(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Akalamiammiam wrote:
Hi, I'm thinking about making a cycloner soon, but I have a question : what about axe vs sword vs mace ? What are de pro/cons of each ? Thanks

Axe has longest range, if you have a GG axe/mace/sword you should go for whatever you have, if not, you are likely to find a weapon that does good dps as you level up, I'd say, in the case you dont have a GG 2H weapon sitting in your stash, dont get into a Axe/sword/mace cluster first, grab other nodes on the tree, such as 2 hand melee node, which apply to all the weapons.

IGN: TeamForDead
SRS all day everyday!!!
Don't you dare nerf my spirits again :(
Should i use this Chest?

I would change the sockets and links of course
Hey Lighty, loving the guide/build. Been running it in warbands with some success, but I'm not really sure what to improve on next (besides the obvious 6 link and a better weapon). Sitting at 4.8k hp and 19k dps (with just auras).


Hey guys Im looking for some insight on my character. I have around 20 ish ex saved up and was looking to purchase an atziri's disfavour. Now I got to thinking with that axe I want to switch up my talent tree a bit and was looking into the bloodmagic nodes to get rid of the bloodmagic gem and replace it with something better.


The plan is to replace the bloodmagic gem with the bloodmagic nodes put in faster attacks and replace my rings + helmet for more hp. Now im aware id lose a bit of dps from losing auras but I have much better axe gems then mace gems
So I would overall gain more dps + have a much higher health pool. This is my tweak on lightlys build that got me this far in the first place that I was thinking about switching to
Im curious to see you guys insight on my idea thanks for the help everybody.

Edit Thanks for the build lightly <3
Last edited by Richardsimmons on Aug 8, 2015, 3:18:06 PM
Broken Hardcore tree link?
I've read that Kaom's Primacy is recommended but I'm a little confused.

I have tried both the following weapons:

I understand the rare 2H axe is crap, but my survivability with that axe is much higher than with Kaom's because of the APS of the rare axe. I am using a life gain on hit gem. Should I be using a life leech gem? I'm currently level 80.

Also, I need to get rid of the endurance charge of melee stun gem...I never get a stun with my axe..


Kaoms Primacy is superior in both higher pdps and that culling strike is effectively 10% more damage. You don't have endurance charge on melee stun linked to anything is why its not working, it needs to be linked with either leap slam or vengeance to have any effect. A support gem needs an active skill to support.
ceralguy wrote:
Hi Lighty, I love this build so far, for me it's the first time with cyclone.
I've started this build yesterday and now i'm level 60 and basically need to choose between axes or maces(i think i'll avoid swords). I've read lamost all the comments and at the end i think they are both available and good option.
At the moment I'm playing with this mace:

I also have a Kaom's Primacy in my inventory. What do you think it's better in this situation? I can even mastercraft attack speed on this mace and try to 5l it or go for the Kaom's Primacy.

Thanks a lot for the build, I'm enjoying it really much and sorry for my bad english

Even with master crafted attack speed kaoms primacy will be superior due to similar pdps and culling strike. Assuming its high enough ilevel to be 6 socket i would use Kaoms primacy, 6 socket it manually, and go for the 5l-6l ( stopping at a 5l ) if you can afford it, a 4l primacy is fine in most situations.
Shinro28 wrote:
Hello !

I love this build but the lvl 75 maps are too hard for me.. Can you help me to improve my gears please I need some advices.

Here :


Thank you !!! :)

Your jewelry in general is fairly weak ( it can be difficult to find decent-good jewelry ). Don't forget to master craft affixes on your rares that have open slots available ( life,res,armor ect ). The next upgrade i would make on your gear is 6s and 5-6l your kaoms primacy and get a Kaoms heart.
Maelkot wrote:
Hi guys.
What do you think about the version of Bronn's Lithe with (35-50% Increased Damage with Movement Skills) ?
This will increase the damage of the cyclone ?

Its interesting with the new damage increase ( i wish it was more damage ). Ill look into it but i assume it will be fine but still worse than 6l belly of the beast or a kaoms heart.
blingi wrote:
I went with more hp nodes and for now I have to choose between the Combat Stamina and Hematophagy wheel.

Most players I checked were using Combat Stamina instead of the 1% more leech + other leech stuff from Hematophagy, are the 1.8% regen just better than leech and what would you recommend?

I've tried using Phase Run and I found myself rarely using it (since there's usually enough enemies to chain packs), wouldn't Leap Slam be superior for backtracking/mobility or what am I missing?

Theres no problem with getting both, when your damage gets high the leech is superior overall. Phase run is most effective when sneaking between pack post pack kill, with 3 frenzy charges it consumes it will last 10 seconds for me ( 20/20 gems ). Due to your stealth it keeps the mobs from scattering and makes clearly pack oddly easy. Leap slam is superior for move speed and endurance charge gathering but sadly without having faster attacks linked to it, it feels slow to me and i cannot afford the extra socket for faster attacks at the moment; if you can and want to run leap slam its perfectly fine.

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