Eternal orbs.. Should they come back?

Apos91 wrote:
Instead, it could be changed so that eternal orb can't reverse corruption, so that corruption retains it's high risk/high reward value.

Or simply bring back eternals and leave them alone.
Instead, make duping possible once per item, both the original and the copy get their icons reversed to avoid scams, done.
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Last edited by torturo on Jul 18, 2016, 9:23:30 AM
With temp league flushing items into standard league every few months I feel the best solution is: restrict mirrors to temp-league only i.e. they only drop and function in league and end up as nothing but a shiny trophy in standard and bring eternals back as a standard-league only race-reward at like 750 points. Here's why.

Mirrors - It's a temp league it almost impossible to craft those "perfect" items; unless it's a guild-wide effort or you;re a serious no-lifer or botter, you simply don't have enough time and currency. There are however some decently crafted items in league that a mirror could be useful within the league but would be overshadowed by standard league gear standards. And tbh if you're able to yolo exalt a perfect piece of gear, props to you, you deserve to be able to charge for mirror service.

Eternal Orb - Honestly it's a permanent league you should be able to min max your build. By eliminating mirrors via the above you slow down the amount of perfect gear flooding standard. By implementing Eternals as a race reward you still allow people to get perfect weapons it's just harder now.
Last edited by Megatyrant on Jul 18, 2016, 9:55:41 AM
Like it really matters if they came back, I had well over 1k hours played before they were removed and never saw a single one.
While they're at it, GGG should bring back MoK orbs too.
And since we're discussing the things that GGG didn't think through.

If Eternal Orbs are to be removed, then those master specific affixes like Tora's "Bleeding on Hit" and Vagan's "Can't be Evaded" need to be made available in much higher amounts.

Since the idea is that you have to start from the base and build up from there, I'd say add them for free (or 1 Trans orb) in their respective benches, but only allow them to be added to white blank slate items.

The entire premise of crafting around those items was based around Eternal Orbs. Let's say you want to craft a Decimation Bow, Tora brings one today, it fails from the first Augmentation Orb you add it, now what? You wait an RNG dependable amount of days before Tora brings a Decimation Bow again? Completely nonsensical.
Last edited by Apos91 on Jul 19, 2016, 10:34:46 AM

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