How do Russians feel about the US?

algoritmax770 wrote:
Могу сказать так, пока нас никто не трогает мы вступать в перепалки не собираемся(Гитлер, Наполеон и прочие). Вам нечего бояться если вы сами чисты душой.

Пожалуйста, пишите дальше. Я американец но я люблю изучать русский язык. Ваша речь в ответе мне является красивым - даже поэзия.

А может быть лучше разговаривать по private message, в случае если те, кто ненавидит русских обидится.
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All i know is that russian swear words increase when i type some english in iccup chat.

And a lot of russians seem to think your american if you know english.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
MrSmiley21 wrote:
This laughably describes the situation in the American media where they seem dead set on blaming everything on Putin.

Global Warming, that missing matching sock, the burnt popcorn in the microwave, the hacked DNC/Podesta Emails it's all Putin.

Putin even used Podesta's account to say "Hi Mom!" the other day:
It had to be a nation state like Russia, it couldn't have been 4chan (sarcasm)

IMO - The Russians aren't looking for a war with the US. They are showing that they aren't going to flinch from the hard realities in the Middle East.

I hope the POTUS isn't intentionally trying to start a war with this crap:

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Oct 14, 2016, 10:13:57 PM
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 11:21:22 PM
How did this xenophobic post appear on a game forum full of wise and educated gamers???
Deadpeng wrote:
How did this xenophobic post appear on a game forum full of wise and educated gamers???

Russians aren't as touchy as westerners. The post might be xenophobic, so what - no one cares. Most Russians will just get xenophobic right back at you, with interest :)

Political correctness is a laughable concept to a person from the Eastern Bloc. We had half a century of state-imposed censorship and propaganda. Tens of millions of people in USSR were killed for not being politically correct during Stalin's reign. Guess what, people still found ways to express their criticism of the system.

on Stalin and the Great Purge
I'm not exaggerating. No one knows exactly how many people were killed by Stalin but the estimates vary wildly from ten to forty million. This doesn't count twenty million casualties from WW2 and six million dead in Ukraine during the Holodomor. Anyway, during the Great Purge, people were sent to concentration camps in Siberia, effectively a 90% death sentence, for absurd reasons. True story: a public building was renovated and workers were moving a bust of Stalin. They used ropes to carry it, someone saw a worker carrying Stalin's bust with a rope around the neck and reported him for a symbolic act of rebellion. The worker was sentenced to 15 or 20 years in Siberia (my memory is a bit fuzzy on the details). This wasn't an isolated occurrence, this was the norm. Most people died within a few weeks in the Siberian camps. Others were killed outright with a bullet to the head.

Lessons we've learned about political correctness:
- you can tell people how to talk but you can't tell them how to think
- you can call a turd a daisy, it will still remain a turd
- it doesn't matter what you're saying, context is everything

In short, western political correctness looks like a baffling mix of hypocrisy, wishful thinking and censorship to us. Much better to speak your mind straight, with all the petty prejudices and misconceptions, than to smile and bullshit while thinking something else entirely. Disclaimer: I'm not Russian but my country is from the Eastern Bloc and we have a lot in common in terms of world view and cultural peculiarities.

SLAV POWER! SUKA BLYAT, RUSH BERLIN! *squats in adidas tracksuit*
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Last edited by Bars on Oct 15, 2016, 3:58:45 AM
Russia is way too weak nowadays to start a new world war. They just use foreign policy to distract from their countless inner problems.

Bars wrote:
In short, western political correctness looks like a baffling mix of hypocrisy, wishful thinking and censorship to us.

Last edited by Sa_Re on Oct 15, 2016, 6:51:49 AM
Who fights real wars anymore? It's all about them proxy wars.
anything is everything
Bars wrote:

In short, western political correctness looks like a baffling mix of hypocrisy, wishful thinking and censorship to us.

А это совсем другое дело. Концервативная партия представляет запросы страдающих для минимального уважениня тиранством. Это безмысленно! Страдающие просто хотят, чтобы другие немножко лучше взаимодействовали с ними.

Какая власть у страдающих? Какая мощность? Какая сила? Они не требуют соблюдение под угрозой смерти или даже под угрозой взякого наказания. Просто попращивают - Пожалуйста, предупреждайте меня в следующий раз. У меня неприятная ретроспекция когда вы говорите об этом.

А концервативные в США это называют тиранством!

Если вы слушаете концервативных в США, вы живете в фантастическом мире. Страдающие являются шайтаном вам. Это обман.

edit fixed some grammar
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Last edited by adghar on Oct 15, 2016, 1:40:14 PM
adghar, I'm not Russian. I understand the rough meaning as it's similar to my language but I don't really speak it or understand everything. Can't help you with your quest to practice your Russian unfortunately XD
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Last edited by Bars on Oct 15, 2016, 2:14:15 PM

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