An extremely important appeal and request to GGG about BETA

It's not that i do not agree with you on some points, it's the fact your solutions are often such hyperbolic extremes that make me think you are trolling 90% of the time.

And try to find a single time when i claimed crit is fine, you probably won't find it. Crit is still superb because of lack of options to increase dps on non-crit builds and the elemental status generation crit gets for free.
Just slapping +x% more damage on RT or gating nodes behind it won't help because not everyone has access to that part of the tree for example.
This has been discussed more times than i can count, there have been countless threads regarding this.

So while some parts of your feedback i can agree upon, some just sound like pure nonsense to me and thus why my responses are in such a way.

Also GGG doesn't listen to anyone, they follow their vision. It's the reason Blood Magic has been a leveling-only keystone for almost 3 years, they thought it was strong even tho no one used it in endgame except low life builds and some niche builds that don't need much buffs from auras/heralds. And even in 2.0 it won't be that good because mana sustain should be easier now so no real reason to go BM.

Also i do not understand what makes you a "legit" player, while i am not, or anyone from the list you mentioned.

[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Just wow, i have no words if you seriously or not...
So let's start with little bit points:
Mannoth wrote:

i do not understand what makes you a "legit" player, while i am not, or anyone from the list you mentioned.

Is it you who start offtop for no reason?
Since when helping with real and productive arguments called trolling?

Just in case you forgot:
Mannoth wrote:
Ugh this is coming from the same guy who posted "The Dream" thread:

And who thinks, and i quote:
TreeOfDead wrote:

Resolute Technique must get bonus or as added new nodes with 200-300% more melee physical damage to catch up with the damage from crits.
Reduce the basic multiplier from 150% to 105-108%

TreeOfDead wrote:

- Every Melee phys dmg and Phys dmg must be buffed x3-x5 times.

Atziri's Step:

Increase the values ​​of: each roll, and especially this one - % Chance to Dodge Spell Damage! And Life

Alpha's Howl:
After fixing snapshot this one will be trashed and vendored, so buff it strong.

Increase the values ​​of: each roll, and especially this one - % reduced Mana Reserved (12-25); +3 to Level of Aura Gems in this item

Atziri's Disfavour:
Very weak Unique for such hard way to farm (and this uber expensive as hell) and RAREST drop rate you ever create with NO damage, very disappointed and poorly balanced unique, not worth that much farming and such a low drop. Buff DPS, buff every roll and add new mods, make it a beast, not trash as it now.

Increase the values ​​of: each roll, and especially this - Adds Physical Damage; + to Weapon range (5-8); + to Level of Support Gems in this item; Add +1(2) level of gems in this item

Pledge of Hands:

Increase the values ​​of: each roll, and especially this - % increased Spell Damage

Hyrri's Ire:

Increase the values ​​of: each roll

Also must stack or give more chances for Acrobatics and gave every node from Acrobatics and after.

are solid and good ideas.

Its called internet bullying/humiliation if im not mistake. As i said eng not my first, so can be wrong. You didnt make any argument or say where im wrong there, just want to troll or some worse.
If you want to know whats trolling means, re-read your post, its pretty clear help you understand.

Now other stuff:
Mannoth wrote:
It's not that i do not agree with you on some points, it's the fact your solutions are often such hyperbolic extremes that make me think you are trolling 90% of the time.

Thank you for agreeing, i really think it will help PoE and GGG, no trolling here for sure.
Yes i know that i hyperbolic some times, but otherwise GGG and community don't hear me, and i must and try to be clear with it, have very little time and still want to help and make to seen my points, so i hyperbolic sometime, but not extremes as you think.

Trolling = emotions, mostly bad emotions, not what you mean, where you saw trolling in my Open Post... no idea. I try to make more balance and even in my thread you linked i still believe it was right (mostly).

Mannoth wrote:
Just slapping +x% more damage on RT or gating nodes behind it won't help because not everyone has access to that part of the tree for example.

I know, but it is TEMPORARY solution, i think its better then NO solution AT ALL!
Your point is: Yes Crits superior as FUCK, but its fine for now we must play as is.
When TEMP solution will make more balance until GGG find better solutions. Yes it not perfect, but at least its something...

And by the way, please re-read my thread i make another better solution, if you so much don't like my first solution, about Crits: lower crit multiplier and make harder chance to hit.

I make more solutions and suggestions, but i think you didnt read any of them, and still call me a troll for nothing, for no reason, bcs i tried to help game i like and company i respect! If i dont like PoE i would NEVER make such post and thread, wasted my limited time on typing it and thinking how fix any of those problem.

Necropolis master craft service Necropolis My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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After reading that thread:
I have even stronger feeling and more reason to ask to delay (prolong) BETA for longer (some months longer) to balance game around real and legit players, not nolifers or streamers with free items/maps/gifts/rmt/bots

We need actual anti-bot protection.

GGG need to make actual tree and change life leech rate for non Vaal Pact Resolute Technique builds with 82+ lvl maps with fine Item Quantity mods.
Marauder area looks just like shit. Need to waste TON useless node to get at least not so bad build, can't run most maps, almost no leech, no defense.
Self-casters have bad defense, like no more defense.

AA ruined to hell.

Temp Shield nerfed: LESS block and high CD... thats pure shit gem now. Still too much reserved mana.

Map drop... no words here, GGG don't make any sense here at all, maybe they wanted to stop HvC from 100 lvl in 2 weeks, but he can get free maps from viewers and RMT, so its not a choice. He will get it in time he wanted.

Null's Inclination still SO OPieOP as hell! Nerf it before adding to the game! You will make it legacy pretty fast because it SO MUCH broken OP and super IMBALANCED item, totally broke game and make SELFCAST summoners unplayable bad.
I think GGG wanted to make it legacy after in Standard droped some of them, but its only ruin game MORE.
Marauder area still bad, and after life leech changes and VP changes, will look worse.

Ranged area got super buffed with VP almost free.

Cyclone have very low base damage when other got huge buffed.

Aura must be changed for little less reservation: High = 45%, Mid = 30%, Low = 18%
And Haste must be buffed to make more interested.

Div cards have bad drop rate for legit players and totally high rate for bots.

Life leech now super bad for melees and caster.

Not calculated AOE for players, it just worse for melee, thats it.

Gems not buffed/nerfed that request it. Like Flameblast nerf and Multistrike buff for example (more in my 1st post and 2th post)

Many bugs and unbalanced tree.

Still no more skill points? Why?
No skill point from Dominus
No more skill point from Act 4, that most hard Act ingame and just 1 point????

Harder path bcs more useless attributes node and worse marauder/mana area.
Necropolis master craft service Necropolis My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Necropolis craft PM: TreeOfDead
Useful thread, thanks for making it! I'd love to hear GGG's reasoning if they disagree with that though.

Poe needed more beta testing and optimization because Beta is a mess right now... so many changes just for the sake of change and still no one of there changes corrected and balanced.

Balance team have a lot more melee buffs to implement i think
We haven't even beta testes the whole of Act 4 and new endgame zone
Quest reward's looks awful bad and no skill point added
Answer one question:

Why should something that requires zero investment (RT), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

I look forward to your detailed and in depth response.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Answer one question:

Why should something that requires zero investment (RT), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

I look forward to your detailed and in depth response.

It's not detailed but RT does not require zero investment. You also need to take nodes that increase your damage. You take much less nodes that increase your damage when you go crit.
Jojas wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Answer one question:

Why should something that requires zero investment (RT), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

I look forward to your detailed and in depth response.

It's not detailed but RT does not require zero investment. You also need to take nodes that increase your damage. You take much less nodes that increase your damage when you go crit.

Shh, dont say it, he can hear you.

Hey SL4Y3R, Why should something that requires zero investment (EB), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (MoM), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (MI), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (CI), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (AB), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (VP), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (PA), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (PB), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

Why should something that requires zero investment (IR), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?
Etc etc

Now you get it? Or still not?

Also you didnt read my previously thread with some arguments and other thread about RT, and that one you didnt read.

RT HAVE HUGE FKING NEGATIVE EFFECT! Get it? Its not a free node, you need to take ton useless shitty node to take RT! When you take RT you also NEED even MORE node to be AT LEAST half as good as crit build. Crit chance and chance to hit are SUPER easy to stack and get fine amount to play even without invest. Crit multiplier are very high and super easy to stack and affect ALL source of damage. Etc etc etc etc etc, but you and other troll never get it, bcs you not interested in balance as GGG.


BTW: Bad news everyone!
GGG wont delay BETA and leave game as is in BETA now, so we will have a game without balance and nerfs.

Tree nerfed - Check
No more skill points from Act or something - Check
Marauder tree area nerfed - Check
Defense ruined - Check
AA and TS ruined - Check
Aura not balanced - Check
Life leech and marauder ruined - Check
No more map drop for 99% - Check
No defense from bots - Check
Ton new bugs and issue - Check
Many oneshot mechanics - Check
Self-casters and Mana users ruined - Check
Null's Inclination Bow will be released broken and OP ingame and ruin summoners
Elemental Proliferation, Poison Arrow, Discharge, Flameblast, etc still OP and buffed - Check
Useless gems not buffed at all or nerfed - Check
More passive points? Nah, better add a lot of useless attribute node and make harder path - Check

There even more, but GGG didnt read that thread, thanks who help and agree, but GGG make a decision to release in hurry without balancing. Sad, i was hope to see a better balance.
Necropolis master craft service Necropolis My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Necropolis craft PM: TreeOfDead
Jojas wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Answer one question:

Why should something that requires zero investment (RT), be *equal* to something that requires you to have specific affixes on gear, as well as taking a large part of your nodes in the tree?

I look forward to your detailed and in depth response.

It's not detailed but RT does not require zero investment. You also need to take nodes that increase your damage. You take much less nodes that increase your damage when you go crit.

You cherry pick. It's the same with crit. You take only the best, worthwhile nodes. But it requires ZERO gear investment. No crit chance, no crit dmg, no accuracy, but you still need dmg mods for both.

You're asking for equality, when they aren't equal. I agree that surgeons mod should go, but other than that, you're asking for two things to be equal. Which they shouldn't be.
SL4Y3R wrote:

You're asking for equality, when they aren't equal. I agree that surgeons mod should go

Please link me exactly where i asked for it? Exactly that request please, not close or something else, just link to where i asked equality and when.

You did not read any of my msg
Start offtop
Start complain and false discussion about your false imagination at my old thread that long time non bumped here
Not answered on any of my counter question
Can't make any counter argument on answered question
Still reply to another guy, when there was unanswered question

Pretty mature from you...
Necropolis master craft service Necropolis My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Necropolis veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
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Veiled crafting Service Necropolis craft PM: TreeOfDead
TreeOfDead wrote:


BTW: Bad news everyone!
GGG wont delay BETA and leave game as is in BETA now, so we will have a game without balance and nerfs.

Tree nerfed - Check
No more skill points from Act or something - Check
Marauder tree area nerfed - Check
Defense ruined - Check
AA and TS ruined - Check
Aura not balanced - Check
Life leech and marauder ruined - Check
No more map drop for 99% - Check
No defense from bots - Check
Ton new bugs and issue - Check
Many oneshot mechanics - Check
Self-casters and Mana users ruined - Check
Null's Inclination Bow will be released broken and OP ingame and ruin summoners
Elemental Proliferation, Poison Arrow, Discharge, Flameblast, etc still OP and buffed - Check
Useless gems not buffed at all or nerfed - Check
More passive points? Nah, better add a lot of useless attribute node and make harder path - Check

more than half of things on this list are either 1)plain wrong 2)awfully misguided 3)not related to beta at all

tree nerfed- wat ? is this a real complaint ?
no more skill points - second half of act 4 is not out yet.
marauder tree area nerfed - plain wrong
defense ruined- a weird blanket statement that doesnt make much sense. the best defenses in the game still exist and are doing well
AA is not ruined, its better than ever against bigger hits, just a different concept altogether
TS ruined- plain wrong. TS is very strong still. its just split is now god tier level
marauder ruined- wat ?
no defense from bots- irrelevant to beta. bots have existed, do exist and will exist.
many oneshot mechanics- irrelevant to beta, there were oneshot mechanics when you joined the game in 2013
aura not balanced- on the contrary, auras are in a pretty good spot, but thats subjective I guess
nulls inclination is not broken and is not op

elemental prolif still OP and buffed ? are you even playing the beta ? that shit is garbage in the beta. this statement is just plain wrong, completely

honestly, the more I read your posts in this thread as Im typing up the response, the more I feel like I shouldnt have wasted time replying to this. you actually think streamers and nolifers are not 'legit', 'real' players because they spend a lot of time playing this game. *sigh*

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