[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS

exguerrero wrote:
I feel like I'm doing great dmg, but I'm made of toilet paper.

Would using the perfect form help me maintain the dmg I still have?

Perfect Form, coupled with temporal chains, is an enormous survivability upgrade. Get it as soon as possible, 6L is not a priority, 5L is more than enough for map clearing and in single target Blight is doing most of the work.
I saw that people used to use consuming dark in essence drain builds to poison for single target dmg, but that seems to have fallen from favor. Anything change about poison mechanics?
Also, why temp chains over enfeebled?
Another question. Why sai over let’s say a dagger or sceptre?
Thanks for your answer, are you going to use Impresence this league?
@ntencex: I'll try to answer all of your questions.

1. Poison was changed in 3.0. Double dipping mechanics were removed from the game, and Consuming dark was changed too, it now grants fire damage instead of pure spell damage. It's not good anymore for any Essence Drain character.

2. Temporal chains has both an offensive and defensive purpose in ED builds. It slows enemies and makes debuffs on them last longer (= increased ED, Contagion and Blight duration). TC is the best curse for ED, and when coupled with Perfect Form (high evasion, phase acrobatics, arctic armour) it gives a crazy layered defense which makes the character a lot stronger.

3. Sai is a dagger with block on the implicit. Since we don't need crit chance at all, block is the best thing you can get on a dagger implicit.

Thanks a lot for your response. I’m new to ed and playing ssf. Just dropped a consuming dark so was hoping I could use it. Also got a shav from beast crafting so collecting gear for low life
Didn’t know dots can’t crit. Good to know
Hi! This is my first ED character, and I am loving the build so far! It matches my playstyle perfectly. I just have a few questions. Sorry if they've already been covered, but there's so many pages on this thread!

1. The tree is next to a pair of +1 Maximum Frenzy/Power Charge nodes, but instead of grabbing those, it goes for a cluster of inc chaos dmg nodes. With Weave the Arcane, would it make sense to go for +1 Max Frenzy/Power Charge?

2. Would the blue (mana) Grand Spectrum jewels be a better fit than rare jewels? I figure +270 mana for 3 jewels would increase eHP a lot (assuming mana is the bottleneck), but maybe I'm not valuing % max life or % inc dmg enough.

ShallowBlue wrote:
Hi! This is my first ED character, and I am loving the build so far! It matches my playstyle perfectly. I just have a few questions. Sorry if they've already been covered, but there's so many pages on this thread!

1. The tree is next to a pair of +1 Maximum Frenzy/Power Charge nodes, but instead of grabbing those, it goes for a cluster of inc chaos dmg nodes. With Weave the Arcane, would it make sense to go for +1 Max Frenzy/Power Charge?

2. Would the blue (mana) Grand Spectrum jewels be a better fit than rare jewels? I figure +270 mana for 3 jewels would increase eHP a lot (assuming mana is the bottleneck), but maybe I'm not valuing % max life or % inc dmg enough.


Let me add something about this. I've made an ED build that uses a lot of power charges and my PoB dps were more than 600k dps without blight. The problem was to load power changes when fighting bosses, that why I'll try this build. It also was using dual wands, so it was not easy to dodge attacks.

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