[2.2] PHC Necromancer Dual 100% Chaos Flame Totem Max Block, 225% life, BM. Atziri Viable.

I see your thoughts regarding the ASC classes.

I was thinking of playing as a Scion, and going for two trees: Hirophant (Templar) - Pursuit of faith (two Points), and Occultist (Witch): Void Bacon and Profane Bloom (4 Points).

As you mentioned, the Profane Bloom Bonus is only on "you killed", so we don't get any bonusses from our totems? Too bad ...

I learned, "only" 2 different ASC threes are possible by Scion?
Otherwise, i would go to Elementalist as well and pick up the 100% ele dmg every 10 secounds node...

My thoughts about Gems:
Totem - Faster Cast - Faster Proj - Controlled Destruction - Elemental Focus - Empower
I don't think Added Chaos Damage will give that much bonus, and the new Elemental Focus Support game should be awesome (poisoning is NOT a Status Ailment)

Please Keep your thoughts updated, i wanted to start the new league with that build.


Consuming dark gets nerfed ... well, i don't think that's a Problem. I'm also not a fan of infernal mantle, well, 2x CD daggers are a bit expensive, but should be still possible to get. You can use a nice rare chest, or Greed, if you want to farm with that build (what i will)
That build doesn't need a shield at all, you stay behind your totems anyway.

If you're still going with 1 CD and Mantle ... 75% chaos damage is still a lot .. and the rest of the damage doesn't get lost, it's just another damage type, well, maybe a bit more resisted. Won't kill the build i think

I would go for dual cursing (-chaos res and Enfeeble or Temp Chains) to make it pretty tanky, using two totems with Ancestral Bond.

Let me know, what you think about that.

-chaos curse? did they introduce a new curse or something? Cause i'm pretty sure that doesn't exist. The only -chaos res is from the occultist class
Also nice for reducing movement speed of mobs.

Heres a Suggestion:

Hirophant with 3 totems
-20% chaos res from occultist
Firestorm as active damage Addition
Wither, while Firestorm and totems are active.

What do you think?
is there a new skilltree program out, with the new classes?
i see well is pretty sad to see if get nerfed
well waiting for the skill tree to be out and trying new combination ?
well good luck
What about righteous fire?
Burning dmg is not converted but 60% more spell dmg shpuld give a huge boost, even with only 75% convert
hm four points are to consider

- you take damage too -> high regeneration needed (depends on the skilltree but with bm you are valnurable to every dot)
- no damage reflect -> good for us
- you have to go into close range -> not good for us
- no crit -> nothing for crit totem player

Hm i would go

-> +2 totems (don´t know if 3 or 4 totems) = 30% or 40% less damage
-> +1 power charge or -20% chaos res or +20% chaos damage

or "Liege of the Primordial"

40% increased Damage of each Damage Type for which you have a matching Golem --> Firegolem or Chaosgolem
Last edited by the_Arkain on Mar 1, 2016, 3:56:22 PM
My stats:
With Rathpith globe shield
No Buff-50 900

With golem-52 000

With golem+flask-58 800


With my choice-Armour shield
No buff-47 600

With golem-48 800

With golem+flask-55 200


My items and jewels:

On Ascendancy is nice Elementalist-
Liege of the Primordial-Fire golem-40% fire dmg,100% increase golem buffs(20%+20%=40% fire dmg) total:Increased fire damage 80% or with chaos golem-40% Increased chaos damage and 8%(4% base+100% by class point=8%) physical reduction.

Paragon of Calamity-If some mobs hit you by fire/chaos dmg you get 40% boost damage and damage reduction for this element,is nice offense and defense variation

Pendulum of Destruction-nice dps boost-every 10 second you get 100% increased elemental damage for 4 second,some people say yy what is 4 second,but if you on tree get nodes to increased buff duration you can get about 90% so its +3.6second so total 7-8 second this buff and is very nice for dps boost!!
Hirophant got changed for us. :(

I don´t understand this new modus.

Does it mean, for every skill in my helmet i can summon an additional totem or only one totem.
Does the totem get´s summond by using the skill in the helmet or does it increase the counter to +4 totems?
Is this totem the main totem or a non skilled totem?

My ttoughts about this totem

Like a curse or a skill like damage skill for the power charge get cast an extra totem will be cast. But if you have 2 flametotem or 1 flame and 1 other them skill in your gear, which one will be choosen?

the -20% chaos res is only at monster who are nearby.. not good.
Last edited by the_Arkain on Mar 4, 2016, 10:53:23 AM
the_Arkain wrote:
Hirophant got changed for us. :(

I don´t understand this new modus.

Does it mean, for every skill in my helmet i can summon an additional totem or only one totem.
Does the totem get´s summond by using the skill in the helmet or does it increase the counter to +4 totems?
Is this totem the main totem or a non skilled totem?

My ttoughts about this totem

Like a curse or a skill like damage skill for the power charge get cast an extra totem will be cast. But if you have 2 flametotem or 1 flame and 1 other them skill in your gear, which one will be choosen?

the -20% chaos res is only at monster who are nearby.. not good.

You simply do not use the hierophant +1 totem, it allows you to have an additionnal totem but in only a 4L, thats okay early on but if you're gonna do maps you want a 5L at least, i did this build with a 6L.
Theres no point in having 2 totems that are weak 4Links.

Sorry if it sounds like i abandoned this build but i will not play this build this league unless i get lucky and manage to drop 2 consuming dark daggers. Plus none of the classes are appealing to this build. I have other builds i plan to play with a friend of mine on launch and flame totem isnt one of them.
it is ok. :)

With this update some new skilltrees are really nice to test.

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