[2.1 Video Guide] Crit Magma Orb Guide - Dropping Bombs! [SC Build & Atziri Viable]

Lvl 87 - ~50k dps @ 6 charges. Using three dragons

Very fun but very scary build in high level maps. Truly a glass cannon, if one of those balls drifts off screen and hits a reflect mob, I instantly die.
bahamut458 wrote:
Lvl 87 - ~50k dps @ 6 charges. Using three dragons

Very fun but very scary build in high level maps. Truly a glass cannon, if one of those balls drifts off screen and hits a reflect mob, I instantly die.

Yeh, got the same problem, im on Tempest tho so can't really enter those high maps with this spec :D

Maybe if replacing the 6th link with life leech + having Eldritch Battery + Ghost Reaver
Tweaked this build even more, I've found Vaal clarity so much more useful than Vaal disc, however I use both.

Replace Blood Magic with Vaal Clarity = Free Endurying Cry regardless. 20% Increased Duration makes Vaal Clarity 17seconds long. Pretty insane compared to 5seconds Vaal Disc, I'm using both and got Vaal Haste for maximum damage.

~60k with auras + 4 charges. Tweaked tree with pure dmg over charges, will get 7charges in ~5levels.
bahamut458 wrote:
Lvl 87 - ~50k dps @ 6 charges. Using three dragons

Very fun but very scary build in high level maps. Truly a glass cannon, if one of those balls drifts off screen and hits a reflect mob, I instantly die.

Yea using Three Dragons makes this build much more dangerous in regards to reflect damage =)
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Why Infernal Mantle Widowsilk Robe isnt a good unique for this build?
hyoushin wrote:
Why Infernal Mantle Widowsilk Robe isnt a good unique for this build?

Because you are on low mana with all 4 auras.
Marcusd0 wrote:
Tweaked this build even more, I've found Vaal clarity so much more useful than Vaal disc, however I use both.

Replace Blood Magic with Vaal Clarity = Free Endurying Cry regardless. 20% Increased Duration makes Vaal Clarity 17seconds long. Pretty insane compared to 5seconds Vaal Disc, I'm using both and got Vaal Haste for maximum damage.

~60k with auras + 4 charges. Tweaked tree with pure dmg over charges, will get 7charges in ~5levels.

can you send me ur gem setup exactly m8 wanna try ur way ty
Okay. Reporting back in. Level 83 atm 4k HP 1300 ES. I was pretty much mirroring the guide. Had 6l orb - fire pen - spell echo - inc aoe - inc crit dmg - slower proj. Without power charges I was at 34k tooltip getting upwards of 55k or so with charges/haste.

I quickly realized that higher level maps (75/76) were absolutely intolerable to play.

Refunded the mana reserve nodes and ZO, then went into Ghost Reaver + Vaal Pact. The difference is astounding. Had to sacrifice crit dmg for life leech in my 6l but so far it seems totally worth it as my survivability is... well actual survivability now, MoM is working for me instead of against me. EC spam is no longer necessary to maintain ES and it feels golden.
Last edited by larkstongue on Aug 21, 2015, 4:10:10 PM

My level is 84 in warband.

It's so fun build.
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
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https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569081708, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569083928
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https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571697824, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571734537
larkstongue wrote:
Okay. Reporting back in. Level 83 atm 4k HP 1300 ES. I was pretty much mirroring the guide. Had 6l orb - fire pen - spell echo - inc aoe - inc crit dmg - slower proj. Without power charges I was at 34k tooltip getting upwards of 55k or so with charges/haste.

I quickly realized that higher level maps (75/76) were absolutely intolerable to play.

Refunded the mana reserve nodes and ZO, then went into Ghost Reaver + Vaal Pact. The difference is astounding. Had to sacrifice crit dmg for life leech in my 6l but so far it seems totally worth it as my survivability is... well actual survivability now, MoM is working for me instead of against me. EC spam is no longer necessary to maintain ES and it feels golden.

can you post your Passiv Skilltree with 115points used or that points that you used now!

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