New Skill Development - Part 2

Enduring Cry, endurance charges themselves are not very strong. Immortal Call is an insane cast spell, and is the main reason why self-cast is still viable. Nerfing the wrong side of the problem here I think, GGG. People have invested a lot into some IC setups for IC.

This is the same thing with Herald of Thunder and Curse on Hit, except instead of Herald of Thunder being a huge issue as a hit, it's mostly Curse on Hit's condition to trigger is way too simple.

I'll also mention how bland Reduced Mana is. All you're doing is reducing your links by one to lower the cost of auras or skills, rather than having conditions where you have to sacrifice something less globally punishing for something so rewarding. A good example how Reduced Mana shoul be handled is Blood Magic (both the Keystone/nodes behind it and the gem itself); you've got the trade-off of using life for the linked gems to offset mana problems.

Lots of conflicting ideas/balance in general currently exists, I think.

<Generic word> Cry has to be some of the most uncreative designing and naming I've seen. The comparison between Enduring Cry and this Abyssal Cry is insane as well. It's like you're trying to have unity between gems, at least with their names, when they have no correlation outside of the name. Abyssal Cry is more like a suicidal Temporal Chains debuff to large groups than something that will more directly affect the caster like Enduring Cry. And what use does movement speed reduction actually have when the enemy is already on top of you?

Poor design for that gem. Really poor.

If you want real suggestions I can come up with something better than that in 5 minutes. To be perfectly honest, it's looking like you are running dry on ideas or someone over at GGG is building gems around way too specific scenarios.
Last edited by Trollenstein on Feb 17, 2015, 1:26:39 AM
Another thing I might add in for you to chew on (if you actually read the comments on your posts..):

Current curses are pretty dynamic but a lot are underused. I think a big portion of this problem has to do with the one-curse default limit. The way you get around that limitation is risky as hell or using very specific items. Even then, you're limited to a few curses and curse combinations. The choice to go multicurse in any build, even with just gear, completely warps the build/forces it into a corner.

You are making these "Cry" gems seem more like existing curses, worse than them even, but more specific for their use. I think some curses are quite stupid (X charge on kill with no real effect during its duration on the enemy) but a lot of them are really cool yet no one uses them.

If there was a way to easily use more curses at once, and Curse on Hit + Cast when damage taken/Immortal Call were replaced by something far less bland/easily triggered, you wouldn't need to warp Enduring Cry, release shit gems like Abyssal Cry, or waste developer time on skills like this.

Really disappointed in these skill dev posts..
Last edited by Trollenstein on Feb 17, 2015, 1:41:43 AM
As long as you gut phys reflect we should get along GGG. You wouldn't force phys builds to use acuity?

Also it wouldnt hurt to nerf the phys damage spikes either. Since we have desyncing bone rhoas?

Wouldn't cut if to just up armor effectiveness in this case you know. Since, well not everyone uses armor.

Wait just a moment...

You are doing all of this because of some new skill gems? I mean you must do most of the things in my post, they are after all the logical outcome. Geez GGG, you sure like to work
The Hyperbomber for 2.6:
Abyssal Cry looks interesting... will the chaos damage on explosions be scalable? such as with %chaos damage passives?
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
No CwdT+EC+IC? Rip half of melee builds and probably third of ranged builds.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
But what about spell echo?

If this change would become true, then you couldn't generate two end charges in pvp for example?

I dont think this is a good idea.
Redblade wrote:
oddshocks wrote:
Stirnwand wrote:
Without CWDT + EC + IC, what can we do against devourers and jumping frogs?

I'm definitely interested in what strategies will arise to deal with these scenarios in the wake of these Warcry changes.

There is only two defenses against devourers, CwDT IC setup and max block. Was chunked just the other day by a few for 2,5-3k damage each with 15k armor, evasion will only save you until it doesn't.

Edit: If this change goes through EC needs to have it's CD cut by at the very least half as well.

But it's still be unfunny to have to cast it manually, the same as it's unfunny to met bunch of frogs/devourers on non-cold/non-crit/non-summoner/no-EC-IC-CwDT caster to be raped in a blink of second.

But it seems that GGG folks like to be raped so I don't have much hope for sensible alternative. I only hope that Reds will not delay their production more and I still can't care about PoE as I'm taking break since May :)
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
will you create some more interactive warc ries? like i am using a war cry and all enemies in its range getting sucked to my hero so i can kill them with a big sweap or something? becasue i think sweap and so maybe used by less than 1% of the gamers! or one which pushing enemies away like a protection? or stunning them? btw i made a rly nice stunning char but the problem still is that with a crit char i get way more dps and with high end items i even dont have a downgrade on surviving becasue i will alwayse have atleast 5k es with block what is way better than anny 3k life with even 90% armour reduction!
ING Infuriateground
I only play one character, which is a pure melee slayer.
As far as i'm concerned, i already self cast EC & IC, but i understand that removing compatibility with CWDT would hurt some of us.

What frightens me the most is the "no spell echo with EC anymore" thing.
Most of us already pointed the significant hit to defense for melee builds (talking about close combat there).

Unfortunately, that would also be the case for the offense.
When you are on a 1 VS 1 fight (boss alone for example), you will then have to cast EC & IC twice as often (every 3 seconds, at best).
Remember than during that time, you deal absolutely no damage at all.
Taking more time to protect yourself than actually attacking sounds annoying enough to make melee builds more unattractive than they already are.

GGG, i sincerely hope you'll keep that in mind...

Effectively killing the cwdt + ED + IC combo simply destroys any builds without high physical damage mitigation. RIght now evasion is somewhat playable, because you can live through rare damage spikes with triggered EC+IC. There is no person in this world that can play through certain map mods on a melee class without the triggered phys immunity. Especially with the great performance issues the game has from time to time, lag spikes, desyncs etc. the CWDT setup was the single best thing that happened to this game. Removing it will destabilize the whole gameplay and drive away players who are not willing to spend weeks perfecting a character and their playstyle.

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