Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Not sure if this has come up, i have 81 points on tree, took oak, am lvl 65 in act 8. PoB is showing that with 81 points in tree i should be lvl 60. Is this a new bug?
Right .. my bad i got it xD
Last edited by Valopallo on Dec 27, 2017, 6:53:56 AM
Hi there.

Tx again for this wonderful tool.

Concerning "dark pact" skill consuming skely's life, I saw that you added a field to enter manually the life of skeletons.

I wonder if you cannot automate this, because when I select "summon skel" skill, their life is displaid.

In the skill part of dark pact, you could then just change the choice between :
- cast on player
- cast on skel (and you would take the skel lives as you already calcultate it in the skel skill)
- cast on vaal skel (and you can also take the already calculated life)

because now that abyss gems are including "skel life" bonus and opther funny things, it is hard to manualy change skely life everytime I change a gem, to see the final impact on DPS.
Will there be support for multiple bleed stacking by the notable passive Crimson Dance? It looks to not take into account of bleed stacking
Can anyone see the reason why taking inquisitor ascendancy node called Inevitable judgement lowers magma ball damage on this molten strike inquisitor build. I cant seem to figure it out.
I've been using Path of Building for a while with no problem. Suddenly today big flashing yellow numbers appear in the top left corner. Is there anyway to get rid of that?

Edit: Turns out a different program was doing this. I switched that off and no more flashes.
Last edited by a779 on Dec 31, 2017, 8:51:53 AM
are Arborix Bonus Effects being Calculated at all?

Thank you :) Happy New Year
Veffe wrote:
Can anyone see the reason why taking inquisitor ascendancy node called Inevitable judgement lowers magma ball damage on this molten strike inquisitor build. I cant seem to figure it out.

You have 5% Elemental Penetraion from Primeval Force. Inevitable Judgement cancels that, hence slightly less damage. In the config page select "Standard Boss" and try turning Inevitable Judgement on and off - that should make you happier. :)
The only other report I can see of this was from Viperesque back in March but I didn't see a reply. He reported that the projectile parts of Molten Strike and Lightning Strike are not getting the attack speed multiplier from Multistrike Support. I would like to add Frost Blades to this.
Hi and tx again for all these updates of this unique tool.

would it be possible to integrate thee kind of abyssal jewel affixes :

"10% increased Cast Speed if a Minion has been Killed Recently"

adding a "a Minion has been Killed Recently" switch in the "when in combat" section.

have a nice day.

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