Dualwield Crit Groundslam Log

my wife left me
my wife left me

its ok u have me
Alternative theory build
Phys to light, yo.
Last edited by treta on Jan 7, 2015, 7:46:59 PM

Diff balance, though ranger start more ideal for this tree:

Last edited by Languidness on Jan 8, 2015, 11:02:41 PM
treta wrote:
Alternative theory build

I don't think that dual catalyst is viable with investment solely into duelist and ranger area. It is necessary to get either disembowelling or galvanic hammer, along with some mace nodes for pure phys damage. Also, that life really isn't feasible even in SC.

And now, taking into languid's suggestions, I made a last new tree. Take a look. This is the best tree from duelist start, or in duelist/ranger area, unless you want to get 200%+ life, for which my current tree seems good(look at the previous page). Feel feel to go for more attack speed instead of the phys damage nodes.

Also, regarding optimisations for cyclone, yes, that was a major part of my thought process. For example, movespeed nodes, master of the arena, acro, more phys damage than attack speed, etc. Also, that reduced mana stuff seems really neat, since you were running basically a 6l cyclone on a 5l, since you don't need blood magic. That explains how your damage got so high.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Last edited by Etherfire on Jan 8, 2015, 4:16:03 AM


My planned tree. Ranger start.

Hopefully reaching critcap through 5 power charges, increased crit% gem and lots of crit% on gear.

Undecided on chest, and if I should use Darkray Vectors or now. Pros would be 7 frenzy charges for 3 skillpoints, along with 14dodge and 35 movespeed (speedy!). Downside is that Bloodrage is needed, so 4% life degen per sec (if I somehow get to 50% chaos res it'll no longer be a problem).
IGN Iiyoru (Ambush League)
Finally got 6L Coil. Using Inc AOE, so still 100k DPS GS.


"of Fending" is a really interesting mod to consider on utility flasks. The knockback is quite nice at the speed groundslam hits at.

To-Do: Make some currency back, then maybe work on upping my crit chance somehow.
Last edited by Languidness on Jan 9, 2015, 1:36:51 AM

shadow version \o/
IGN: aMonsterTruck

Because I'm Based.
Bought a cheap Soul Taker at nuka's recommendation.

Good alternative to Prismatic if you have the cash. It allowed me to drop all my mana cost reduction nodes in favor of damage, upping my total DPS from Prismatic by a bit. Not a hugely significant DPS boost, but definitely a big QOL change. No need for mana leech, no need for blood magic on leap slam, and I get to drop HOA into Doryani's for the prolif. No huge overkills because of Multistrike, but it's nice for killing off some low HP mobs on the side. Also lets me shift my CWDT into a 4L for a full Imm call setup.

Fixes the occasional situation where I happen to run out of mana, and also makes half/no regen maps a completely free mod, whereas before I had to swap Blood Magic onto my Groundslam temporarily to ensure I wouldn't run out of mana.

Overall a pretty nice upgrade, I think. Nothing mandatory, but may be worth a look if you have the currency. You can just grab a really crappy, low DPS one since the DPS doesn't matter.

Downsides: Listening to "I have nothing more to give" over and over. No Whirling Blades - have to use Leap Slam.


Level 88

Life: 4700
DPS: 107,000




Still a bit iffy on the min-maxing on this tree, since I just respecced, but it shouldn't be too far off.

To-Do: I need more leech. Reflect is getting worse.
Last edited by Languidness on Jan 11, 2015, 2:10:32 AM

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