Why self-found needs its own league

KZA wrote:
FadeXF wrote:
KZA - aren't you that guy who just PKs HC players at the bandit quests?

IF YES: Why would you want a self found league: no one wants to play with you now??

IF NO: Disregard my last question. ;)

I'm that girl that PKs HC players yes, but that's not all I do. I enjoy HC PKing because its very competetive and challenging with high stakes- same reasons I want a self found league.

I still don't believe that picture is you.
Standard Forever
KZA wrote:
FadeXF wrote:
KZA - aren't you that guy who just PKs HC players at the bandit quests?

IF YES: Why would you want a self found league: no one wants to play with you now??

IF NO: Disregard my last question. ;)

I'm that girl that PKs HC players yes, but that's not all I do. I enjoy HC PKing because its very competetive and challenging with high stakes- same reasons I want a self found league.

Why aren't you participating in the PvP competitions? They could certainly use another player.
You really enjoy pk-ing other HC players?
Jesus,you are hot,pk me please!
Last edited by And1111 on Feb 24, 2015, 11:06:12 PM
iamstryker wrote:
KZA wrote:
FadeXF wrote:
KZA - aren't you that guy who just PKs HC players at the bandit quests?

IF YES: Why would you want a self found league: no one wants to play with you now??

IF NO: Disregard my last question. ;)

I'm that girl that PKs HC players yes, but that's not all I do. I enjoy HC PKing because its very competetive and challenging with high stakes- same reasons I want a self found league.

I still don't believe that picture is you.

how about my video?

but than you can buy a item with another char put it in the chest and look o what a wonder my self found char found a new item just in my chest :D
well then you have to implement that evry item who get once traded gets flagged so it puts down the self found from the char when it gets equipped.

But im fine with trading normaly i just have the dream that once i be abel to craft my own only T1 gear but since i start playing i didnt finde one eternal orb so this dream is realy far away :D but dream big it says
KZA wrote:
DestroTheGod wrote:
I have finally determined the solution for self-found players. I 100% know the ideal solution for self-found players that would completely satisfy both them and GGG. Seriously, this idea I'm going to state is genius:

Give every new character the 'self-found' status icon. It would give a few identification perks like an icon on the ladder, and friends list/party list. This way, players get to track theirselves competitively on the ladder, AND play safe found.

Self-found status is lost as soon as you accept an item in trade chat.

I'm pretty sure this would solve everything.

You can thank me later.

Wow, that's pretty brilliant. I like it a lot except you can still party with people who have traded, who can potentially faceroll content for you and thus help you farm. It's a step in the right direction though!

If you enter a non-town area in a party with somebody else who isn't self-found status, as a self-found player, then you lose your self-found status.

Easy, peasy, solutions.

This might seem nonintuitive, but then again, the entire process of playing self-found is exactly that.
Last edited by DestroTheGod on Feb 24, 2015, 11:21:58 PM
DestroTheGod wrote:
KZA wrote:
DestroTheGod wrote:
I have finally determined the solution for self-found players. I 100% know the ideal solution for self-found players that would completely satisfy both them and GGG. Seriously, this idea I'm going to state is genius:

Give every new character the 'self-found' status icon. It would give a few identification perks like an icon on the ladder, and friends list/party list. This way, players get to track theirselves competitively on the ladder, AND play safe found.

Self-found status is lost as soon as you accept an item in trade chat.

I'm pretty sure this would solve everything.

You can thank me later.

Wow, that's pretty brilliant. I like it a lot except you can still party with people who have traded, who can potentially faceroll content for you and thus help you farm. It's a step in the right direction though!

If you enter a non-town area in a party with somebody else who isn't self-found status, as a self-found player, then you lose your self-found status.

Easy, peasy, solutions.

This might seem nonintuitive, but then again, the entire process of playing self-found is exactly that.

Works for me. Can anyone think of a reason not to implement this?
Self-found does not need its own league. It would be nice if it had its own ladder, so players who want to compete under the playstyle can do so against other like-minded players.

However, it is not as simple as "if this character trades, it loses self-found." Usually players have traded items in their stash, so characters with the label shouldn't be able to access it - either no stash or a separate one. I think I'd actually prefer to see the "no stash" version since it's harder. :3

There would also be the question of partying. It might be considered unfair to have a non-SF player rush you, even if no items change hands. Or it might be considered fair game. Not sure.

In no instance should self-found players be afforded any advantage or "compensation" for their choice of playstyle. It should be about competition.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 24, 2015, 11:47:07 PM
You mean why self-found needs its own ladder.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
KZA wrote:
I enjoy HC PKing because its very competetive and challenging with high stakes

I have nothing to add except a lol at that.

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