why people use CwDT + Immortal Call in the first place?

question that bothers me since Enduring Cry is no longer a spell. note: this does not apply to build build AROUND this combo. but about just 'tossing CwDT setup on a random build'

a) Immortal Call triggers AFTER damage is already done so it does nothing vs single big hits
b) it does nothing vs elemental damage yet it is triggered by one
c) for a 'defence' it is quite unreliable - it procs according to CwDT internal math (it resets after some time)
d) it eats Endurance Charges (if player has any) making a HUGE dent in ones defence/sustain

can someone enlighten me why various rangers or shadows run with this setup? they rarely have more than 3 End Charges (or in most cases - zero) so the burp from ImmCall is very short. is it only to defend vs Porcupines?

am i missing something?
Last bumped on Oct 29, 2016, 8:02:37 AM
It can protect from burst damage deaths of characters with no mitigation. I consider it to be useful mostly for evasion/dodge characters, even with no charges.
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
can you please explain the mechanics that will protect me? you mean several hits in very short succession? i would appreciate some more factual replies if possible

i play dodge/evasion/life 2h raider right now. lvl90, 5k life. 6 end charges, 55% dodge/spell dodge and well crafted flasks. it is a quite tanky girl this raider. and it is mainly due to 6 end charges. i would die horribly and many times wasting them every so often to random burps for second or two of phys immunity

is there a real use case scenario that is something more than 'it used to work and noone told us yet it is a stupid thing to use it nowadays'?
Pack of porcupines explode, first one hits you, procs CWDT, you're immune to the rest even without charges because base duration is like 0.4 seconds or something.

You open a strongbox and cast blink arrow, lag for a split second, get hit by 38 monsters surrounding you. First one hits, you're immune just long enough for your lag/blink arrow to finish and get out of there alive.

No it doesn't protect against 1 big single hit, but nothing really will other than manually/pre-emptively casting IC which is likely never done. But it does help tremendously characters with low armor against burst of small hits even without endurance charges.

edit: you have 6 endurance charges which you're keeping up manually (or using warlords mark, whatever). Very few people do that. Majority of right side builds do not use endurance charges in any way.
Last edited by Namcap on Oct 26, 2016, 2:42:04 PM
this scenario is cool - but it assumes that
a) all mobs deal only phys damage - hardly a fact in any map with mods as the 'added elemental' is pretty much on every rare map
b) if pack of porcupines dying is a problem then.. well.. glass

c) loosing permanent and constant protection (12%-16% phys reduction + ele resists that more often than not MAKE a difference when cursed by mobs+curse on map. not to mention that rangers can rock 6 charges for a hefty phys reduction if they want to 'sacrifice' their precious dps) for a random protection that mostly protects vs sloppy play is a bad trade off in my opinion

i watched some streamers that start their characters with that and then observed when this stuff procs and if it makes any difference. the difference i can see from them playing is the annoying sound and icon popping randomly

well, something to think more i guess

edit: you have 6 endurance charges which you're keeping up manually (or using warlords mark, whatever). Very few people do that. Majority of right side builds do not use endurance charges in any way.

and then complain that their characters are squishy and 'there is not enough life on the right side of the tree..' and the 'damaga to highhh' or whatever. no wonder..
i keep them with Enduring Cry. i can 'force' myself to cast it every nth second. im not yet a 'pro' that considers any second of non-dps activities wasted. sadly these pros see 'resurrect in town' button way more often than me.
Last edited by sidtherat on Oct 26, 2016, 2:49:55 PM
sidtherat wrote:

b) if pack of porcupines dying is a problem then.. well.. glass

5k hp evasion based with little no armor easily dies to a pack in T10+. You're saying your own character is glassy.

And as I mentioned in my edit, which you may not have seen, very few people use/maintain endurance charges on the right side of the tree. If it works for you it's great, but I know CWDT+IC works for me for evasion based against bursts of phys hits. It doesn't mean you're invulnerable and can play recklessly, but it does have uses.
sidtherat wrote:

edit: you have 6 endurance charges which you're keeping up manually (or using warlords mark, whatever). Very few people do that. Majority of right side builds do not use endurance charges in any way.

and then complain that their characters are squishy and 'there is not enough life on the right side of the tree..' and the 'damaga to highhh' or whatever. no wonder..

You seem to be implying that right-side builds should use endurance charges to become tankier. How do you suggest that happens? Travel to other side of tree for +max EC? Or do you think 3 endurance charges is enough mitigation usually? Maybe 4 with Merciless Oak?

Or I misread your implication?
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Namcap wrote:
sidtherat wrote:

b) if pack of porcupines dying is a problem then.. well.. glass

5k hp evasion based with little no armor easily dies to a pack in T10+. You're saying your own character is glassy.

ive downed corrupted T15 bosses with this char. it is not at all glassy. the only thing i do not like is the phys degen from swords. and chaos damage in all forms as i sit on -20% chaos res without a flask

porcupines are trivial. i can run ele weak maps + accept ele curses from mobs without an issue etc etc.
adghar wrote:
sidtherat wrote:

edit: you have 6 endurance charges which you're keeping up manually (or using warlords mark, whatever). Very few people do that. Majority of right side builds do not use endurance charges in any way.

and then complain that their characters are squishy and 'there is not enough life on the right side of the tree..' and the 'damaga to highhh' or whatever. no wonder..

You seem to be implying that right-side builds should use endurance charges to become tankier. How do you suggest that happens? Travel to other side of tree for +max EC? Or do you think 3 endurance charges is enough mitigation usually? Maybe 4 with Merciless Oak?

Or I misread your implication?

yes i imply that if you want tanky character you have options for that - they cut into your damage but they are there to be taken. Duelist End Charge is pretty much free as it is near the leech that any ranged player takes. Marauder's End Charge is for melee rangers if they want to take it. plus Merc Bandit. 5 or 6 charges (excluding +1 corruption on belt etc expensive choices).

i know. revolting isnt it? 'where is the damage?!'. well. dead men do no damage.
sidtherat wrote:
well. dead men do no damage.

off-topic kind of philosophy reply
This is true. People enjoy talking about DPS numbers, DPS numbers, DPS numbers, and in other games, eHP numbers, eHP numbers, eHP numbers. Of course these are good as they are objective measures. But it sometimes causes some people to lose sight of the fact that Offense and Defense have synergy with each other. The more damage you do, the quicker enemies die, and dead men do no damage - so by having high DPS, you increase your Real Tankiness, as the enemy damage is lowered. However, the more EHP you have, the less time you need to spend retreating or dying - dead men do no damage so you must survive. In this way increasing your defenses increases your Real DPS.

It is possible to go to one extreme or the other, but this tends to lead to very risky play (focus on DPS) or very slow progression (focus on Defense). Balance between the two tends to produce the most enjoyable play experience thanks to offense/defense synergy.
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