New Skill Reveal - Contagion

PsychicMuffin wrote:
The problem with damage over time skills is that this game is all about clear speed, so waiting for it to kick in is slower than just focusing on hitting harder. The idea of having a skill that spreads is pretty cool, and hopefully can circumvent this issue.

yeah, we already have some rubbish degen chaos skills: desecrate, abyssal cry

maybe its strong early game so its a lot of fun leveling with it?
that'd be nice
Last edited by PopeJo on Nov 4, 2015, 2:06:52 AM
NIIICE another reflect immune build incoming
Hot it is possible that spell damage affects it? Does it mean that it hits? Does it mean DoT damage mods have no effect on it? or Does it mean a revolution in core damage mechanics?
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Last edited by Ludvator on Nov 4, 2015, 2:21:39 AM
Meh. Would rather see the majority of the terrible skills, i.e. spark, fireball, arc, freezing pulse, etc. buffed.

Yeah, i agree! Lots of skills need attention in PoE. Kind of in a bad spot.

This just looks like a curse.... could have been made a bit more interesting lol! Let's see how it works.
IGN: TitanVaolox
Midas666 wrote:
FULLY Test it before release it.. Balance it etc, dont fucking make another op skill and then nerf it..

This game get more and more nerfs... Make mobs lots harder and dont fucking nerf all the time..

Welcome to the new age of PoE lol... Nerf nation and ignore all the skills that are useless ;)
IGN: TitanVaolox
I like it!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Meh. Would rather see the majority of the terrible skills, i.e. spark, fireball, arc, freezing pulse, etc. buffed.

When the FUCK will they ever buff Lightning Strike so you don't feel like killing yourself for even thinking about using it..?

Also this skill looks awful a lot like the "Ignition" Skill I suggested, actually it's a straight copy+paste, but Chaos Dmg. There was even a Dev in the thread, seems insanely fishy to me.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
I like it.
This can potentially be a good support skill.
Im really looking forward to the poison changes.
lol, i can imagine:

contagion + concentrated effect + IAOE + curese on hit + vulnerbility + temporal chains :)
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
This might actually get me back to POE. Damn it GGG stop adding cool content !!!

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