Donald Trump

Aim_Deep wrote:
Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it easier for them to come here.

When it comes to djihadists, over decades they have been supported by the U.S. directly (mujahiddin in Afghanistan) or indirectly (e.g. the Wahhabit state of Saudi Arabia, that still supports Isis). Isis as it is now is a product of American interventions in the middle east, followed by ethnic suppression by Iraqi President Maliki. As a result Isis was able to have free access to banks when entering Mossul, as a consequence they have billions of dollars and attract angry young men/criminals.
(from December), intervention by George W. Bush, Obama and Clinton had to deal with the results, then there´s Assad´s influence as well...

As for terrorists: most of the recent terror attacks were performed by non-refugees, but that doesn´t even matter. Even without accepting refugees Isis would be able to perform terror attacks. Even without letting muslims into your country. They would just come with fake passports saying something different.

While we should do everything against all sorts of extremists(borders/police/intelligence etc.) not to help refugees is not an option.

Accepting refugees has to do with responsibility and humanity and basically the whole world notices that the U.S. is acting irresponsible here, even Canada accepted more.

What Isis wants is to spread irrational fear, we don´t have to be their puppets.

Last edited by Schmodderhengst on Jul 27, 2016, 7:27:09 AM
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 9:14:40 PM
Let's say you came home from work one day, you open your door, and you see a wolf in your living room. If you were Leonidas, you'd strangle it with your bare hands, then drink some wine as you skinned and roasted it for dinner. If you're pretty much anyone else, you'd close the door instead of stepping through it.

I don't think Snowden is a hero. A hero would have turned himself in, faced due process of law, and made his defense at trial. However, as far as rational fears go, fearing that a government which hid PRISM from its people won't respect civil liberties is pretty fucking rational; fearing that a public which allows its government to behave in such a way would find one innocent of such a leak is pretty fucking rational.

Leonidas might call that cowardice; I'd hesitate to, because I know I'd run from wolves myself. Snowden isn't a hero, but he is a good guy who did the right thing.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jul 27, 2016, 12:17:45 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
he is a good guy who did the right thing.

When you compare that to the people shown in the news today, it IS a hero.

Moreso, i think it speaks volumes about our nation that many of us villainize someone who did nothing except reveal the truth. The corruption of our government is unacceptable. And hiding (or promoting the hiding of) that corruption is just as bad as being corrupt.

The only information that should be classified are the workings of weapons of mass destruction, military asset locations and plans, and identities of secret agents.

Advancement of mankind is a direct result of propagation of the truth. For thousands of years, secrets and blind obedience to organizations kept us as a civilization down. Soon will be the time for the world to rise up above the pettiness of warring over limited resources. To transcend our animal heritage and explore the galaxy. But i fear we will not make it: our weapons are too powerful, our media spreads to much division and seperation, and our leaders are too powerhungry.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 9:16:38 PM

I hope we never have to welcome this walking security risk in Europe.

Both Isis and Putin would celebrate his election. Putin is feeding Trump´s narcissism and seems to have some influence on the U.S. elections as well. Cannot be good. He would be happy with such a weak counterpart; that´s not respect, it´s strategy.
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 9:17:14 PM
Entropic_Fire wrote:

I hope we never have to welcome this walking security risk in Europe.

Both Isis and Putin would celebrate his election. Putin is feeding Trump´s narcissism and seems to have some influence on the U.S. elections as well. Cannot be good. He would be happy with such a weak counterpart; that´s not respect, it´s strategy.

Regarding the data breach from the DNC that has caused Trump to surge against Hillary recently:
A senior administration official said indications in the code used to execute the data breach points to Russian culprits. That assessment matches the preliminary conclusions from a recent series of cybersecurity firms that have analyzed the hack.

It makes me furious what the DNC did to get their candidate elected at the expense of democracy, but the fact that Russia wanted this to happen should seriously worry anyone that supports Trump.

All of this. Shit is starting to get nasty (even by comparison to everything leading up to this).

To begin with I was neither for Trump nor Hillary (still Bernin' lol), so everything thats happened has put me in a fucked up spot in terms of a decision to make.

But as it is, Ill take the candidate that Putin isnt rooting for. Yeah, what the leaks seem to show is pretty f'd up, even to the point of Berners booing Bernie's call to elect Hillary with resounding clarity. I mean I sure as hell didnt expect the DNC to escalate that quickly and with such serious implications. But even then, as cynical as Ive become, I cant help but worry that the fattest red flag of all the flags that have popped up this election cycle (the evidence of Russia behind the hack, and Trumps recent comments about NATO etc) are thoroughly warranted and not being blown out of proportion.

As far as ISIS and Trump go, I think ISIS would celebrate the shit out of Trump winning the presidency. Trump is a walking, talking, breathing, orange library of things ISIS could use for a campaign, and unless he does the most amazing "about face" ever in history, that library is irreversibly existent with nothing to effectively balance out its content. Saying "and some I assume are good people" isnt enough, even if it were both Mexicans AND Muslims that the quote is addressing.

Frankly, the thought of voting for a candidate that would both please one rival while at the same time hand an outright enemy the icing on a propaganda cake which they are likely waiting for, is pretty damn awful. Not to say that Trump is irredeemable imo, itll just *sigh* itll take a lot.

When Trump announced his candidacy, I had a good laugh at the news and said "Ok, Ill give him a month, maybe 2. Is this real life?" Now, we are entering the final phase of it, every other one of his contenders have dropped out, alot of them have now either endorsed Trump or just left it alone and faded away (except Ted Cruz, Ill give him mad props by having the balls to NOT support Trump in the end in front of the crowd during the convention), and after squashing a movement within the GOP itself WITH THE ONE GOAL OF STOPPING HIM, hes the fuggin republican nominee...and im left wondering once again...Is this real life?

Years from now, I hope my friend can say to his kids,
"That orange guy on the news that just finally shared the secret of his hair and suggested banning all Indians and Chinese in the same sentence almost became president while you were little."

Last edited by rosshilge on Jul 27, 2016, 5:59:49 PM
Hillary is too hawkish (when she was Secretary of State she did a lot of really questionable stuff and you have the Iraq vote), the Clinton Foundation and the speeches rise a lot of questions (plausible deniability and all that crap when corporate/foreign money is concerned) and the email thing is questionable (although probably a venial sin).

Yet Trump has brought some guys related to the Iraq war to his side, one related to many cronies and dictators, his idea of isolationism is mostly about ruining things like NATO rather than avoid stupid wars in the middle east, he is pro war crimes to look "tough", he is horrifically ignorant on economics, a conspiracy nutjob, a walking ISIS propaganda poster, someone that tries to fuck with his bussiness partners, moronic about immigration and a thin skinned attention whore. He is more about destroying the current order for the worse rather than reform it. I'm not sure if he is a Putin plant (Putin has a nice colection of cronies as allies, it wouldn't surprise me) but I'm sure he is playing in his hands.

This is how it looks for me.

The system needs to be deeply changed (I don't think someone like Sanders could have done it, he may have some good ideas in things like privacy and pacifism, but he wasn't well informed on economics...he was more of an activist than someone that can govern...his legacy will be energizing some people for bad or good) but it's currently impossible without bringing Robespierre-Naranja to power. I'd rather preserve the status quo and change things the next time when someone more prepared and less insane appears.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Last edited by NeroNoah on Jul 27, 2016, 9:30:32 PM
This page is hilarious. Only in America can the fact line go like this:

Clinton acts with gross (likely criminal) negligence
Clinton gets hacked by the Russians specifically and solely because of the previous line
Clinton campaign goes to media and says "lol Putin likes Trump btw"

And now yahoos are here going..."uh...yeah...Putin and Trump are too friendly aren't they? Something smells rotten!"

THE ROTTEN SMELLING THING IS STILL CLINTON! How do you lose sight of this in the span of 4 days? Sometimes I think the influence of the media is overhyped and overrated...but then I read stuff like what's on this page...holy shit.

Here's an idea. Prosecute Clinton with true justice - any average citizen, if you just looked at the facts and blacked out their name would be indicted - then put forth a real Democratic candidate. Then and only then should we discuss Trump in the context of how much the Russians do or don't like him.

This is the equivalent of you seeing your neighbor commit murder. You go to your local police and report that your neighbor murdered a guy. Instead of investigating the neighbor, they research YOUR history and find out that you filed a noise complaint against him last month. They then proceed to handcuff and interrogate you about just what your motives are instead of INVESTIGATING THE MURDER YOU SAW HAPPEN.
Last edited by innervation on Jul 28, 2016, 4:08:47 AM

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