Lets make some fucked up map mods.

Daresso wrote:
FNX_Heroes wrote:
All map monsters are replaced by Hell Bovines wearing polearms.
The map is also inhabited by a Cow King that sometimes drops his own specific unique items.


Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
don't know if some1 posted it but:

-all mobs are rare mobs

after augment:

-all mobs have nemezis mod

after regal:

-all nemezis mods are storm herald
Aye Aye Captain!
mobs spawn totems on death

rare mobs spawn invincible karui totems on death
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Slain enemies are resurrected as spectres.
Enemies killed by spectres drop no items and do not yield any experience or flask charges.

Something for frost-builds or it becomes a lasthit-race.
That is not an avatar, that's how I really looked when I wrote this post!
Of Claustrophobia
All monsters have the Necrovigil bloodline.
Area is 50% smaller.
Slaying enemies close together can attract monsters from beyond.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
Of history
- There is a secret potential of serious desync.

Of leaping horror
- Every monster has the ability to leap slam from offscreen
- Every monster has 100% more attack speed

Of why me?
- Every monster has allies cannot die
- Monsters fracture
New bloodline mod: for every monster killed, player loses 5%life and 5%damage, effect lasts until the pack is killed.

new map mods:
-players have 50% decreased area of effect
-players have 300% increased cooldowns and/or skill duration
-enemies can have(into them) 2 additional curses, curse reflection
-map has Vaal Haste
-map has random Tempest(it's up to player, if he wants to risk it or reroll)

and i'm still hoping to see the day, when Nemesis mods can stack... :D
Killing animals can attract Green Peace activists.

of Amnesia
All player skills have 10 seconds cooldown. Map is disabled.

of Sasha Grey
Warcry skills can't be used.

of Xzibit
Yo Dawg I heard you like maps, so we put a map in your map, so you can do map while you do map

... and for races:
1 hour Endless Find your own way inland Exile!
of Lagbox
-Area contains many rare lagboxes with obligatory rogue exile.
All monsters have soul eater, Pack size increased by 500%-1000%

^would be pretty cool on a zombies only map. Hell, unique "zombie apocalypse" map when?

of Confusion/chaos/egoism/grouping/alliances:
Monsters can damage other monsters, players can damage other players.

^Could work two ways, either all FFA. Or some monsters have alliances; like a rare with their blue pack, with sole blue packs attacking other blue packs etc, Unique monster could have alliances that make sense or attack all. For example, map bosses and their copies if twinned could be allied, exiles could be allied to other exiles, "congealed elementals" could be allied with each other, animated weapons and guardians could be allies, beyond bosses could be allied, etc. Actually, could be two separate mods. One for alliances, another for true free for all

^Just imagine these two together.


Area is inhabited by 1 additional act boss

Final Showdown:

Area is inhabited by all act bosses

of Warping/teleport:

Rifts open every x seconds that teleport players and monsters caught in it to a random part of the map

^this one could actually be a tempest, why is this not a thing? :(

of Destruction:

an avoidable well-signed 10-second warning will be issued on a zone, after which it will be bombed with a XBOX HUEG discharge that does massive damage of all types. this can kill monsters as well as players

Of Loot revenge:

area is inhabited by Animated guardians and animated weapons

of Assimilation:

One mob is randomly chosen to be the "assimilator" boss , this mob starts as a regular mob of his type (can be the map boss even) that seeks other mobs, it will absorb them and gain their abilities and mods and grow continuously. Players are advise to hunt the assimilator before it becomes too difficult to handle. Drops loot and exp equivalent to all absorbed + an additional bonus. Can absorb unique monsters.
Hard to balance how much stats it absorbs through assimilation, probably should be much less than soul eaters, but the important thing is that it can absorb abilities and mods, gaining multiple auras, ability to hide underground, leap, flicker strike, do special boss attacks, etc. Maybe should appear on map when near and definitely be very distinguishable from other mobs. Alternately, it could always spawn at the end of the map and move towards you, though I fear that would discourage more builds than the original idea.


Area is inhabited by congealed bloods and muds bosses
Last edited by Disrupted on Sep 11, 2015, 11:06:52 PM

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