League challenges - the pre-loading of challenges should be disabled

The only way I could agree with the OP is if the RNG challenges got axed. Liches being the most popular example right now show how annoying it is to complete certain things.

If the "challenge" of the challenge is in finding the challenge in the first place then you absolutely -must- allow it to be shared after starting the instance. Under no circumstances where these things are stupidly difficult to find can we allow anything less than being able to join in after the instance is made and the prize is found. These are not things you actively quest, they are things you just happen to find.

Repeating it a different way: Let's say you want to get 50 liches. Is it better to form a ragtag party and run a bunch of maps together hoping you'll find the liches, or is it better to split up and run maps hoping to find them? Unless your party is intentionally made to have character synergy and allow even more stupidly fast clears than what single players can do, you're much better off splitting up and covering more ground because that gives you more opportunities to find stuff.

If you and a group want to quest for these RNG challenges then it boils down to divide and conquer and make sure to communicate. The communicating part is where global 820 comes in to organize people. Guilds can also offer more cohesion despite how GGG doesn't really seem to care about them anymore.

Until there comes a time where finding the challenge isn't a challenge itself the functionality to jump in after the instance has been started must be kept. And even if the RNG challenges get dropped, chances are you're still better off going solo (or duo with a support) than going in with a full party because the game scales so poorly in both rewards and performance while doing party play.
Last edited by Jackalope_Gaming on Jan 2, 2018, 1:54:17 PM
The only way I could agree with the OP is if the RNG challenges got axed.


rng in the game exists to give the casual player some chance to get better than the nolifer by being lucky. popular example: the echoing shrine challenge. you hit one in some minutes playing but it can also last weeks if you see one.

sharing challenges quite kill this desired outcome, the nolifers sharing their efforts will always be faster than the casual player.

sharing rng challenges has to go.

of course those who are able to sink alot of time won't like it cause they want to press their advantage forward of playing alot.

Last edited by cronus on Jan 2, 2018, 4:32:33 PM
cronus wrote:
The only way I could agree with the OP is if the RNG challenges got axed.


rng in the game exists to give the casual player some chance to get better than the nolifer by being lucky. popular example: the echoing shrine challenge. you hit one in some minutes playing but it can also last weeks if you see one.

sharing challenges quite kill this desired outcome, the nolifers sharing their efforts will always be faster than the casual player.

sharing rng challenges has to go.

of course those who are able to sink alot of time won't like it cause they want to press their advantage forward of playing alot.

Okay, if sharing RNG challenges is getting axed then there must be some sort of "pity timer" effect where the event gets more likely to occur as time goes on. Otherwise there can and will be players who play for hundreds of hours but are never able to complete the challenge because the RNG just doesn't happen for them.

The challenges must be reasonably able to be completed. Not a nolife level of play, but maybe something a little above casual. The player must put some effort above and beyond the usual in order to get the full 40, I think we can agree on that.

However, the sharing of challenges is also a means of cooperative play and that can be compelling for people or even the main reason they stick around. Like if you're playing at the same time as guildies or other friends and they message you saying "I just found an echoing shrine, get in here!" and it's part of your challenge then why should we not be able to share it?

If the cooperative element is to be preserved, and this game is supposed to support at least some sort of good multiplayer experience, then being able to share such stuff can go a long way towards that experience.

Maybe a compromise to not being able to share the challenges is increasing the chances something happens when you're in a party and start an instance together? Though, that seems like it would require new tech so it doesn't get abused by partying up when you open an instance and then disbanding to run stuff solo. Or maybe that does end up being fine when it gets tested.

The ability to get meaningful results from cooperating with others must stay in the game, beyond the power granted from a support. How that best happens I don't know, but there needs to be some reward people can get a sense of. Being able to work on challenges together in some form that feels rewarding or at least different that some might prefer party play from solo play must stay in the game.

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