POE, AKA the game where random guys do GGG's job

鬼殺し wrote:
You can't change your avatar once you go custom.

We all went full petard there.

Interesting... I wonder about the percentage of players who thought it was a good idea at the time and now hate their avatars :3
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
You forget that GGG provided the public stash tab system to interface with 3rd party trading sites. Further trading related improvements were also alluded to, with this being "phase 1".

If you set out to create the perfect game, it will never be released because there's always more to do. Sometimes it's better to release what you have and let the community add to it.
Bars wrote:

I was referencing DotA, which was inspired from a SC custom map called Aeon of Strife but Warcraft 3 is what really started it on the way to massive popularity.

LoL is a DotA clone. Not bashing it or denying its popularity, it's just not the originator of the MOBA genre.

Cough. DOTA clone is incorrect. The guys who made DOTA split, into LoL and Dota 2. So neither are a CLONE, both are made from the same starting point. So yes, LoL is 1/2 the originator of the MOBA Genre. DOTA itself can't be counted as starting the genre as legally it was still not a game of its own, since it was made with WC's assets and game engine. The title for originator would be argued between LoL and DOTA 2, since DOTA doesn't count. As LoL is 10x the size of DOTA 2, I'd lean towards calling it LoL, but the title could easily be split between the two.

- Sheepster
What's wrong with GGG letting players doing their jobs for them?
Players made procurement, players made poe.trade and so on... this actually decrease a lot of development time which can be used on something else.

That being said, there's really no reason why PoE doesn't have an item search function ingame, and no not your retarded whiteknight "WE NO WANT NO AH" bullshit... a search engine that's ingame that's similar to poe.trade... ect...

This is 2016. Sure D2 didn't have an ingame trading system but Diablo 2 also came out over 16 years ago...
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
Nice Card Art XD you Make that yourself?

They should definitely give you the option to buy two separate custom avatars and switch between them, or change to a pleb avatar and change back at will.

Just saying.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Nssheepster wrote:
Cough. DOTA clone is incorrect. The guys who made DOTA split, into LoL and Dota 2. So neither are a CLONE, both are made from the same starting point. So yes, LoL is 1/2 the originator of the MOBA Genre. DOTA itself can't be counted as starting the genre as legally it was still not a game of its own, since it was made with WC's assets and game engine. The title for originator would be argued between LoL and DOTA 2, since DOTA doesn't count. As LoL is 10x the size of DOTA 2, I'd lean towards calling it LoL, but the title could easily be split between the two.

Umm no, if you're looking for the first standalone MOBA, I believe the title goes to Demigod, which was published a good half a year before League of Legends. Dota 2, on the other hand, was four years behind LoL. HoN was released between the two as well.
鬼殺し wrote:
You can't change your avatar once you go custom.

We all went full petard there.

I still learn something new every day in this game.

Good to know this, can prevent frustration in the future.
Alt Art items as League MTX - When?
Pewzor wrote:
What's wrong with GGG letting players doing their jobs for them?
Players made procurement, players made poe.trade and so on... this actually decrease a lot of development time which can be used on something else.

That being said, there's really no reason why PoE doesn't have an item search function ingame, and no not your retarded whiteknight "WE NO WANT NO AH" bullshit... a search engine that's ingame that's similar to poe.trade... ect...

This is 2016. Sure D2 didn't have an ingame trading system but Diablo 2 also came out over 16 years ago...

We can't have these great things in life because the basement nerds without a life will become upset. Just to show you how stupid it is, listening to the white knights who will shut down any talk about making trading easy and organized ingame is the same as hearing someone say we don't want automatic cars because manual stick shift is faster and superior. Never mind the fact that you will be changing gears a trillion times in the endless traffic and going nowhere.

But hey stick shift is hardcore and cooooool and nerdy right? Its a good thing these idiots only have a say in things like indie video games that will never evolve otherwise the rest of us would still be living in the past.
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks

Last edited by TriniGamer on May 9, 2016, 1:31:15 AM
TriniGamer wrote:
Just to show you how stupid it is, listening to the white knights who will shut down any talk about making trading easy and organized ingame is the same as hearing someone say we don't want automatic cars because manual stick shift is faster and superior.

it's not the "white knights" (whatever that is), it's ggg's own opinion about trade. often stated in interviews and podcasts (which are hard to refer to since there are no transcripts) but they're there.

the current system isn't what they originally intended either, ggg didn't want players specifying buyouts but wasn't tough enough to implement this communities' ideas to realize these concepts.

so they rely on "community driven development", definitely a two edged sword but one that drives the game's innovations. in whatever direction, hope they still have the steering wheel in reach for emergency turnarounds.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!

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