Nobody Cares That I'm Leaving. But They Might Care Why.

Excellent OP, GGG should read it with care.
Last edited by NomadFX on Oct 5, 2015, 7:05:47 AM
I stopped reading at " standard league"
R.I.P 4.B.
well written feedback +1
You keep talking about balance and how it's important to you. But what is your definition of balance, and why does that definition matter?

For instance your goal of longterm balance wouldn't really make PoE interesting IMO. Eventually knowledge about how to make the best builds spreads, and experiments into new combinations are less and less likely to succeed as the meta solidifies.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
MatrixFactor wrote:
You keep talking about balance and how it's important to you. But what is your definition of balance, and why does that definition matter?

For instance your goal of longterm balance wouldn't really make PoE interesting IMO. Eventually knowledge about how to make the best builds spreads, and experiments into new combinations are less and less likely to succeed as the meta solidifies.

You could add new mechanics instead of butchering the old one (or slightly "balance" the old one).
And, you should "balance" things much faster, so ppl do not get used to imbalanced things, like flame blast (proliferation in fact) and such so less stress for players. (A good example was mirror arrow minion build nerf, that was fast - so ppl was not upset too much)

Like if you take a look at current so-called meta, SRS/PA/incenerate quite imbalanced and a direct target for nerf in the near future, its not a question IF, just WHEN. Also its quite boring, since there is basically no so-called diversity, it all belong to what GGG decides should be powerful this time. There is some exceptions ofc and I think some builds are not expected by GGG, and that why we probably play PoE, heh?
IGN: MsAnnoyance
Last edited by qquno on Oct 5, 2015, 4:15:06 PM
Nicely written feedback but i disagree on many points raised.

I could write them all down but i think it would be fruitless given your current perception of the game.

I will however take one over-arching principle you utilize a lot in your post and try to address how i see it and why i completely understand it creates an uncomfortable environment in it's current state and implementation.

You raise the issue of "balance" a lot and i should say rightfully so, however when i look at PoE then i see a game that is only 40% finished.

It is entirely possible the game will at one point in time reach the state you desire but from my perspective that point is still a few years away from us. It is entirely pointless to try and balance a game that is still under construction at it's core.(content)

The effort in doing so should be moderate as finishing the content itself takes priority, so i understand why GGG uses a forced shifting meta. Please note that i say that i understand it, not that i to don't desire a balanced game state itself.

I proposed many solutions to the feelings you are experiencing though, like only implementing changes to the core game once a year instead of after every league (to at least prolong the feeling of stability in the
non-temp-league parts of the game)

It is counter intuitive that a "permanent league" is in fact anything but permanent. But the underlying principle that a game in development cannot attain a state of permanence seems equally relevant.

I will leave it at that, i enjoyed reading your post and i wish you the best sir.

I hope that maybe in a few years(yes! years!) you might pick-up PoE again to see what it eventually became and see if the dev's have matured and reached the state you crave after completion of the full PoE act's.

Which will essentially be the point in time to address the issue's you raise on that front in its entirety.
Sadly i might note? Because i certainly understand your frustration.

Peace and be well demon,

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I feel you 100% on this and I have played this game off an on since closed beta. I am now bored with most of the games I play and am at a loss at what to play now. As an avid gamer, there is now a void in my life I feel, I want to do things, but I really want to play video games and don't know what to do. I know there's many out there, but I'm just scared that I will grow bored of them too soon and will waste my time. I'm interested to hear what other games you will be trying if any? I feel like this is a bit off topic but you're post to me seemed eerily similar to what I am feeling currently.
I've been banging on the table on many of these issues you mentioned for months and months, nothing but silence from GGG. It's getting to the point where it's pretty much useless and hopeless to think things will change, I must say.

The only way to be heard and to disagree with the direction that GGG has taken is to simply not support them anymore financially and the last resort, quit. 'Enjoy' the game for what it is and whatever happens, forget about being heard or listening to supporters, as that mentality was ancient history. Until more an more long time players stop playing and contributing to their bottom line, they will not take a certain base, we all know which one, seriously.
Dark_Chicken - lvl 100 Marauder
Divine_Chicken - lvl 100 Duelist
Read the whole OP as well. With optimism, I hope GGG does listen to player's feedback and once again unleash their awesome creativity that made PoE that we enjoyed a lot.
PoE-TradeMacro -
ExileTrade -
demon9675 wrote:

When I realized that PoE wasn't a long-term ARPG where I could build up wealth and power over a period of years and instead was a series of short races, I decided it was best for me to leave rather than continue to be frustrated. If GGG honestly does not intend PoE to be what I just described, then they are making mistakes and their choices need to be reevaluated.

I have a level 29 stuck at 1M league and stopped playing too after the first day. I just read your post now and felt exactly the same way when i took a break. Although the strengths of PoE rely on re rolling new toons with new ideas/builds, there should also be a handful of your characters that becomes a champion or gain a hero status immune to expansions or patches.

Now I understand why so many complain about builds being nerfed to the ground. I am still a greenhorn, but attachment to characters you worked so hard to tweak and gear up should also be encourage by having expansions with new ideas not detrimental to old builds. I mean what is the point of pimping up your character when you know for a fact its all for naught after every patch, league or expansion. Be imaginative GGG without having to destroy old but fun/effective builds you worked so hard to entice players with.
Last edited by monsoonrider on Oct 9, 2015, 10:41:01 AM

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