Ive never seen so many locked threads

Boem wrote:
TheWretch wrote:
On the front page of GD. GGG what gives?

Salt of epic proportions.

If your in the pickle business, its a golden dawn.



Thanks for the new sig.


"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
I did a search for locked threads. It turns out there are exact 11211 of them. Amazing!
They way i see it, if you don't like the way GGG has dealt with Beta, play something else. I am sick to death of these Entitled bratz.. Just because you played over 5 billion hours doesn't mean GGG owe you anything, if anything you should be grateful..
Its basicly dmg controll. GGG messed up big time, and now its not particulary nice having tens of threads reminding them about it.

Better to get rid of it all.
If your thread gets locked... You get a BETA Key !
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Mine were getting directly deleted yesterday for no reason, so it's progress.
If you keep making threads on the same shit that's already been brought up they'll lock it, most of those looked like QQ beta threads and as such should be locked as there are already threads enough to add your opinion.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
deathspenalty wrote:
Its basicly dmg controll. GGG messed up big time, and now its not particulary nice having tens of threads reminding them about it.

Better to get rid of it all.


The moderators just notice that so many topics are about beta invites, so it just makes sense to create a temporary subforum for it.
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There's a fresh new lockbot crawling the forum, hunts down threads with "11211" in content.
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