Wanting to come back

People have already mentioned the failed PvP patch. That even had live matches hosted by GGG devs themselves, if I remember.

More than that, was the last cut-throat event. It was so hyped. So many people were asking for it. Well, it SEEMED like a lot of people - must have been that vocal minority. Because when it finally happened, it was dead by the 2nd day. Everyone quit. I think only one person made it to merciless, was it Nugi? And if I remember right, he was complaining because everyone quit or didn't want to get ganked by him when they set foot in merciless.

THAT is the problem with PvP in arpg's. There simply isn't enough people playing who want old school D2 pvp. In the end, you can't force people to pvp. They simply won't play if they're forced to. You still won't have people to pvp, and GGG won't have people playing (and paying them).

And GGG knows this. They know which side their bread is buttered on, so to speak.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Last edited by Druga1757 on Jul 12, 2016, 1:44:24 AM

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