Eternal Orbs

I didn't think you guys would actually do this. Personally happy to see this change: eternals alone were fine, mirrors alone were fine, but combine the two and it is way too easy to create and distribute GG gear.
don't even have one eternal orb and have played well over 2000 hours. they seem to be more rare than getting struck by a lightning bolt.
Finally. Good fucking riddance.
Good change, probably should have some slight increase to exalt and/or mirror drop rate to help bridge the gap.
That's a good move, personally I would have kept them and removed mirror instead to allow the possibility to craft t1 over time but still that should help the game.

Great decision
Last edited by IceDeal on Jul 5, 2015, 10:04:24 PM
2 things: First,you didn't even have to announce it,i only found 1 in 2 years last week. Nobody would notice it.
Second, you should leave eternals for people to be able to craft their gear but remove mirrors,the root of all rmt in this game. Now rmt eternals will go crazy and god knows how much a mirrored new t1 will be worth. Rich got richer again,medium players who tried crafting something decent got ******.
I don't like this change.
No more weighting if the item is worth some Eternal Exalts. Sounds nice to me :>
IGN seppL
I've never seen one drop, so am not missing anything by them being removed. Even if I did get one, I would have no reason to use it, as I don't do high end crafting. I also only play temp leagues and when there isn't one going on, I am playing Standard, not Path of Trading. These orbs only benefited the 1% of players who actually did high end crafting in the permanent leagues, so I don't care that some players still have a stockpile of them.

All in all, great change.
Actually, now that Eternals are out, maybe we could see a more common socket-only equivalent to them? :P

never found an eternal before anywayz


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