellas airway. Food I assume was from a fine meal cooked by said crossbow and chain whip wielding gentleman.

Give bros a chance. Much judgement. So hateful.
AeshMezareph wrote:
Nobody is whining, nobody is overly sensitive.

complete horse-shit.
Some are doing what you said in the rest of the post. Some are being overly sensitive, some have different reasons.
Im pretty much sick of pc and I see both sides. Im not gonna pretend one doesnt exist here just because one doesnt wish to see it.

DalaiLama wrote:
Disrupted wrote:

dare I say

Purple would fix it, and fit with the entire Chaos theme.

eh, if we are going full chaos theme, then might as well replace the black with green too :^)
Last edited by Disrupted on Feb 11, 2017, 2:03:34 PM
neurolergic wrote:
About the Nazi reference thing: I don't give a flying fuck about any political correctness thing. However I think that the reference is so obvious that you dev guys should have seen it yourself and just be like: really, can't we come up with anything better? Hell yeah, make PoE dark as much as possible, but you really don't need Nazi references to do so. I am just simply disappointed, that you couldn't come up with something better, despite the fact that these pictures do look damn good.

why is it obvious? i mean it totally couldn't be soviet russia right? you guys just automatically jump on the nazi bandwagon first chance you get. i think you guys just like saying the word "nazi".

all i see is that there is a similar coloration and that is all.
What the fuck GGG, are you completely nuts now?

Nazis in Path of Exile?

What the fuck is going on? You must be kidding, this can't be real.


To you "Political Correctness is cancer" -guys.

I won't argue that you can't do something like this, you surely can. But if you do something like this it just means, that you're a huge prick and give a shit about history and people.

Last edited by KDBW_ger on Feb 9, 2017, 12:33:53 PM

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