Risk vs reward, hc vs softcore challenge leagues.

U remeber the old D-Dos of 10 Month ago, when team lizzard hacked us...my char died
9 out of 10 my char died without anything I could do...

Sry men but Hardcore is Dead to me
I like the fact in the last 1-month there was an mtx reward only obtainable via hardcore. I think it encouraged a fair few people to play hc who normally wouldn't. That said this flashback month league is a bit of a mess as far as balance goes so I think making people feel forced to play hc would end in frustration and ragequits.
Look at Nemesis, people had to deal with baubles of immunity, corruption blood, storm heralds and lots of other "fun" mechanics to have a chance !! to encounter a Inner Treasure to get a chance !!! to get anything but Aruki Tiki out of it. Bloodlines are just Nemesis 2.0

When people in hardcore are actually getting the reward for the risk taken it is balanced to the ground. It was a greatest idea ever to remove map drops from Beyond bosses right in the middle of the league. I hope the guy got a promotion for it.

When i heard people complaining about Warbands i thought they are as strong as pre-nerf Invasion bosses and has a loot table of release Abaxoth. But it turns out they are weak as fuck and has a loot table of a Dominus. Softcore leagues are literally a loot fucking pinata.
ladish wrote:
I like the fact in the last 1-month there was an mtx reward only obtainable via hardcore. I think it encouraged a fair few people to play hc who normally wouldn't. That said this flashback month league is a bit of a mess as far as balance goes so I think making people feel forced to play hc would end in frustration and ragequits.

I play hardcore (up until now) out of a sense of obligation. It has its moments, but I don't love it. My highest level character was 79. I'd probably play it more if my friends did. Last league I had a choice between finishing the tempest challenge or playing with friends, and it wasn't until the last 2 weeks my friends left.

I'm glad I'll be able to experience similar content and complete my challenges without feeling forced to play HC.
If GGG puted a 5/10 sec timer for log outs on HC leagues then yes i would say give them some more drops...As was said before HC is a Choice not mandatory, you knwo the rules and the danger is up to you if you wana take it!
Risk vs. Reward? PoE?
You're mistaken here, it's only risk here, no reward to receive.

That's one of the few issues with the game.. But as long as logout macro is allowed, it has to be this way, I feel like it's a bullshit way of justifying HC, when those who gets to the 90+ all abuse a bloody logout macros.

If that was ever taking care of somehow, I'd love to see an actual rewad of clicking suicide strongboxes, 3 wisdom scrolls is not worth anyone's time.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
Shagsbeard wrote:
For those that want more difficulty... try playing the game without trading. Put away all those nifty toys you've bought and try to make it on what the game gives you for that character. It's not easy.

Well, I don't need it, but I also don't mind your suggestion with one caveat:

Hardcore is currently self imposed. I played it that way for a lot of months before deciding that my PC's performance problems wouldn't allow me to play the game, so I just took all the crap I accumulated and went with scrubcore.

I like the idea of a small benefit to HC players if it's actually HC and you lose your equipment on death (even D3 still has this). Otherwise, accelerated benefit is being fed into another economy and results in the exploitation mentioned by other posters.

That said, such an acceleration that it effectively negates the risk aspect is not doing anything to benefit the league. Hardcore can up the ante and excitement with both greater risk and reward, but the two must remain in balance and not bleed over into other leagues.

Unrelated Comment: Grammar check on the forum hates "in to", and other software nazis have been working hard on breaking me of my habit of "into".
Last edited by Shaihalud222 on Oct 12, 2015, 2:55:34 PM
The only reason why people in HC leagues want extra goodies is their is already little risk involved for most HC players. They themselves took a large portion of risk from the game by their choice of using logout macros. Even if GGG allows such macros, it goes against the spirit of a HC league having greater risk. In most games the reward from HC leagues comes from survival alone and the bragging rights of achieving a high level in permadeath league. In POE these rewards are both diminished due to logout macros, it isn't as much of a bragging right to have a high level in an HC league when the only way you achieved that level was with logout macros. Therefore, these players want extra rewards since the normal dynamic of bragging rights through sheer survival doesn't exist.

It often astounds me the number of players who wear the HC badge of honor, yet they run away from hard fights or logout with a macro. It is much more respectable of the title of a HC player to fight difficult and scary fights and to survive or to just use a portal scroll instead of a logout macro if the fight becomes too scary for you. The risk vs reward from fighting a very difficult fight in a HC league and surviving is huge, tons of bragging rights, even if it is only from you patting yourself on the shoulder and the big adrenaline rush.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
hc in PoE is quite hilarious. And the people that try to make it look hard are even more hilarious. If your way of playing is logging out every 10seconds and taking life only on the skill tree be my guest. No need to shove that boring shit on other people.

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