Poe and cigarettes

Laskinaama wrote:

Well why would you vape some liquid that has no nicotine? Makes as much sense as a cock flavored lollipop. Why the fuck would you suck on some vapor that has nothing? But i ques it looks cool for you kids or something retarted like that.

Oh I don't know, perhaps the same reason that people use methodone in order to ween themselves off heroin? A less harmful chemical substitute that can assist in breaking a habit and addiction in concert with other support methods.

But we're not trying to trick you into trying one of our lollipops if you're content with the real thing ;)

Well methodone is an actual drug and it makes sense to use it instead of heroine. Nicotine vapor is a drug and it makes sense to use it instead of smoking.
You are still addicted but dont get smoke with tar and other shit. But vapor without nicotine is just vapor and dont do shit.
Smoking is not habit like some people seem to think. Habits are easy to break, we change habits often. so if it was a habit you would easily quit smoking. its nicotine addiction and therefore it makes no sense to inhale vapor with nicotine and even less sense to inhale vapor with no nicotine in it. But if you like it thats fine. My whole point was that trying to quit nicotine addiction with another form of nicotine is just retarted. Its multimillion dollar business tho so they keep pushing that shit to ppl.
Update. I am failing horribly at quitting smoking. Down from 1+ packs aday to about 10 a day. Quitting smoking sucks!
Well, 10 per day is still a lot healthier than a pack per day.

I cannot give you any advice whatsoever, since I have never smoked, but I wish you all the best. Keep trying! I am pretty sure, from what I have heard from others, that the steak, the cheese and the wine (if you are into any of those things) will taste a lot better half a year after your last cigarette.
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Yea, when I smoked gaming was a trigger. I tended to chain smoke. I quit smoking inside because I just smoked too much. Any time I was inside I smoked more, but especially when I was gaming. I smoked a lot less when I smoked outside because it took a little more effort instead of just reaching over and grabbing one without thinking. Actually the vast majority of time that I smoked I only smoked outside.

An added benefit of smoking outside was that I didn't breath second hand smoke. That might sound strange for a smoker to say, but it made a huge difference. I could feel a noticeable difference in my lungs.

I quit almost nine years ago. It's not as hard as you might think. I smoked for over 20 years and it wasn't that bad. You just have to make up your mind to do it. But most importantly, keep it made up and don't listen to the tricks your mind will play on you. If you cheat, don't give up.
Update. I am failing horribly at quitting smoking. Down from 1+ packs aday to about 10 a day. Quitting smoking sucks!

Progress not perfection yo!
Don't give up!
Laskinaama wrote:

Well why would you vape some liquid that has no nicotine? Makes as much sense as a cock flavored lollipop. Why the fuck would you suck on some vapor that has nothing? But i ques it looks cool for you kids or something retarted like that.
And no i dont base my facts on me and my friends alone. I have read couple of books about smoking and nicotine and any person with half a brain and internet can learn some facts about nicotine in minutes. But personally i have noticed that 9/10 who stop smoking with vaporizers or other nicotine products soon start smoking again. With the difference that now they also vape indoors when they are not smoking outdoors.

It is about deleting the addiction, but keeping the habit. IF you would know what is one of the biggest incentives of smoking (the habit, the ritual, the triggers), you would understand it. But people bringing in the "kids" thing (i am 34 btw.) are not to be taken seriously.

When i first stopped smoking (i will tell you this even when i think that every word is wasted), i stopped with a cold turkey. It was cool for 4 months. But i always missed the habit. Sex? Smoking afterwards. Coffee? Smoking would be nice. Beer? Hell yeah, smoking! So i had a relapse. Not because i missed the nicotine (this physical addiction is "cured" after some days, it is not that hard). Not because i missed smelling like an ashtray. Not because i missed the feeling of dying every morning you wake up or after taking stairs. Just because it was so fucking hard to quit the habit of inhaling, having something in your hand and so on. The psychological addiction. And to be a non-smoker was a problem too because most of my friends smoked and went outside when we were in a bar, restaurant or club. And so on and so on.
With e-cigs i can keep my habit but harm my body not or to a lesser degree than with real cigarettes. I did reduce the amount of nicotine step by step. Cold turkey? nope. Slow and steady reduction. From 16mg to 3mg. And someday hopefully zero. I know friends (to use your scientific approach) who stopped smoking (nicotine) with this method.

So what books did you read about vaporising? How many? Books? At all?

And about habits: Breaking them often? Easily? Really? Don't think so. Obviously you know shit about psychology (or the addiction with nicotine where the psychological addiction is the tough one). But that's okay. It's the web. You can say whatever you want.

Anyways: You are on your horse and yell your stuff. That is okay. That you look like an ignorant, biased person is the other thing. Have a good one.
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
Last edited by ghamadvar on Aug 11, 2015, 5:58:31 AM
Unless you're one of those that can stop completely in a day and never come back, if you want to stop smoking cigarettes, a very good start would be to switch to vaping, then after a while you can consider stopping completely.
Tech guy
You should try hypnosis.
Me and my wife did it and we're over 9 months without having a cigarette...

Also there are some hypnosis Videos on YouTube you should check out.
Just listen to those when you're going to sleep.

So, I have played poe since open beta. I have also had my good friend the cigarette at my side during my entire gaming experience. I am a cancer survivor and decided I needed to part ways with smoking once and for all. Today is day 1 without smokes. Does anyone else find gami.g a trigger for smoking? How did you cope with this? Anyone else in the community trying to quit right now?

A shame I didn't read this thread earlier. I was a fanatical smoker (~50 cigs a day) but I quit 3 years ago, cold turkey. It was very hard quitting but I made it somehow.

At first nothing seemed the same. I didn't seem to be able to enjoy movies or games when not smoking. It just felt different, "empty".

But it gets better after a while -4-5 months for me, was very very addicted- and your mind disconnects smoking from anything you did while you were smoking...
Last edited by RestInPieces on Aug 11, 2015, 8:52:55 AM
I actually used weed to quit smoking cigarettes lol.
Every time I craved a cigarette I just took a bong hit (of course without tobacco) and repeated this for 2 weeks.
Sure enough I was high as a kite but it prevented me from really wanting to smoke a cigarette.
After the initial 2 weeks it gets a lot better trust me, and after 2 months all of the craving will have passed. The next challenge is making sure you don't fall back to old habits which I stupidly did and now I feel like quitting again.

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