GGG.. youre giving out a warning to hackers... why?

Csamilg wrote:
Direct ban isnt so cruel?.
I do not have a good system and therefore settings "texture_quality = 6" am playing and I have to use the Particle Disable command.
I find this option in just a hack program. Even if the system enables me to play this game is bad even receive alerts so can is not boring?

edit : and this not make me rich to!

They give ban for this, only for using effect!
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Eh, in PC gaming, there will always be an arms race between the developers anti-cheat guys and the cheaters. Can't get around it. Truth is, I took a comp sci intro class (as an elective, I'm actually going into the medical field), and a few of the guys in there were also gamers who said they wanted to make cheats for their favorite online games.

It is what it is, and it's up to the devs to maintain the integrity of their game. A game can endure a few cheaters (who tend to be the guys with inventories full of goodies and a bunch of firsts, hardcore types), but when it becomes so rampant that the community starts talking about it, it's a problem.

I hope the devs stay on top of it though. I love these kinds of games, and there aren't many good ones out there. I'd like to see this game go on for years to come with regular updates, and I'm happy to spend my money here, but if it starts to suck, well, I didn't major in comp sci, and I don't have the time to teach myself asm/c++/winapi/reversing/d3d/network analysis and all the other crap to make hacks, so I'll go to games where it's less rampant, and quite frankly, I don't have any regrets, because the playerbase by and large is smart enough when online games are losing integrity with their security. I cheated in games when I was a teenager, and I never felt good after it. I almost get it if they're doing it for money, but prestige? It's like taking a helicopter to the top of a mountain and trying to compare the feeling with those who are climbing it, you know deep down you feel 1/1000000th as good to the point of regret.

But on a final note, I'll say that a decade ago there were hardly any pc game hackers compared to what there are today... like I said, a lot of kids go to school just to learn to do that and major in comp sci thinking about that as their final goal, to be a badass game hacker, whether it's for fun or profit, and that's why it's going to be in every game you play on the PC. Consoles suck though.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't be cheap on your gamesec guys, GGG!
In-game: WrongHoleBaby
Last edited by Sepelion on Jan 27, 2015, 8:01:40 PM
I was send 2 day before test result on fps - this disable effect things and they send "ban" =) and i was make a suggestion they dont listen at all =) it was funny and mysuggestion to adding this option on game "disable effects" this can be more kindly behavior for all player cuz a lot people use those app for more fps isnt it ?. All people dont use cheat some people use for those healty playing, i was dead 200+ times, i was have 2 94lvl character and never have mirror orb but with that app make this game more playeble.
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