New Skill Development - Part 2

warcry trigger gems needed
Removing EC from triggers sounds like an extremely big change. I know I'd be tired of hitting the EC button every few seconds like I used to be, but on the other hand it'd be a sure fix for the current ec+ic trigger trivialising physical damage.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Rory wrote:
The possibility of having "Warcries" not be spells or attacks was suggested during development; This would mean they can have a very fast use speed, as they wouldn't be affected by Cast Speed from the passive tree or support gems. This would make them better for attack characters that have no increases to Cast Speed. It would also mean that Enduring Cry and the new Warcry skills aren't affected by "Cast" trigger gems, which solves a problem discussed earlier.

This would be a huge change, but to be honest, I'd like to see it. That almost mandatory 4L with 4R sockets is getting annoying.
Isnt "-26% reduced" means 26% increased?
Last edited by kongyuyu on Feb 16, 2015, 8:41:15 PM
I have 3 things to say :

1) I hope its a real taunt, not a weakass fake taunt like Enduring cry

2) I hope that there is a cry coming that does "Enemies are X% faster but deal y% less damage"

3) Keep the good work
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
looks awesome!
8/8 Overachiever
would this work on minions in PvP?
Yes, kill IC/EC/CwDT. I think we all know that it's far better for the game in the long run. Saying that the reason it might not happen is that it affects existing characters is effectively admitting that you're allowing the game to be held back by prior mistakes. Address the resulting issues, like physical reflect, in their own right; don't let the mandatory 4L bandaid hold the rest of the game hostage. Moreover, all the "cast" and "spell" tag support gems are clearly balanced with offensive destruction magic-style abilities in mind, with the support stuff as an afterthought. CwDT and Echo both directly penalize damage as their primary way of balancing their different improvements to temp. If you implement Warcries as "cast" now, you will only create headaches for yourself down the road, because you'll be forced to balance them around the superior abusive cases resulting from the "cast" tag being far too general.

On the other hand, imagine a "Warcry Improve on Damage Taken" support that allows for a double-effectiveness Warcry, but locks it like a Vaal gem until a certain damage threshold is reached. This would further push warcries as a reward for frontlines melee builds. Removing the "cast" tag makes space for far better options that fit the combat role of these new skills more.

In a game like PoE, being able to specialize further is nearly always a good thing. This opens up powerful warcry radius/effectiveness/speed options. This is the unique, exclusive kind of buff that melee needs, and there's no sense in tying them to a caster stat because "spell" has historically been the catch-all bin for "skill that isn't a direct damage attack." Make the change you know you need to make. The minor cost of player education isn't worth the uncountable cost of the 5+year future of the game, and melee specifically.

Also consider making warcries grant additional pseudotargets for magic/rare/unique monsters.
Last edited by Uvne on Feb 16, 2015, 9:00:04 PM
As a relatively new player, I just recently set up my 4L red sockets Enduring Cry / Immortal Call on my main. But, I'm on Torment, and by the time these changes come, I'll likely be playing a new league.

From an objective standpoint, these seem like good changes. Will drastically affect link setups and skill usage though, obviously.

No matter what, I love to see changes and updates coming from GGG. Keep it up, and your community will remain. :)

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