[2.2 Video Guide] Beginner's Build: Dual Flame Totem, Blood Magic Chieftain [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]

There seems to be a lot of people asking about the leveling trees for Witch (makes sense, since this is the Witch subforum) but I don't think it's all that difficult to figure out -- the trees by the end are almost identical, just the starting nodes and area is different.

For me, taking my Witches up, you simply start with the left-hand Spell Damage node, pick your flavor (spell damage or cast speed) to get to Occultist's Dominion, then start heading toward the Templar area.

Pick up Shamanistic Fury and Quick Recovery on the way to Retribution, then go down to Discipline and Training. After that, you can sort of do whatever you want; I like going down to Sanctity for the extra health and regen, then pivot left to Elementalist, Light of Divinity, Devotion, then race for Ancestral Bonds (can delay this a bit and take Celestial Judgement/Punishment if you want - I pick this up after Ancestral Bonds.)

After that, you just go down from Sanctity toward Totemic Mastery, and you can split off in two directions; either go through the Scion Life Wheel for more life and Totemic Zeal/Sentinel, or go left to pick up Arsonist, Barbarism, or just go straight for Juggernaut to rush toward Blood Magic. IMO the three points right after Blood magic has to be the very nice Life nodes behind it, then you can go pick up Ironwood. At some point when you feel you have enough Life, you can go north from Occultist's Dominion to pick up Fire Walker and Cruel Preparation.
Ehrmannii wrote:
guys what you tink about

Hi! I've equipped it too.
I'm using mostly self found items and this helps increase totem attack range, and a bit of dps too.
But I've to say that on the defensive side it's not a great contributor
Im playing HC Talisman and this build is still totally viable. Im lvl 78 sitting at around 9.5k dps (4.8klife and 1k es). I havent bought the clear mind jewel yet. which will certanly boost the damage. Regarding defenses it is quite safe. Im stacking armour and so far im at 7k. Clear speed in maps is pretty good. Ill start pushing high map tiers today and ill keep u guys posted. Heres my gear

update: I got the clear mind jewel. Dps at 11k. Im still missing a lot of damage nodes cuz I went for survivability first.
Last edited by faududu on Dec 17, 2015, 12:01:04 PM

This is my current gear in talisman SC level 84. At the moment i have 15.6kDPS per totem with flame golem and animate guardian up. I was wondering what I should do next to improve this character. I am still unable to down Atziri. I will change my helmet to something with more health.
dann999 wrote:
Can You post links for each step of this build for WITCH skilltree instead of Marauder?

This was a mistake.

It has now been corrected.
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Which one would be better choice for this build but magic finding gear set up, 5linked infernal mantle or 6L chest with some life and resists ? Cant decide between two :/
Squirrel is love, Squirrel is life.
Is there any reason on why you don't pick Diamond Skin (15% all res)?
Would the crown eyes helm help this build? I just got that to drop trying to understand its usefulness?
Hi, what about Rain of Spliters Crimson Jewel? It's good for this build?

this is my Wand right now:

Does anyone know, if the Apep could be an upgrade for me?
IGN: Qwib_Cleave [Delve League SC]

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