Developer Questions and Answers

masuo112 wrote:
Trading system, when is it gonna happen? Will it ever hapen?

That's all I wanna know.

Pretty much ^^
1st Hideout of the week: view-thread/1059888
Gears & Builds history:
Will the people who bought the supporter pack with the poster of the skilltree get an downloadable up to date skilltree?
I love my poster but i would like to be able to print a high quality print of the up to date skill tree.

Playing since 0.9.2g
Here are some middling-higher level questions about the structure of the company(and the trickle-down of its product(POE))

What is the current direction of GGG as a company? What are its monetary and business goals? Does GGG plan to monetize beyond microtransactions?

Diablo 2 was a great game for a long time because it was designed very well. POE is the same, plus the addition of rolling in new content every few months really keeps the fan base engaged and active. What are the plans for the future? What's next?
Is there any progress in bringing POE servers to South America?
Pretty sure there are some brazilian players looking forward to that.
Most of us don't mind translation to portuguese.
Dendocast wrote:
Will you guys ever add javelins into the game? Melee striking or throwing with a one handed weapon is a cool idea like it was in Diablo 2 while holding a shield, I miss it and would like to see it in PoE.


Sadly.. this wont happen

At a point GGG had the opportunity to implement throwing weapons which would have add a shitload of diversity to the game and also create a new category of idea where they could use diaeternal designs.

Instead they prefered to go the easy,lazy, boring and diversitykilling way. They implemented Spectral throw.

The one thing different from ST that throwing weapons could do, is that it could be use with puncture and elemental hit, hybrid skills (melee and range), which would be awesome playstyle wise and gemslot wise
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
anone wrote:
Lots of people pointing out (whining) that end game items aren't really attainable - Shavronne's Wrappings being the most mentioned one I believe.

How about we would have skill node(s) decreasing chaos dmg taken, much like we have VP and Acuitie's.

Some food for thought.
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
I know summoners are in a pretty good spot but will there ever be range minions (not spectres) but like the skeleton mages in d2. And speaking of, will we ever have shape-shifting in poe. Please give us shape-shifting
Last edited by Vitt4300 on Feb 23, 2015, 9:05:47 AM
I know it's the same vexed question all the time, but do you have anything scheduled up for improving desync issues?
All we'd need would be to sync the character positions (2 floats) every second or so to get rid of 90% of cases. Is this really impossible due to bandwith constraints?

It sometimes feels like you try to rely on desync for making the game harder. Every single race people will die to desyncing in the 1-2 mob wide tunnels in lower/upper submerged. Desync undeniably adds another layer of skill to get through there alive.
What is your stance on this? Is this a conscious design decision?

Second question:
Any plans for making monster auras visible while in water? Or is that intended?
I don't think I need to elaborate why this is necessary.
Last edited by MauranKilom on Feb 23, 2015, 9:14:29 AM
1. When will you add damage indicators?
2. Next pair of leagues will be like "Beyond" (new game mechanic) or like "Bloodlines" (new monster mods)? if you ask me, i prefer Beyond :)
3. Why i can use vaal skill 3 times with "multistrike", 2 times with "spell echo" and can't throw 3 mines with "multiple traps"? (so we have multi-use of vaal skills with Intelligence and Strength skills, but we don't have Dex analog for this)
Last edited by Vadik on Feb 23, 2015, 9:13:01 AM
The questions I have are addressed elsewhere in this post, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to say "Thank you for asking us." It's this kind of interaction that sets GGG apart from just about every other game developer, and it's a big reason why I'm still playing regularly, and $upporting you when I can. Keep up the great work.
"Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom."
Play with honour and show some class -
Zarabeth - Level 89 Ranger
Wicked Wanda - Level 87 Witch
Xarabeth - Level 79 Scion
Last edited by OldeSchool on Feb 23, 2015, 9:07:41 AM

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