Devourers are good

White lvl 70 devourer, doing 2k damage through iron reflexed grace.

The Hyperbomber for 2.6:
Peterking72 wrote:

Dried lake. Portaled in. Walked few steps. Then WHAMMO! Dead on the spot. 8 Magic devourers with a rare in the middle out of nothing. I guess it wouldn't have mattered how many life I got they'd still got me. I had good armor/gear and capped res etc. They got me so fast that I was dead before I could reach the flask key, but I doubt that would helped even if it was instant recovery type (panicked or seething).

So sure, we need more of these cluster f***ers.

Yeah indeed we want more random oneshots they are so fun!
kamil1210 wrote:

This is not joke, sarcasm or irony.

are you sure? because the way I see it, calling a monster type designed to just pop up randomly and kill you "good", can't be serious.
especially when this monster can and does usually spawn in huge packs, which leave absolutely no change even for the most split-second-reflex-gifted of players.

the much-better way to design a "pop-up" type of enemy - if you want one in your game - is to give it some sign, the threat-aware player can notice.
for example, give the worms tracks. a trail of earth moving towards the player. that's both fear-factor and more than enough warning.

and for fuck's sake stop making a singularly-strong monster type spawn in packs with Rares that can roll Auras etc'.
that's bullshit.

a Devourer or two (or three) with tracks, that hits harder compared to the current version, would be far superior design compared to just "yolo 10 worms AND a rare, all around you out of nowhere. die!".
and the same goes for Drop-Bears.
heck, Charan wanted them solo hard-hitting creatures, with a shriek for warning the player.
GGG made them rain right on top of you like a whole damned battalion of Paratroopers.
and the dropping sound? raise your hand if you actually noticed it *before* the angry Koala dropped. ever.
I wouldn't call a single-frame, 0.01 second animation, "warning".
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Jul 1, 2015, 2:47:15 AM
Devawriaours are my favorite monsters :D
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Next thing to all this as an answer from GGG would be an Unique Map with a total of one monster and one big honkin' tree in the middle.

If you go near the three a Unique drop-bear, which would look like a giant Panda descends in an instant with a 500% increased AoE and extra splash, fire and chaos damage.

It would both be the boss and sole mob of the map.

I hope that the Awakening also adresses the pack size and the collision box "problem". If not in the initial release then the next mini-patch.
Peterking72 wrote:
Next thing to all this as an answer from GGG would be an Unique Map with a total of one monster and one big honkin' tree in the middle.

If you go near the three a Unique drop-bear, which would look like a giant Panda descends in an instant with a 500% increased AoE and extra splash, fire and chaos damage.

It would both be the boss and sole mob of the map.

I hope that the Awakening also adresses the pack size and the collision box "problem". If not in the initial release then the next mini-patch.

Somehow this fantasy really entertained me.

And also made me think.. would be cool if there was some map types that would just open up a boss encounter with 1 very well rewarding boss.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Jul 1, 2015, 3:17:54 PM
Well the idea was for it to drop a very rare, high level unique if you manage to not die in it's initial attack.
However I only can imagine some very uber armored, all res capped build surviving it.

To delve further into this fantasty:

1.variation: When the Koala dropped the initial attack would destroy it's body and spawn smaller zombie panda's in the wake.

2.--- Uber Crazy--- variation: The Panda can drop both vertically and horizontally!!!

3.variation: Missed hit's against the monster would cause lesser support pandas to spawn beside the unique. Imagine someone with low hit chance to fight this Panda. He would be swimming in mobs in seconds!

4.---Craziest--- variation: When the Panda dies it has 65% chance to perform a summoning cry that summons: Kung-fu Panda. Hilarity ensues. Possible lawsuits from Dreamworks and Paramount.

OK, getting back to the ground of reality:

I am too the fan of single boss encounters. However there has to be some way of refilling the flasks in the case of PoE. In the Dominus fight that could be achieved by killing miscreations that come out from the machine on the far side of the arena.

I always imagined that one day there could be a dragon-boss fight. Alas we still don't have dragons.
In a very old post I suggested GGG that they add them as unique monsters or map bosses.
I mean there were some giant sea monsters at some point in Wreaclast, suggested by the remains, most prominently by the entrance to the Cavern of Wrath. Dragons would be just one step further.
Someone suggested in that old post that they were killed by leaping spiders that use flicker strike. How sad and also ROFLMAO.

I just hope that if there will be dragons in the future, they will be done with careful considerations. I mean AoE, fire damage(most destructive element), size issues etc...

I've heard that Devourers hit you as they emerge, but never bothered testing this behavior. And it was the major complaint since it somehow bypassed Immortal Call? I don't know whether that's an artifact of desync or latency or what or it's hard-coded into the game.

I don't know how the beta will affect this.
Last edited by DeviantLightning on Jul 2, 2015, 5:03:27 PM
Love those guys!
I've heard that Devourers hit you as they emerge, but never bothered testing this behavior.

What do you mean by that? Testing?
There is no testing in PoE. You are either playing it or not.
You know they're a common enemy in Act 2 forest areas. So if by "testing" you mean you have never encountered them, then why bother coming into a thread specifically about them?

I'm sure that they're not hard-coded since they were not present in the original first release of PoE. They were added later, don't remember the exact time, but sometimes before the SotV expansion I think. Not sure though because there was a 3 month period right after the SotV release when I was unable to play due to very bad net connection. Those were dark times.

I think these "occurences" is more of a desync problem than programming. Although desync can occur because bad programming, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. When I play with good net connection I almost never experience these "devourer mishaps" and they are not always deadly, sometimes there is only one of them appearing this way and the others appear as "intended".

I hope that deterministic lockstep will improve the situation.

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